Supply-driven and Demand-driven

Better and Better                                                                                                Day 63

      Before looking at the industry space, it’s best to be clear whether the industry is supply-driven or demand-driven. The two concepts come from economics, and you can understand that the main driving force for industrial development is from the supply side, that is, the company, or the demand side, that is, consumers. The relationship between supply and demand has great inspiration for us to do industry analysis. The space of the industry is determined by demand. But for most of the new economic sectors, the characteristics of supply creating demand are obvious. Supply-driven industry depends on capacity. Such as smart mobilephones. Demand-driven industry depends on measuring the industry’s ceiling according to potential demand, such as automotive industry.     


                                                                                                            Oct.26th ,2018                                                                                                                    Bazhou.


你可能感兴趣的:(Supply-driven and Demand-driven)