Kotlin标准函数run with let also apply的区别


Kotlin标准函数run with let also apply的区别_第1张图片

Standard.kt中有 run,T.run,with,T.apply,T.also,T.let几个函数,他们的共同的功能都是执行程序。但是他们之间还是有区别的。

Kotlin标准函数run with let also apply的区别_第2张图片

  • T.apply和T.also是一对,它们的返回值为this,他们的区别在于apply block参数中传递的是this,also block参数中传递的是it
  • T.run和T.let是一对,它们的返回值是block执行的结果,它们的区别在于run block参数传递的是this,let block参数传递的是it
  • run和with是一对,run block参数中既不是this也不是it。with block参数是this



fun test() {
    var mood = "I am sad"

    run {
        val mood = "I am happy"
        println(mood) // I am happy
    println(mood)  // I am sad



with(webview.settings) {
    javaScriptEnabled = true
    databaseEnabled = true
// similarly
webview.settings.run {
    javaScriptEnabled = true
    databaseEnabled = true


// Yack!
with(webview.settings) {
      this?.javaScriptEnabled = true
      this?.databaseEnabled = true
// Nice.
webview.settings?.run {
    javaScriptEnabled = true
    databaseEnabled = true

this vs it参数

stringVariable?.run {
      println("The length of this String is $length")
// Similarly.
stringVariable?.let {
      println("The length of this String is ${it.length}")

如果你检查T.run函数签名,你会发现T.run它只是作为扩展函数调用block: T.()。因此,在范围内,T可以称为this。在编程中,this大多数时候可以省略。因此,在上面的示例中,我们可以 l e n g t h 在 p r i n t l n 语 句 中 使 用 , 而 不 是 length在println语句中使用,而不是 lengthprintln使{this.length}。我称之为发送此作为参数。

返回this vs 返回other

stringVariable?.let {
      println("The length of this String is ${it.length}")
// Exactly the same as below
stringVariable?.also {
      println("The length of this String is ${it.length}")


val original = "abc"
// Evolve the value and send to the next chain
original.let {
    println("The original String is $it") // "abc"
    it.reversed() // evolve it as parameter to send to next let
}.let {
    println("The reverse String is $it") // "cba"
    it.length  // can be evolve to other type
}.let {
    println("The length of the String is $it") // 3
// Wrong
// Same value is sent in the chain (printed answer is wrong)
original.also {
    println("The original String is $it") // "abc"
    it.reversed() // even if we evolve it, it is useless
}.also {
    println("The reverse String is ${it}") // "abc"
    it.length  // even if we evolve it, it is useless
}.also {
    println("The length of the String is ${it}") // "abc"
// Corrected for also (i.e. manipulate as original string
// Same value is sent in the chain 
original.also {
    println("The original String is $it") // "abc"
}.also {
    println("The reverse String is ${it.reversed()}") // "cba"
}.also {
    println("The length of the String is ${it.length}") // 3


// Normal approach
fun makeDir(path: String): File  {
    val result = File(path)
    return result
// Improved approach
fun makeDir(path: String) = path.let{ File(it) }.also{ it.mkdirs() }
// Normal approach
fun createInstance(args: Bundle) : MyFragment {
    val fragment = MyFragment()
    fragment.arguments = args
    return fragment
// Improved approach
fun createInstance(args: Bundle) 
              = MyFragment().apply { arguments = args }

// Normal approach
fun createIntent(intentData: String, intentAction: String): Intent {
    val intent = Intent()
    intent.action = intentAction
    return intent
// Improved approach, chaining
fun createIntent(intentData: String, intentAction: String) =
        Intent().apply { action = intentAction }
                .apply { data = Uri.parse(intentData) }
