通过联系可以熟练掌握,python字典的创建、修改、遍历 ,其中遍历我用的是 for i,j in enumerate()的方法。
2 贵州
q 退出
一、选择 1、2进入省份,选择Q退出 ,必须能滚键盘
二、选择1、 2进入城市,选择Q返回上一级菜单,同样必须滚键盘
1 成都
2 绵阳
q 返回上一级菜单
#___author Laughing #date Province={'四川':{},'贵州':{}} #初始化省、城、县数据的字典 Sichuan_city={'成都':{},'绵阳':{}} #红线不用理 ,复制错误 Guizhou_city={'遵义':{},'贵阳':{}} Chengdu_county={'青羊区':{},'锦江区':{}} Mianyang_county={'绵阳城区':{},'绵阳郊区':{}} Zhunyi_county={'遵义市区':{},'遵义郊区':{}} Guiyang_county={'贵阳市区':{},'贵阳郊区':{}} # Province['四川']=Sichuan_city # Province['贵州']=Guizhou_city # Sichuan_city['成都']=Chengdu_county # Sichuan_city['绵阳']=Mianyang_county # Guizhou_city['遵义']=Zhunyi_county # Guizhou_city['贵阳']=Guiyang_county # for i,j in enumerate(Province,1): # print(i,j) while True: for i, j in enumerate(Province, 1): #省级菜单打印 print(i, j) print('q 退出') choice=input() if choice.isdigit(): #是否为整数判断 choice = int(choice) if choice != 1 and choice != 2 : #越界判断 print('please input 1 or 2') for i, j in enumerate(Province, 1): print(i, j, ) continue elif choice=='q'or choice == 'Q': print('bye ') break else: print("plases input digit") for i, j in enumerate(Province, 1): print(i, j, ) continue if choice == 1: #省选择 后面大部分代码相同 while True: Province['四川'] = Sichuan_city for i, j in enumerate(Sichuan_city, 1): print(i, j) print("q 返回上一级菜单") choice = input() if choice.isdigit(): # 是否为整数判断 choice = int(choice) if choice != 1 and choice != 2: # 越界判断 print('please input 1 or 2') for i, j in enumerate(Sichuan_city, 1): print(i, j, ) continue elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q': print('成功返回上级菜单') break else: print("plases input digit") for i, j in enumerate(Sichuan_city, 1): print(i, j, ) continue if choice == 1: #城市选择 后面大部分代码相同 while True: Sichuan_city['成都'] = Chengdu_county for i, j in enumerate(Chengdu_county, 1): print(i, j) print("q 返回上一级菜单") choice = input() if choice.isdigit(): # 是否为整数判断 choice = int(choice) if choice != 1 and choice != 2: # 越界判断 print('please input 1 or 2') for i, j in enumerate(Chengdu_county, 1): print(i, j, ) continue elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q': print('成功返回上级菜单') break else: print("plases input digit") for i, j in enumerate(Chengdu_county, 1): print(i, j, ) continue if choice == 2: #城市选择 后面大部分代码相同 while True: Sichuan_city['绵阳'] = Mianyang_county for i, j in enumerate(Mianyang_county, 1): print(i, j) print("q 返回上一级菜单") choice = input() if choice.isdigit(): # 是否为整数判断 choice = int(choice) if choice != 1 and choice != 2: # 越界判断 print('please input 1 or 2') for i, j in enumerate(Mianyang_county, 1): print(i, j, ) continue elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q': print('成功返回上级菜单') break else: print("plases input digit") for i, j in enumerate(Mianyang_county, 1): print(i, j, ) continue if choice == 2: #省选择 后面大部分代码相同 while True: Province['贵州'] = Guizhou_city for i, j in enumerate(Guizhou_city, 1): print(i, j) print("q 返回上一级菜单") choice = input() if choice.isdigit(): # 是否为整数判断 choice = int(choice) if choice != 1 and choice != 2: # 越界判断 print('please input 1 or 2') for i, j in enumerate(Guizhou_city, 1): print(i, j, ) continue elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q': print('成功返回上级菜单') break else: print("plases input digit") for i, j in enumerate(Guizhou_city, 1): print(i, j, ) continue if choice == 1: #城市选择 后面大部分代码相同 while True: Guizhou_city['遵义'] = Zhunyi_county for i, j in enumerate(Zhunyi_county, 1): print(i, j) print("q 返回上一级菜单") choice = input() if choice.isdigit(): # 是否为整数判断 choice = int(choice) if choice != 1 and choice != 2: # 越界判断 print('please input 1 or 2') for i, j in enumerate(Zhunyi_county, 1): print(i, j, ) continue elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q': print('成功返回上级菜单') break else: print("plases input digit") for i, j in enumerate(Zhunyi_county, 1): print(i, j, ) continue if choice == 2: #城市选择 后面大部分代码相同 while True: Guizhou_city['贵阳'] = Guiyang_county for i, j in enumerate(Guiyang_county, 1): print(i, j) print("q 返回上一级菜单") choice = input() if choice.isdigit(): # 是否为整数判断 choice = int(choice) if choice != 1 and choice != 2: # 越界判断 print('please input 1 or 2') for i, j in enumerate(Guiyang_county, 1): print(i, j, ) continue elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q': print('成功返回上级菜单') break else: print("plases input digit") for i, j in enumerate(Guiyang_county, 1): print(i, j, ) continue
以上代码,重复量太高,为了提高开发可行性。我们进行如下优化:(优化部分吃完饭再写 ,现在先吃饭~~)
吃饭完了 现在继续 1. 首先多字典接收数据方面在大数据量的情况下改正,但针对此题 明显选择 单字典好
2.上面的代码用enumerate方法加了序号,就导致代码重复率很好,但不用enumerate方法 ,只用 for i in msg就可大大减少重复率,因为题目中没有提到要加序号 所以我们可以看出审题很重要。
msg={ '四川':{ '成都':['锦江区','青羊区','郫都区'], '绵阳':['绵阳城区','绵阳郊区'] }, '贵州':{ '遵义':['遵义市区','遵义郊区'], '贵阳':['贵阳市区','贵阳郊区'] } } while True: for i in msg: # province print(i) choice = input('>>-:').strip() if choice in msg: while True: for i in msg[choice]: # city print(i) print("input q to Return to previous menu") choice1 = input('>>-:').strip() if choice1 in msg[choice]: while True: for i in msg[choice][choice1]: print(i) print("input q to Return to previous menu") choice2 = input('>>-:').strip() if choice2 == 'q' or choice2 == 'Q': break elif choice1 == 'q' or choice1 == 'Q': break else: print("plases input right string") continue else: print("plases input right string")
msg={ '四川':{ '成都':['锦江区','青羊区','郫都区'], '绵阳':['绵阳城区','绵阳郊区'] }, '贵州':{ '遵义':['遵义市区','遵义郊区'], '贵阳':['贵阳市区','贵阳郊区'] } } now_flag=msg #现在位置 before_flag=[] #上一个位置 while True: for i in now_flag: # province print(i) choice = input('>>-:').strip() #相当于在输入时的值决定当前位置 if choice in now_flag: before_flag.append(now_flag) #上一个位置等于上一个位置 now_flag=now_flag[choice] #现在的位置等于现在的位置 elif choice == 'q': if now_flag: #如果是空 返回FALSE 不执行 now_flag = before_flag.pop() #pop的返回值是删除的那个值 比如a[1,2,3] b=pop(a)=3 else:print('wrong')