Lecture 1 Introduction and Basics

  • "C" as a model of computation.
  • Programmer's view of a computer system works.

  • HardWare designer's view of a computer system works.

  • Digital logic as a model of computation.

  • How does an assembly program end up executing as digital logic?

  • What happens in-between?
  • How is a computer designed using logic gates and wires to satisfy specific goals?

  • Architect/microarchitect's view:

How to design a computer that meets system design goals.

  • Choices critically affect both the SW programmer and the HW designer.

How do we ensure problems are solved by electrons?

  • program -> Algorithm -> Program/Language -> Runtime System(VM, OS, MM) -> ISA(Instruction Set Architecture) -> Microarchitecture -> Circuits -> Electrons
  • ! ISA which is that interface between the hardware and software.

The Power of Abstraction

  • Levels of transformation create abstractions

    • Abstraction: A higher level only needs to know about the interface to the lower level, not how the lower level is implemented.

    • E.g, High-level language programmer does not really need to know waht the ISA is and how a computer executes instructions.

  • Abstraction improves productivity.

    • No need to worry about decisions made in underlying levvels.
    • E.g., programming in Java vs. C vs. assembly vs. binary vs. by specifying control signals of each transistor every cycle.

Crossing the Abstraction Layers

  • As long as everything goes well, not knowing what happens in the underlying level (or above) is not a problem.

  • What if

    • The program you wrote is running slow?
    • The program you wrote does not run correctyl?
    • The program you wrote consumes too much energy?
  • What if

    • The hardware you designed is too hard to program?
    • The hardware you designed is too slow because it does not provide the right primitives to the software?
  • One goal of this course is to understand how a processor works underneath the software layer and how decisions made in hardware affect the software/programmer

DRAM Controllers

  • A row-conflict memory access takes significantly longer than a row-hit access

  • Current controllers take advantage of the row buffer.

  • Commonly used scheduling policy

    1. Row-hit first: Service row-hit memory accesses first
    2. Oldest-first: Then service older accesses first.
  • This scheduling policy aims to maximize DRAM throughput.

The problem

  • Multiple threads share the DRAM controller

  • DRAM controllers designed to maxmize DRAM throughput

  • DRAM scheduling policies are thread-unfair

    • Row-hit first: unfairly prioritizes threads with high row buffer locality
      • Threads that keep on accessing the same row.
    • Oldest-first: unfairly prioritizes memory-intensive threads
  • DRAM controller vulnerable to denial of service attacks

    • Can write programs to exploit unfairness.

A Memory Performance Hog


// initialize large aarrays A, B
for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
    index = j * linesizze; // streaming
    A[index] = B[index];
  • Sequential memory access
  • Very high row buffer locality(96% hit rate)
  • Memory intensive


// initialize large arrays A, B
for (j = 0, j < N; j++) {
    index = rand(); // random
    A[index] = B[index];
  • Random memory access
  • Very low row buffer locality (3% hit rate)
  • Similarly memory intensive


  • Teach/enable/empower you to:
    • Understand how a procesor works
    • Implement a simple processor (with not so simple parts)
    • Understand how decisions made in hardware affect the software/programmer as well as hardware designer
    • Think critically (in solving problems)
    • Think broadly across the levels of transformation
    • understand how to analyze and make tradeoffs in design.

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