





















$dd if=/dev/sdb of=~/sdb_backup.imgbs=32M 





$dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdbbs=32M





$dd if=/dev/sdb| gzip -c  > ~/sdb_backup.img.gz



$gunzip -c ~/sdb_backup.img.gz| dd of=/dev/sdc



$dd if=/dev/sdb of=~/MBR_backup bs=512 count=1

(6)当使用dd进行镜像备份时,如dd发现某个sector(扇区)错误,默认会停止备份操作。这时可以 "conv=noerror,sync" to ensure that it doesn't stop whenit encounters an error, and fills in the missing sector(s) with null bytes.This is usually the first step I take if trying to recover from a failed orfailing disk -- get a copy before doing any recovery attempts, and then dorecovery on the good (cloned) disk. I leave it to the recovery tool to copewith any blank sectors that couldn't be copied.

gunzip -c ~/sdb_backup.img.gz| dd of=/dev/sdc conv=noerror,sync


If you have a disk with bad sectors,you really should be using 'ddrescue' instead of dd. It's much more efficient,and has a much better chance of recovering more data. (Don't get it confusedwith dd_rescue, which is not as good)

If the source drive is damaged at all,you'll have more luck usingdd_rhelp withdd_rescue (my personal preference) or GNUddrescue.

The reason behind this is that, on readerrors, dd keeps trying and trying and trying - potentially waiting for along time for timeouts to occur.dd_rescue doessmart things like reading up to an error, then picking a spot further on on thedisk and reading backwards to the last error, anddd_rhelp isbasically a dd_rescue session manager - cleverly starting and resumingdd_rescue runsto make it quicker again.

The end result of dd_rhelp ismaximum data recovered in minimum time. If you leavedd_rhelprunning, in the end it does the exact same job asdd inthe same time. However, ifdd encountered read errors at byte 100 of your 100Gb disk, you'd haveto wait a long time to recover the other 9,999,900 bytes*, whereasdd_rhelp+dd_rescue wouldrecover the bulk of the data much faster.





Youcan follow the progression of the operation with :

$ddif=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb & pid=$!

$kill-USR1 $pid; sleep 1; kill $pid



Youcan get a dd process running in the background to report status by sending it asignal with the kill command, e.g.:

$ddif=/dev/hdb of=/image.img &

$kill -SIGUSR11234       





The man page says: Sending a USR1 signal to a running ‘dd’process makes it print I/O statistics to standard error and then resumecopying.

I use this feature regularly.

Thisis kind of a cheap hack, but it's a quick and dirty way to monitor your DDprocess.

Runyour dd command. Open a new shell and do a ps awx to find your dd process' PID.Now in the new shell type watch -n 10 kill -USR1 {pid of your DD process}

Thiswill do nothing in the watch output window, but back in the original DD shell,DD will start outputting status reports every 10 seconds. You can change the -n10 in the watch command to any other time frame of course.

OS X doesn't have watch available and -USR1 kills dd. The following command works though: while [ true ]; do killall -INFO dd; sleep 30; done

