

  • 苹果审核2.1大礼包,又称狗年7合1大礼包;
  • 对金融,游戏尤其棋牌类,马甲包类的大力打击;
  • 我们的APP是医疗健康类的,简称应用A,不幸也中招了,还有一款我个人开发的APP,是一款生活类的,简称应用B。





This type of app has been identified as one that may violate one or more of the following 
App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, these types of apps often:

1.1.6 - Include false information, features, or misleading metadata. 
1.1.6 虚假信息和功能,其中包括不准确的设备数据或用于恶作剧/开玩笑的功能,
如虚假的位置跟踪器。即使指明 app“仅供娱乐”,也不能违背这一准则。
支持匿名或恶作剧电话或短信/彩信的 app 会被拒绝。

2.3.0 - Undergo significant concept changes after approval 
2.3 准确的元数据
客户应该知道他们在下载或购买您的 app 时会得到什么,所以请确保 app 的描述、屏幕快照和预览能够准确反映 app 的核心体验,

2.3.1 - Have hidden or undocumented features, including hidden "switches" that redirect to a gambling or lottery website
2.3.1 请勿在 app 中包含未记录的功能或隐藏功能;不管是对于最终用户还是 App Review 团队,app 功能都应清晰可见。
同样,您不应该在 App Store 或离线情况下,营销您的 app 中实际并不提供的内容或服务 (例如基于 iOS 的病毒和恶意软件扫描工具)。
如果出现恶劣或屡教不改的行为,则可能会从 Apple Developer Program 中除名。我们正努力将 App Store 打造成值得信赖的生态系统,并希望我们的 app 开发者也能如此;

3.1.1 - Use payment mechanisms other than in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality in the app
如果您想要在 app 内解锁特性或功能 (解锁方式有:订阅、游戏内货币、游戏关卡、优质内容的访问权限或解锁完整版等),则必须使用 App 内购买项目。
 App 可使用 App 内购买项目式货币,以便用户在 app 中“打赏”数字内容提供商。
App 及其元数据不得包含指引客户使用非 App 内购买项目机制进行购买的按钮、外部链接或其他行动号召用语。数字信息、兑换商品。

4.3.0 - Are a duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another app 
4.3 重复 App
请不要为同一个 app 创建多个套装 ID。
如果您的 app 针对特定位置、运动队、大学等存在不同版本,请考虑提交单个 app,并提供 App 内购买项目以提供不同的功能。
同时,请避免继续在已有大量类似 app 的类别下进行开发;App Store 上已经有太多模拟放屁、打嗝声音的 app,以及手电筒和爱经 app。
上传大量相似版本 app 的开发者会遭到 Apple Developer Program 的除名。

5.2.1 - Were not submitted by the legal entity that owns and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app 
5.2.1 一般性:不得在未经授权的情况下,在 app 中使用受保护的第三方材料 (例如商标、版权作品、专利设计);
也不得在 app 套装或开发者名称中包含虚假、抄袭或误导性的演示、名称或元数据。App 提交方应当是拥有或获授权使用知识产权和其他相关权利的个人或法律实体,并且应对提供 app 中的任何服务负责。

5.3.4 - Do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is used   
5.3.4 提供真实货币游戏 (例如体育下注、扑克、赌场游戏、赛马) 或彩票的 app 必须在使用该 app 的地区获得必要的许可和批准,
且只能在这些地区发布,此类 app 在 App Store 中必须免费提供。App Store 上不允许发布非法的赌博辅助工具,包括记牌器。
彩票 app 必须有报酬、几率及奖品。

Before we can continue with our review, please confirm that this app does not violate any of the above guidelines. 
You may reply to this message in Resolution Center or the App Review Information section in iTunes Connect to verify this app’s compliance. 

Given the tendency for apps of this type to violate the aforementioned guidelines, this review will take additional time. 
If at any time we discover that this app is in violation of these guidelines, the app will be rejected and removed from the App Store, 
and it may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account.

Should you choose to resubmit this app without confirming this app’s compliance, 
the next submission of this app will still require a longer review time. 
Additionally, this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until we have received your confirmation.


  • 关于应用B的通过过程,相对比较简单一点:
  1. 根据被拒信息,回复苹果那边信息,然后等待,是的,就是这么简单粗暴。回复信息如下:
Thanks for review!
Actually,our app do not violate any of guidelines from list above.
this app has been online for almost one year,we support our users for doing business, including  users  provide money  to another,our app show how the money has been provided.

for given 1.1.6  , our app did correctly show our contents.
for given 2.3.0 , we did not design any significant concept changes after  approval,if we wanted to change something,wo actually provided a new version of this app.
for given 2.3.1, we never hided any ’switch’ in app that may redirected to a  illegal website
for given  3.1.1, we did not design any feature that  must be paid for use in our app. so we did not choose in-app purchase.
for given 4.3.0, we will  update this app  always , so ,this app can be different from any of other apps in AppStore.
for given 5.2.1, we have responsibilties for providing users service. and our entity is legal.
for given 5.3.4,we  are locate in beijing of china,wo have our rights for using our app. it is legal,it is compliance

we hope you can  continue review as as soon as possible. and sincerely thank you !
  1. 致电:开发者支持热线,
    发送contact us 的邮件,等待回复。
  we are so confused about our review status.  It took many days for us waiting for passing through review.  But our app status is still in review. We hope we can get more details about what should be done.
  1. 等待。应用的审核状态从 In review 变成 ready for sale ,刚好整整一个月时间。


  • 再说说主应用A的审核最终通过方案(前后历时1个月,中途有两次回复邮件信息,两次联系中国区开发者支持,都没有起到作用,后面请教别人,提示先看看给苹果登陆的账号是否有登陆过,后台查看登陆历史居然没有登陆过,看来是在机审阶段就被刷下来了,好吧,针对机审找解决方案):

1. 删除应用中微信,支付宝相关支付的SDK,包括第三方含有的,比如友盟统计当中包含的支付SDK(可在友盟官网下载最新的SDK)。
2. 查找工程中,所有方法名当中含有pay,buy字段,进行替换。

思路参考来自: ,



  • 最后赠送一些网友的解决思路:

App Store最新审核被拒及解决方案 (包括2.1大礼包):


