Oracle ORA-01658 Unable to Create INITIAL Extent for Segment in Tablespace SYSTE

the issue: upon attempting to run a create table statement the error ‘Oracle ORA-01658 Unable to Create INITIAL Extent for Segment in Tablespace SYSTEM’ appears

the solution: there are a number of ways that Oracle suggests you can do to remedy this issue

    • add a new datafile into the tablespace to increase space. example:
      ALTER TABLESPACE SYSTEM ADD DATAFILE 'D:/ZENNI/Oracle/app/oracle/oradata/XE/system2.dbf' SIZE 1000M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 200M;
    • set AUTOEXTEND on for the data file for the tablespace. example:
      ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE  'c:/oraclexe/oradata/xe/system2.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON;
    • increase the size of the existing datafile. example:
      ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE 'c:/oraclexe/oradata/xe/system2.dbf' RESIZE 25M;

i actually tried the autoextend but that did not remedy the issue for me. i then added a datafile to the tablespace. that seemed to work.

note: if you’re using windows, remember to turn your file separator around from a / to a if you are using the SQL Command Line. you can see this in the examples above.

你可能感兴趣的:(Oracle ORA-01658 Unable to Create INITIAL Extent for Segment in Tablespace SYSTE)