


Open source - Zetta is an open source Node.js based platform for the internet of things. It's a complete toolkit for generating HTTP APIs for devices.
开源。Zetta是一个开源的,基于Node.js的物联网平台。它是一个为设备生成http api的完整数据包。

Elegant - Using JavaScript, Zetta developers express devices as state machines using an elegant and expressive syntax. Zetta is a completely Node.js based framework that is cross platform, and easily deployable to multiple cloud services.

API driven - Zetta generates a consistent Hypermedia HTTP API for devices modeled in JavaScript. Our HTTP APIs are expressed using the Siren specification.
API驱动。Zetta为使用JavaScript建模的设备生成一致的Hypermedia HTTP API。我们的HTTP API使用Siren规范表示。

Real time - Zetta exposes websocket endpoints to stream real time events out of the Zetta system. This paradigm of merging Hypermedia with websocket streaming is also known as Reactive Hypermedia.

Protocol agnostic - Zetta can support almost all device protocols, and mediate them to HTTP.

Persistent connections - Zetta can create persistent connections between servers to expose APIs in new and unique ways. You can peer a Zetta server in your home with a server in the cloud, and allow for access to devices on the open internet.

App creation - Zetta allows you to write stateless applications that live in the server itself. You can query for devices, and wire up interactions between them in these applications. The apps run consistently whether or not your hub has internet connectivity.

Query and notification - Zetta has a robust query system that allows you to not only search for devices, but also subscribe to websockets to be notified when new devices come online that fulfill the query. The queries have a SQL-like syntax that makes it easy to wrangle devices in the API, and Zetta itself.

Consistent interfaces - Built from the ground up, Zetta solves specific problems around generating consistent interfaces for devices.



在这节教程中,我们将通过添加一个模拟设备驱动在zetta hub上来构建一个快速开始项目。拟驱动程序模拟一个简单的状态机,用于打开和关闭模拟LED,如下面的状态机符号所示:


本教程假设你已完成快速入门教程,并且“Hello Zetta”项目可以正常工作。


1 If the Zetta server is still running, hit Ctrl-c to stop it.

2 In the hello-zetta directory, install the mock driver using NPM:
npm install zetta-led-mock-driver --save

Note: By convention, Zetta device driver names follow the pattern zetta-[device name]-[platform name]-driver. In this example, we're controlling an LED device on a "mock" platform. For example, a driver that controls an LED from an Intel Edison Board might be called zetta-led-edison-driver.
Note:为了方便,zetta设备驱动名称会遵从这个模式: zetta-[设备名称]-[平台名称]-driver。在这个例子中,我们控制一个led设备在一个模拟的平台上。

3 Open index.js in a text editor.

4 Add this require statement to line 2:
var LED = require('zetta-led-mock-driver');

5 Add this use statement to line 6:

6 Be sure the code looks like this, then save the file:

  • var zetta = require('zetta');var LED = require('zetta-led-mock-driver');

.name('Hello Zetta')
.listen(1337, function(){

 console.log('Zetta is running at');




1 Start the server:
node index.js

2 Notice the terminal output has some new information that we didn't see before -- the LED device we added to the hub was discovered by something called a "scout". We'll discuss scouts in detail in another topic.
注意到终端输出出现了一些之前没有见过的信息--我们加到zetta hub的led设备被叫做“scout”的东西发现了。我们将在另一个主题中讨论scout的细节。
Oct-23-2015 10:02:24 [scout] Device (led) f826f6e0-ebb8-430a-9e1e-6efddebc42fc was discovered
Oct-23-2015 10:02:24 [server] Server (Hello Zetta) Hello Zetta listening on
Zetta is running at
Device discovery is an important Zetta concept. When Zetta discovers a device, the device information is automatically added to the API. In this case, you could write a very simple app that turns the LED on and off using this API. Let's see how that works.


