
1.1 安装DB2服务器 1.1.1 检查系统环境        文件系统/usr和/home DB2 V7.1产品总是被安装在/usr/lpp/db2_07_01目录下(/usr文件系统),而每个DB2实例和sample数据库都在管理用户的根目录下(/home文件系统)创建,所以,必须保证这两个文件系统上有足够的空闲存储空间。建议/usr文件系统至少有500M剩余空间;/home文件系统至少有100M剩余空间。使用命令df 查看文件系统/usr和/home的信息。        扩充文件系统/usr和/home # smitty chfs    Change / Show Characteristics of a Journaled File System 选择要扩大的文件系统,如/home,回车后进入以下画面:

在“SIZE of file system (in 512-byte blocks)”处输入希望扩大到的空间容量,其它不变,回车即可。如/home文件系统需要扩大到200M,则通过计算得出: 200*1024*1024/512=409600 在“SIZE of file system (in 512-byte blocks)”处,输入“409600”即可。        页空间(paging space)应为内存的1.5~2倍。

1.1.2 安装CD-ROM文件系统将DB2 UDB V6.1 FOR AIX光盘放入光驱,如果CD-ROM文件系统已经存在,使用命令mount /dev/cd0安装CD-ROM文件系统;否则,应首先创建CDROM文件系统: (1)        创建一个目录来安装该CD-ROM # mkdir -p /cdrom       cdrom表示CD-ROM安装目录 (2)        分配CD-ROM文件系统 # smitty crcdrfs 在“DEVICE name”处按F4选择“cd0”;“MOUNT POINT”处输入“/cdrom”;选择“Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart?”为“no”。创建成功后,执行# mount /dev/cd0 安装CD-ROM文件系统。

1.1.3 安装DB2软件的License Key DB2软件的License Key保存在光盘上db2/license/db2entr.lic文件中,一般为最后两行,将这两行追加到/usr/lib/netls/conf/nodelock文件中即可。使用命令: tail –4 /cdrom/db2/license/db2entr.lic >;>; /usr/lib/netls/conf/nodelock

1.1.4 安装DB2产品        # cd /cdrom # ./db2setup      进入DB2安装画面: +------------------------------- Install DB2 V7--------------------------------+ |                                                                              | |   Select the products you are licensed to install. Your Proof of             | |   Entitlement and License Information booklet identify the products for      | |   which you are licensed.                                                    | |                                                                              | |   To see the preselected components or customize the selection, select       | |   Customize for the product.                                                 | |   [ ] DB2 Administration Client                           [ Customize... ]   | |   [*] DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition                          [ Customize... ]   | |   [ ] DB2 UDB Connect                                     [ Customize... ]   | |   [*] DB2 Application Development Client                  [ Customize... ]   | |   To choose a language for the following components, select Customize for    | |   the product.                                                               | |       DB2 Product Messages                                [ Customize... ]   | |       DB2 Product Library                                 [ Customize... ]   | |                                                                              | |   [   OK   ]                     [ Cancel ]                     [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                            (图一)注:只需安装“DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition(DB2通用数据库企业版)”。和“DB2 Application Development Client”两项其他两项不需安装: DB2 Administration Client(DB2客户端管理) DB2 Software Developer's Kit(DB2软件开发工具包)

        移到光标到”DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition”,按空格健选择,选中后前面应有一“*”号;移动光标到”Customize”,回车后进入以下画面:

