Day 11 Paradigms of interdependence


1. parachute (使)空降(指突然从机构外调入) If a person parachutes into an organization or if they are parachuted into it, they are brought in suddenly in order to help it.

2. I' ll sweet- talk you to your face and bad- mouth you behind your back.

这里的sweet- talk 和bad- mouth用得非常巧妙,都采取了名词作动词,并形成了鲜明对比。

3. Talk somebody's out of sth.


仿:He has tried many ways to talk me out of dropping out of school.


这个部分主要讲了 interdependence,也就是相互依赖独立,只有在independence的基础上,interdependence才有可能出现。而到interdependence这个过程是循序渐进的,就像文章所说 It's the principle of sequencing. 作者在讲述这些时用了许多例子,大部分是写家庭生活、亲子关系。一开始我不太能理解作者为什么每次都要从家出发,从家再写到公司或世界,后来突然想到中国一句古话:家不平何以平天下。可能不太恰当,但我觉得还是有点联系,以小见大是作者的写作特色之一,我特别喜欢这一点。

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