Can I sleep on your couch tonight? 我今晚能睡你沙发上吗
Well, not as nuts as the guy who chooses to live with him.没会和他合租的人那么疯
I bet you're here to check out the room for rent. 你是来看房的吧
That should have been my first clue. 那应该是第一条线索
In retrospect, that was clue number two. 回想起来 那是第二条线索
You've passed the first barrier to roommate-hood. 你已通过室友关系第一关
Each more daunting than the last. 一个比一个更具挑战性
Doesn't concern you. 跟你无关
That's a point in my favor, right? 这点可以给我加分 对吧
Don't get cocky. 别翘尾巴
This isn't going to work if you're guessing.你不能给我模棱两可的答案
Fine. I'll take it. 好 我同意
And after all that, you just moved in? 他那么多事儿 你竟然就这么搬进去了
First, we had to iron out a few details. 首先我们得谈妥一些细节问题
Does that really need to be in the agreement? 这条也要写到协议里啊
We might as well settle it now; it's going to be on for years. 最好是现在定下来 那可要播好几年呢
Never fly it upside down. 千万别弄反了
That's disappointing. 真可惜
Why on earth did you agree to all that? 你到底干嘛要同意那些协议啊
It's very hard to feel sympathy for you. 我只能说你自作自受
Let me tell you about the first time I brought a girl over. 给你讲讲我第一次带姑娘回家的事儿
I'm just going to keep knocking till you answer. 你不回答我 我就一直敲
I'm here because you violated our roommate agreement. 我来是因为你违反了我们的室友协议
Do I get sympathy now? 现在同情我了吧
Ok, let me get this straight. 好 让我理一下思路
Actually, I couldn't get too mad at him about Joyce Kim. 其实这事我倒是不能怪他
What does that have to do with Joyce Kim? 这和Joyce有啥关系
As it turns out, she was a North Korean spy. 后来发现她是个朝鲜间谍
What is going on here? 这里是怎么回事
I'll get to you later. 我一会找你算账
Howard and Raj helped me bring it up. 他俩帮我搬了上楼
But what's wrong with the furniture we have? 我们的家具怎么不好了
Didn't it occur to you that was by design? 你没意识到 我这是故意的吗
But you didn't notify me by e-mail, so this is still a breach. 但你没有发邮件事先告知我 所以还是违规了
What does all this have to do with the elevator? 这和电梯有什么关系
I'm getting to it. 就快要说到了
Do you have an opinion about everything? 你对所有东西都有意见吗
They don't get a vote. 他们又没投票权
All ties will be settled by me. 如果平局就由我说了算
There's a draft on my neck over here. 这里有穿堂风吹我脖子
You're the guy we're trying to get away from. 我们就是为了摆脱你
Excuse me, but I've been working on this a long time. 抱歉 我干这行可是很久了
Okay, I've had it with you. 行了 我受够你了
He didn't rat me out to the landlord. 他还没向房东告发我
Yes! 太好了
Anyway, I may owe you an apology. 不管怎样 我可能该跟你道歉
There's doubt? 这还有疑问
Simply an acknowledgement that I was right. 只是承认我是对的而已