1 Using cURL or in a REST app like Postman or Advanced REST client, call the root URL:

2 Then, in the response, locate the /servers/Hello%20Zetta URL and call it:
curl http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta
然后,在响应里,定位/servers/Hello%20Zetta 地址,调用它:

3 Notice that this time the entities element lists a device. This is the LED device driver we added to the server. The driver defines the current and possible state properties for the device. In the case of the LED, those properties are on and off. The current state (reflected in the properties attribute of the JSON response) is off.
"class": [


"properties": {

"name": "Hello Zetta"

"entities": [

  "class": [
  "rel": [
  "properties": {
    "id": "e6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99",
    "type": "led",
    "state": "off"
  "links": [
      "rel": [
      "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/devices/e6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99"
      "rel": [
      "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/meta/led"
      "title": "Hello Zetta",
      "rel": [
      "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta"

"actions": [

  "name": "query-devices",
  "method": "GET",
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta",
  "type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  "fields": [
      "name": "ql",
      "type": "text"

"links": [

  "rel": [
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta"
  "rel": [
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/meta"
  "rel": [
  "href": "ws://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/events?topic=logs"



Now, let's follow the URL to the device itself. It looks something like this:
Here we can discover what actions the actual device is capable of performing. This device has a "transition" action that lets you change its state. Because the current state, as we saw previously, is off, the available action is turn-on.
"class": [


"properties": {

"id": "e6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99",
"type": "led",
"state": "off"

"actions": [

  "class": [
  "name": "turn-on",
  "method": "POST",
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/devices/e6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99",
  "fields": [
      "name": "action",
      "type": "hidden",
      "value": "turn-on"

"links": [

  "rel": [
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/devices/e6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99"
  "title": "Hello Zetta",
  "rel": [
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta"
  "rel": [
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/meta/led"
  "title": "state",
  "rel": [
  "href": "ws://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/events?topic=led%2Fe6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99%2Fstate"
  "title": "logs",
  "rel": [
  "href": "ws://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/events?topic=led%2Fe6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99%2Flogs"



You might have noticed the transition action includes an href link. The link is an HTTP POST command that you can use to change the LED's state. To "turn the light on", you simply form the correct POST request.
你也许注意到了转换动作包括了一个href链接。这个链接是一个http post请求,可以用于改变led的状态。要打开灯,你只需简单地写出正确地post请求。
"actions": [

        "class": [
        "name": "turn-on",
        "method": "POST",
        "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/devices/e511deee-a266-4431-8a42-eeef7f2412f9",
        "fields": [
                "name": "action",
                "type": "hidden",
                "value": "turn-on"

The POST request to turn on the light looks something like this (you'll need to use the link provided in your own response, which has the correct device ID):
curl -i -X POST -H -d 'action=turn-on'
Tip: To produce nicely formatted JSON from cURL, you can pipe the cURL response to this Python command to pretty-format the response: python -m json.tool. For example:
注意:为了从curl中生成格式良好的json,你可以将curl响应传送到这个python命令,来对响应进行格式化: python -m json.tool。例如:
curl -i -X POST -d ‘action=turn-on | python -m json.tool
In the response, you can see that the state has been changed from off to on. Furthermore, the available action is changed to turn-off. To turn the light off again, follow the same pattern by POSTing to the transition URL.
"class": [


"properties": {

"id": "e6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99",
"type": "led",
"state": "on"

"actions": [

  "class": [
  "name": "turn-off",
  "method": "POST",
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/devices/e6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99",
  "fields": [
      "name": "action",
      "type": "hidden",
      "value": "turn-off"

"links": [

  "rel": [
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/devices/e6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99"
  "title": "Hello Zetta",
  "rel": [
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta"
  "rel": [
  "href": "http://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/meta/led"
  "title": "state",
  "rel": [
  "href": "ws://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/events?topic=led%2Fe6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99%2Fstate"
  "title": "logs",
  "rel": [
  "href": "ws://localhost:1337/servers/Hello%20Zetta/events?topic=led%2Fe6f5b480-e96e-4fdc-8718-91aeb0234c99%2Flogs"



In this topic, we added a sample "mock" device driver to a server, and then we traced the links provided in the server's JSON response to transition the state of the device.
The cool thing about Zetta APIs is that each response contains everything an app developer needs to navigate the API, discover its actions, and execute them.

Another thing to remember is that this pattern is central to Zetta development. You write the device driver for whatever device you want to access over HTTP, and Zetta provides a fully functional REST API for that device!
要记住的另一件事是,这种模式对于Zetta的开发至关重要。你可以为通过HTTP访问的任何设备编写设备驱动程序,Zetta为该设备提供了功能齐全的REST API!
In the next part of the tutorial, we'll take a close look at the LED driver code.

