(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown

I've got myself a task today: I want to imprint 20 very strange and unfamiliar English words or phrases in my brain, making them ones that are useful as far as my conversation goes.


1. Morbid 2. Snarky 3. Belligerent 4. Relic 5. Treading Water 6. Get one riled up 

7. Truce 8. Sleazy 9. Chumm 10. Pejorative 11. One's stomping ground 12. Vulture 

13. Brawn and Brain 14. Backpedal 15. Scoop 16. Gig 17. Obfuscate 18. Frenzy 19. Whack 20. Sabotage

(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第1张图片
War on!!

See, this is not easy to many of us, especially those with poor memory. Here's how I do it:


Step one: split them into pairs. 首先兩兩配對;

Step two: make sure I look up each word or phrase closely in an English-English dictionary and have a basic understanding of how it is used in a context, e.g. in a sentence. (Sometimes I need to use urban dictionary) 然後用英英詞典或網上的“本土詞典”查,通過例句大概知道什麼場合用;

Step three: read them out loud to make sure I know how to pronounce and spell them. 大聲讀出來,確保發音和拼寫基本沒問題;

Step four (key): based on my prior understanding, connect each pair of words by a sentence I create, then visualize the scene. 根據之前大概的對單詞詞組的理解,兩兩造句,视觉化场景。

1. Morbid is an adj. related to sick-looking or abnormal mentality... snarky refers to irritable, easy to get angry or sarcastic...

The husband became snarky when his wife kept on the morbid suspicion.


(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第2张图片
"Why are you texting your ex?"

2. Belligerent is an adj. meaning wanting to fight or always trying to challenge... relic is the remains of something...

In an interpersonal relationship term, your unstoppable belligerent reaction would leave everything a relic.


(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第3张图片
My Bro's gonna beat the shit out of ya!

3. Treading water refers to proactively get oneself involved in an unfavorable or even fatal situation... get one riled up means make someone irate, pissed off...

Kids are outrageous sometimes and like treading water, which really gets their parents riled up.


(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第4张图片
Watch it, man.

4. Truce is a term to indicate ceasefire of both parties... sleazy relates to anything or anyone dirty, cheap, disgusting, whore-like sometimes...

She faked a truce with her husband and acted sleazy behind his back.


(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第5张图片
Leave us alone, can you?

5. Chumm can be a verb or noun, indicating living together intimately... pejorative is a NOUN! It means disdainful words, being mean...

Hey Ric! Just because I am chumming with you doesn't grant you any pejoratives!


(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第6张图片
Come again?

6. One's stomping ground, nice expression! meaning a place I go to very often... vulture... a bird... relative to eagle but more intimidating I guess...

Vultures like to hover around their stomping ground for preys.


(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第7张图片
My place, my say.

7. Brawn and brain, another nice term! muscle and wisdom, referring to physical and mental... backpedal is a noun, equals to back-off or concession...

Brawn or brain but backpedal, loser.


(Nice alliteration, omg) 英語中的前綴押韻。

(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第8张图片
Which is sexier?

8. Scoop, for the meaning I want to learn, is the exclusive news... gig, as well, is a temporary job, I think it sure means shorter than a contract or even without legit agreement...

The main purpose of my gig this time is to find a scoop in town.


(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第9张图片
No news is good news...

9. Obfuscate, in case I forget, contains part of "confuse" - "fus", meaning confuse someone, make blur... frenzy refers to a state of mind with excitement or disturbance or irritation or mess...

He sure can obfuscate to manipulate frenzy in the audience.


(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第10张图片
That ugly?

10. Whack is some serious hit or impact... sabotage is not strike; it is doing work in a slack motion or being sluggish...

The sabotage in the department tripped the manager to a whack.


(高級)英語單詞情景記憶法 Visualize The Unknown_第11张图片
Life must go on.

Crazy enough, when I am done with this article, I saw a Wechat friend of mine posted a song called "Sabotage" by Beastie Boys... come on, I can never flunk this word again.


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