Mysql5.7 的错误日志中最常见的note级别日志解释

在使用mysql5.7的时候,发现了不少在mysql5.6上不曾见过的日志,级别为note, 作者梳理了一下,最常见的note日志以下三种,下面我们来逐个解释。

第一种,Aborted connection . 如上图,信息如下:

2016-03-17T14:44:24.102542Z 59 [Note] Aborted connection 59 to db: ‘unconnected’ user: ‘mha’ host: ‘197.xx.xx.xx’ (Got an error reading communication packets)

2016-03-17T14:44:31.273897Z 61 [Note] Aborted connection 61 to db: ‘unconnected’ user: ‘mha’ host: ‘197.xx.xx.xx(Got an error reading communication packets)

2016-03-17T14:44:31.273897Z 61 [Note] Aborted connection 61 to db: ‘unconnected’ user: ‘mha’ host: ‘197.xx.xx.xx(Got an error reading communication packets)

2016-03-17T14:44:31.273897Z 61 [Note] Aborted connection 61 to db: ‘unconnected’ user: ‘mha’ host: ‘197.xx.xx.xx(Got  timeout  reading communication packets)

上面两个是连接中断的错误信息,原因不一样,Got an error reading communication packets  的原因是因为网络等原因导致。 Got  timeout  reading communication packets 这个错误的原因是会话的idle时间达到了数据库指定的timeout时间。



2016-03-14T15:48:26.432150Z 73 [Note]Multi-threaded slave statistics for channel ”: seconds elapsed = 121; eventsassigned = 100374529; worker queues filled over overrun level = 0; waited due aWorker queue full = 0; waited due the total size = 0; waited at clock conflicts= 1451875661700 waited (count) when Workers occupied = 3211993 waited whenWorkers occupied = 445032386000

2016-03-14T15:50:28.398745Z 73 [Note]Multi-threaded slave statistics for channel ”: seconds elapsed = 122; eventsassigned = 100500481; worker queues filled over overrun level = 0; waited due aWorker queue full = 0; waited due the total size = 0; waited at clock conflicts= 1452001865500 waited (count) when Workers occupied = 3211993 waited whenWorkers occupied = 445032386000


  if ((my_now – rli->mts_last_online_stat)>=



         sql_print_information(“Multi-threadedslave statistics%s: “

                                “seconds elapsed = %lu; “

                                “events assigned = %llu; “

                                “worker queues filled over overrun level = %lu;”

                                “waited due a Worker queue full = %lu; “

                                “waited due the total size = %lu; “

                                “waited at clock conflicts = %llu “

                               “waited(count) when Workers occupied = %lu “

                                “waited when Workers occupied = %llu”,



                                (my_now – rli->mts_last_online_stat),









 通过这一句(my_now – rli->mts_last_online_stat),  以及最后一句rli->mts_last_online_stat=my_now;   可以得知, seconds elapsed 就是上一次统计跟这一次统计的时间间隔。

mts_online_stat_period =120秒,硬代码,因此就是几乎每隔120秒,就有上述日志的输出。 通过进一步查看原代码,初步了解上述日志信息的含义,如下:


events assigned:总共有多少个event被分配执行,计的是总数。

worker queues filled over overrun level多线程同步中,worker 的私有队列长度超长的次数计的是总数。

waited due a Worker queue full 因为worker的队列超长而产生等待的次数计的是总数。

waited due the total size 超过最大size的次数这个由参数slave_pending_jobs_size_max  指定。

waited at clock conflicts 因为逻辑时间产生冲突的等待时间单位是纳秒。

waited (count) when Workers occupied 因为workder被占用而出现等待的次数。(总计值)。

waited when Workersoccupied :因为workder被占用而出现等待的总时间,总计值,单位是纳秒。



2016-03-24T17:45:28.005117Z 0 [Note] InnoDB:page_cleaner: 1000ms intended loop took 4750ms.The settings might not beoptimal. (flushed=1519 and evicted=0, during the time.)


        if (ret_sleep == OS_SYNC_TIME_EXCEEDED) {

            ulint   curr_time = ut_time_ms();


            if (curr_time >next_loop_time + 3000) {

                if (warn_count == 0) {

                    ib::info() << “page_cleaner: 1000ms”

                        ” intended loop took “

                        <<1000 + curr_time

                           – next_loop_time

                        <<“ms. The settings might not”

                        ” be optimal. (flushed=”


                        <<” and evicted=”


                        <<“, during the time.)”;

                    if (warn_interval >300) {

                        warn_interval= 600;

                    }else {

                        warn_interval*= 2;



                    warn_count= warn_interval;

                } else {



            } else {

                /* reset counter */

                warn_interval= 1;

                warn_count= 0;



            next_loop_time= curr_time + 1000;

            n_flushed_last= n_evicted = 0;


通过分析源代码, 输出上述日志的条件是curr_time> next_loop_time + 3000 ,即比原定的循环时间next_loop_time3000毫秒,而next_loop_time的标准时间是1000毫秒,即1秒钟做一次刷新页的操作。

loop took 4750ms ,即是这次刷新循环的实际经历时间。


后面还有一个(flushed=1519 and evicted=0,during the time.)这样的日志,即对应n_flushed_lastn_evicted 变量,而这两个变量又由n_flushed_list与n_flushed_lru赋值。


./storage/innobase/buf/                 n_flushed_last +=n_flushed_list;

./storage/innobase/buf/                 n_evicted += n_flushed_lru;








Wait until all flush requests are finished.

@param n_flushed_lru    numberof pages flushed from the end of the LRU list.

@param n_flushed_list   numberof pages flushed from the end of the


@return         trueif all flush_list flushing batch were success. */




    ulint*  n_flushed_lru,

    ulint*  n_flushed_list)





n_flushed_lru   number of pages flushed from the end of the LRU list.

n_flushed_lru  这个值表示从lru 列表尾部刷新的页数,也就是日志中如evicted=0 指标的所表示的值,如果该值不为零,则存在innodb buffer不够的嫌疑。

n_flushed_list  这个是从刷新列表中刷新的页数,也就是脏页数,也就是日志中flushed=1519 的值。
