语法 - 代名词



  • 第一人称 主格 - I 所有格 - my 受格 - me
    主格 - We 所有格 - our 受格 - us
  • 第二人称 主格 - you 所有格 - your 受格 - you
  • 第三人称 主格 - he 所有格 - his 受格 - him
    主格 - she 所有格 - her 受格 - her
    主格 - it 所有格 - its 受格 - it
    主格 - they 所有格 - their 受格 - them

2. 主格 所有格 受格的用法

  • 主格 + 动词 He likes sports.
  • 所有格 + 动词 His friends are over there.
  • 一般动词 + 受格/介系动词 + 受格
    The girl loves him very much.
  • Who is it?
    It's I./ It's me.

3. it 的用法

  • it 可表示天候、时间、距离等
    1. It rains a lot in Taipei in Spring.
    2. It was two O'clock when he came back home.
    3. It is five kilometers from here to the airport.
      A be V. B => A = B
  • it 可表示某一状况 一多半是说话的人及听到的人都能了解的特定状况。
    1. Who knocked at the door?
      I thought it was Jack.
    2. Its all up to you.
    3. I like it here . I don't feel like it.
  • it 可当假主词 - >代替一件事
    1. It is difficult to learn Spanish.
    2. It's important that you should tell the truth.
    3. It's no use telling him about it.

4. We,you,they的特殊用法

  1. We had a heavy rain yesterday. 昨天下了一场大雨。
  2. You don't see many Chinese there.在那看不到很多中国人。
  3. They speak English in Canada.加拿大人说英语。

5. 所有代名词 = 所有格 + 名词

  • 所有代名词的形成
    第一人称:所有格 my 所有代名词 mine
    所有格 our 所有代名词 ours
    第二人称:所有格 your 所有代名词yours
    所有格 your 所有代名词 yours
    第三人称:所有格 his her its 所有代名词 his hers its
    所有格 their 所有代名词 theirs

  • 所有代名词的用法

  1. Your house is bigger than mine.(my house)
  2. My bicycles are here and his (his bicycles )are there.
  • 伴随双重所有格
    I met one of my old friend on the way home.
    I met an old friend of mine on the way home.
  • 名词的所有代名词 = 所有格
    My dog is black, and Jason's is white.

6. 反身代名词 反身代名词的形成

  • 第一、二人称 所有格 + self/selves
    第三人称 = 受格 + self/selves
    Don't be so selfish. 别那么自私。

第一人称 myself ourselves
第二人称 yourself yourselves
第三人称 himself/herself/itself themselves

  • 反身代名词的用法,主词、受词对象
  1. You always talk to yourself. 自言自语。
  2. The little girl hurt herself.
  3. He can do it himself.
    He himself can do it.
  4. I saw the singer himself.

7.指示代名词 = 指示人或事物的代名词

this (these) / that(those)

  • 一般用法 - 用于人或事物 离说话者近的用this(these);距离远的用that(those)
    This is my mask,and that is Mary's.
    Who is this?
    Who was that on the telephone?
    3.Things are easier these days.

  • 代替用法 =>代替已叙述过的字,代替单数名词
    例:The weather in Taipei is cooler than the weather that in Kaohsiung.
    Her interests are different from the interests those of her childhood.

  • SO =>作为动词的受词或补语,指前面出现过的字或句子。
    1.A:Will it be fine tomorrow?
    B:I hope so./I hope that it will be fine tomorrow.
    2.Do you still feel sick? If so, you must see the doctor.
    3.Nancy can play the violin, and so can I.
    4.She is smart.So she is.
    She is smart.So is he.

  • such 有“那样的事物;人”之意, 可当代名词,形容词
    1.They will plant flowers such as roses sunflowers.
    2.I don't know such a man.
    3.Have you tasted any such food before?

such 前可接all other any few every no 等

  • same 一般形容都加the.表示“相同的事;物” 之意
    1.A:Can I have a cup of coffee,please?
    B:Give me the same,please.
    2.He uses the same typewrites as I.

  • 不定代名词 不特定的人或物;非一定数量的
    1.Some of the boys like English.
    2.Some boys like English.

  • one /ones
    one = a/an + 单数名词,指不特定的人或物
    ones = 指不特定的人或物复数
    1.I have lost my watch and I have to buy one.
    2.I like small cars better than large ones.

  • one = a/an + 单数名词
    it = the + 单数名词
    1.Here are some apples .Take one.
    2.I bought a good camera,I'll lend it to you.

  • both / all
    both (两者都) 用于两个人或两个事物
    1、Both of her children went to New York.
    2、I've read both these papers.
    3、All of my money was stolen.
    4、You may take all these toys them all.
    1.I do not know both of her parents.
    =>I know just one of her parents.
    2.Not all of them come from England.
    Just some of them come from England.

  • either / neither
    neither : 为both的否定,表示“两者都不...” 指全部否定
    本身为否定字,不可和not 同时出现
    1.Do you know either of the visitors?
    2.I don't like both hats.(部分否定)
    I like neither of the hats.(全部否定)
    either neither 也有副词用法(也不)
    too(词尾)/so + 倒装句
    Bill didn't come to my party,and Ken didn't,either/neither did Ken.

  • some/any 一般而言,some用于肯定句
    any 用于否定句、疑问句及条件语句,可代替可数及不可数。
    1.Some of the boys were late.
    2.Some of my money was stolen from my purse.
    3.Please lend me some money if you have any.
    4.Do you have any magazines to read?
    some 可用于表示“请求;邀请”的问句
    1.Will you give me some help?
    2.How about some tea?

  • other/another
    another:从an + other 衍生而来,表:不特定的另一个别的人,事物,无复数形式
    1.I have two students.
    One is short;the other is tall.
    2.I have three flowers.
    One is red;the others are yellow.
    One is red;another is yellow;the other is pink.
    3.I don't like one;show me another/the other.
    4.Some of the boys are here,but where are the others?
    5.Some people said yes and others said no.

  • 其它:none无 、several数个、most大部分
    1.None of the telephones is/are working.
    2.Several of my friends attend the meeting.
    3.Most of it is true.
    4.Most of the people know it.
    most 可当形容词,为many、much的最高级前面可加the;most(大部分),前不加the
    1.Who got the most New Year's cards?
    2.She is the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen.


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