excel 单元格字符数限制(from microsoft support)

Microsoft Excel 版本中,一个单元格可包含多达 32,767 个字符。但是,如果某单元格中包含的字符多于 1,024 个,则应遵循以下规则:

  • 大约第 1,024 个字符之后的字符不显示在单元格中;不过,在编辑或选择该单元格时,它们会出现在编辑栏中。
  • 尽管不会显示大约第 1,024 个字符之后的字符,但可以使用工作表函数(例如 RIGHT 和 MID 函数)和宏命令(例如“字符”属性)检测并操作这些字符。
  • 如果复制包含 1,024 个以上字符的单元格,然后将其粘贴到另一单元格中,则会将所有字符粘贴到新的单元格中。不过,大约第 1,024 个字符之后的字符不会在目标单元格中显示。
  • 无法打印单元格中大约第 1,024 个字符之后的字符,且这些字符也不会在打印预览中显示。

注意 :增加工作表行高和列宽,或修改系统的显示设置后,可以看到的字符数将多于 1,024 个。



  1. 在新工作表的单元格 A1 中,键入以下公式:
  2. 选中单元格 A1,单击“格式”菜单上的“单元格”。
  3. 单击“对齐”选项卡。单击以选中“自动换行”复选框,然后单击“确定”。
  4. 在“格式”菜单上,指向“列”,然后单击“最适合的列宽”。

    请注意,您只能在单元格 A1 中看到“w”字符,该单元格结尾处的“xyz”字符不会显示。
  5. 在单元格 A2 和 A3 中键入以下公式:
    单元格 A2 中的公式返回结果“xyz”,即单元格最右侧的三个字符。单元格 A3 中包含数字 1027,即单元格 A1 中的字符数。
  6. 将单元格 A1 中的公式更改为:

您可以看到 1,023 个“w”字符及其后的“x”字符。因为存在 1,024 个字符的限制,所以不会显示“yz”字符。单元格 A3 中的公式现在显示 1026,即单元格 A1 的长度。


Arguments in a function: 30
Length of formula contents: 1,024 characters
Nested levels of functions: 7 (although can be extended using nested-nested functions)
Number of available worksheet functions: 329 (and a few more in VBA)
Decimal precision: 15
Largest number allowed to be typed into a cell: 1.00E+308
Largest allowed positive number: 1.79769313486231E308
Smallest allowed negative number: 0.00E-01
Smallest allowed positive number: 2.23E-308
Largest allowed negative number: -1.00E-307
Iterations: 32,767
Worksheet arrays: Limited by available memory. Also, arrays cannot refer to entire columns. For example, an array cannot refer to the entire column C:C or to the range C1:C65536. However, an array can refer to the range C1: D65535 because the range is one row short of the maximum worksheet size and does not include the entire C or D column.

Selected ranges 2,048

Charts linked to a worksheet: Limited by available memory
Worksheets referred to by a chart: 255
Data series in one chart: 255
Data points in a data series for 2-D charts: 32,000
Data points in a data series for 3-D charts: 4,000
Data points for all data series in one chart: 256,000
Line styles: 8
Line weights: 4
Area patterns (screen display): 18
Total area pattern and color combinations (color display): 56,448
Pattern and color combinations (color printer): 56,448 (the actual number depends on your printer and its software)
Page fields in a PivotChart report: 256 (may be limited by available memory)
Data fields in a PivotChart report: 256
Calculated item formulas in a PivotChart report: Limited by available memory


Feature Maximum limit
Open workbooks : Limited by available memory and system resources
Worksheet size : 65,536 rows by 256 columns
Column width : 255 characters
Row height : 409 points
Length of cell contents (text) : 32,767 characters. Only 1,024 display in a cell; all 32,767 display in the formula bar.
Sheets in a workbook : Limited by available memory (default is 3 sheets)
Colors in a workbook : 56
Cell styles in a workbook : 4,000
Named views in a workbook : Limited by available memory
Custom number formats : Limited by available memory
Names in a workbook : Limited by available memory
Windows in a workbook : Limited only by system resources
Panes in a window : 4
Linked sheets : Limited by available memory
Scenarios : Limited by available memory; a summary report shows only the first 251 scenarios
Changing cells in a scenario : 32
Adjustable cells in Solver : 200
Custom functions : Limited by available memory
Zoom range : 10 percent to 400 percent
Reports : Limited by available memory
Sort references : 3 in a single sort; unlimited when using sequential sorts
Undo levels : 16
Fields in a data form : 32
Custom toolbars in a workbook : Limited by available memory
Custom toolbar buttons : Limited by available memory
