


Eagle Symbolism & Meaning鹰的象征意义

Because the Eagle flies higher than all other birds, He is considered Chief of all flying creatures. This certainly also connects Eagle with the Air element. He also rules over the Eastern quarter of creation, which represents renewal and the season of spring.


One of my favorite teachings of Eagle is“believe in your ability to satisfy the hunger”. Meaning,Eagle’s are so adept at hunting they spend very little time doing it. They exert only a small amount of effort finding and claiming that which “fills the empty spaces within”.


If you have a dream, if you desire to achieve a goal that will make your soul feel more “full”, take your cue from the all-confident Eagle and “know” your aim will be straight and true.


Egyptians regarded the eagle as symbolizing both the Great Spirit and the sun at noon. They saw the Eagle as rising over mundane restraints into the realm of mystical awareness and spiritual progress. The Native Americans agree with this assessment.


To the ancient Romans and Greeks, the Eagle was sacred to Jupiter/Zeus. The Romans used an Eagle to represent Roman emperors, while the Greeks said Zeus could take the form of an Eagle to transport his lover to Mt. Olympus. Hittites used the image of a two-headed Eagle in battle to protect them from surprises.


From high above the Eagle symbolizes an awareness those mysteries that humans find difficult to grasp. Eagle’s vantage point allows him to discover patterns that guide us toward greater spiritual knowledge.


Eagle Spirit Animal神圣动物鹰

The soaring of an Eagle inspires awe. From its place in the heavens the Eagle Spirit Animal can watch over us as a guardian, bear messages to and from the divine, inspire insight, manifest well-being, and offer us wisdom.


The Eagle as a spirit animal put you on notice that the winds of change are headed your way.


Some type of rebirth or renewal is about to happen, and Eagle prepares you for that change by showing you how to tap your inner strength and fortitude.


Stand up tall, wrap courage around your waist, and stay true to yourself.


This is a time for self-discovery. You may need to take a retreat to get your mind and spirit together and internalize the dramatic transformation on your doorstep.


Eagle is a mover and shaker who stretches your limits to new heights.


Eagle as an Animal Spirit Guide often shows up when we face challenges. On his wings he bears determination and the laser sharp focus to get through to the other side of our problems. Some of this symbolism and meaning has to do with ancient lore regarding the Eagle flying so closely to the sun. As a metaphor, “we must be willing to get a little scorched if we are to achieve greatness”.


Additionally Eagle as a Spirit Animal says, “look forward.” Don’t give up on your quest, but embark on it with uprightness in your soul. To accomplish this you have to be ready to stop outmoded habits or ideas to embrace something new and wonderful.


Eagle Totem Animal鹰图腾

Those born with an Eagle totem want to experience everything they can. They spread their wings fully on every project or adventure, yet nearly always manage to keep one foot on the ground. Remember, Eagles fly higher than any other bird. The heights of success that those with the Eagle Totem Animal can achieve is astounding.


But no bird can stay in the air forever. They must come back to earth. Eagles have 4 toes. In Numerology, 4 is the number of “solid foundations”. In this, Eagle stays grounded to Mother Earth just as well as it soars toward the heavens. This is no minor ability. It is to be reckoned with as few can achieve this remarkable feat.


Because of the Eagle people’s ability to fly so high yet stay grounded, they’re great at global thinking and, as such, make potent leaders and teachers. Generally, those with Eagle as a Totem Animal are strong, brave, creative and insightful.


Know that as an Eagle Person, others may find your perspectives a little daunting. You see more than the average human. Your perspective from the sky provides solutions that others cannot see because they’re too close.


This Totem Animal also means that Spirit often guides your actions and words, even unwittingly.


Be aware of that sacred duty and endeavor to speak with love. Otherwise you could become harsh with your beak and hurt someone without realizing it.