+------------------ DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition -----------------+ |                                                                              | |   Required:     DB2 Client                                                   | |                 DB2 Run-time Environment                                     | |                 DB2 Engine                                                   | |                 DB2 Communication Support :                                  | |                     TCP/IP         IPX/SPX                                   | |                     SNA            DRDA AS                                   | |                 DB2 Sample Database Source                                   | |                 Administration Server                                        | |                 DB2 Connect Support                                          | |                 License Support                                              | |   Optional:     [*] Java Support                                             | |                 [*] Replication                                              | |                 [ ] Control Center                                           | |                 [ ] DB2 Control Server                                       | |                 Code Page Conversion Support:                                | |                     [ ] Japanese     [*] Simplified Chinese                  | |                     [ ] Korean       [ ] Traditional Chinese                 | |                                                                              | |   [ Select All ]              [ Deselect All ]                 [ Default ]   | |   [   OK   ]                     [ Cancel ]                     [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                            (图二)        在Code Page Conversion Support:处选择Simplified Chinese(简体中文),然后选择OK,返回“图一”,选择“OK”,进入以下画面: +---------------------------- Create DB2 Services -----------------------------+ |                                                                              | |   Select the items you want to create, and select OK when finished.          | |                                                                              | |   A DB2 Instance is an environment where you store data and run              | |   applications. An instance can contain multiple databases.                  | |                                                                              | |   [ ] Create a DB2 Instance.                              : Customize... :   | |   [*] Do not create a DB2 Instance.                                          | |                                                                              | |   An Administration Server provides services to support client tools that    | |   automate the configuration of connections to DB2 databases.                | |                                                                              | |   [ ] Create the Administration Server.                   : Customize... :   | |   [*] Do not create the Administration Server.                               | |                                                                              | |   [   OK   ]                     [ Cancel ]                     [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                               (图三)        选择“Do not create a DB2 Instance”和“Do  not create the Administration Server”,即不创建实例和管理服务器。选择“OK”进入以下画面: +-------------------------- Warning ----------------------------+ |                                                               | |   DBI1755W The Administration Server is not created.          | |                                                               | |   Cause:  You have not created a Administration Server.       | |   Without the Administration Server, you cannot provide       | |   services to support client tools that automate the          | |   configuration of connections to DB2 databases, and cannot   | |   administer DB2 from your server system or a remote client   | |   using the Control Center.                                   | |                                                               | |   Action:                                                     | |                                                               | |   o   Press OK to continue, or                                | |                                                               | |   o   Press Cancel to abort.                                  | |                                                               | |   [   OK   ]                                     [ Cancel ]   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+                       (图四)        选择“OK”后,进入以下画面:

+------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |   +-------------------------- Summary Report ----------------------------+   | |   |                                                         [ More... ]  |   | |   |  Installation                                                        |   | |   |  ------------                                                        |   | |   |  Product components to be installed:                                 |   | |   |                                                                      |   | |   |    DB2 Client                                                        |   | |   |    Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)                                 |   | |   |    DB2 Run-time Environment                                          |   | |   |    DB2 Engine                                                        |   | |   |    DB2 Communication Support - TCP/IP                                |   | |   |    Administration Server                                             |   | |   |    DB2 Connect Support                                               |   | |   |    DB2 Communication Support - SNA                                   |   | |   |    DB2 Communication Support - DRDA Application Server               |   | |   |    DB2 Communication Support - IPX/SPX                               |   | |   |                                                         [ More... ]  |   | |   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   | |                                 [ Continue ]                                 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                              (图五)        选择“Continue”后,进入以下画面: +--- Warning -------------------------------------+ |                                                 | |   (X) This is your last chance to stop.         | |                                                 | |       Select OK to start, or Cancel to abort.   | |                                                 | |   [   OK   ]                       [ Cancel ]   | +-------------------------------------------------+                 (图六)        选择“OK”后,开始安装DB2,安装完闭后,进入以下画面: +------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |                                                                              | |   +--------------------------- Status Report ----------------------------+   | |   |                                                         [ More... ]  |   | |   |    DB2 Communication Support - SNA                          SUCCESS  |   | |   |    DB2 Communication Support - DRDA Application Server      SUCCESS  |   | |   |    DB2 Communication Support - IPX/SPX                      SUCCESS  |   | |   |    DB2 Sample Database Source                               SUCCESS  |   | |   |    Code Page Conversion Support - Simplified Chinese        SUCCESS  |   | |   |    License Support for DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition           SUCCESS  |   | |   |                                                                      |   | |   |  DB2 Services Creation                                               |   | |   |  ---------------------                                               |   | |   |                                                                      |   | |   |  DB2 Instance                                                        |   | |   |                                                                      |   | |   |    Group Name                                                Cancel  |   | |   |    User Name                                                 Cancel  |   | |   |    Password                                                  Cancel  |   | |   |                                                         [ More... ]  |   | |   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   | |   [ View Log ]                                                  [   OK   ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                        (图七)        选择“OK”后,进入以下画面: +------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |                                                                              | |   Select Install to select products and their components to install, or      | |   select Create to create the DB2 services.                                  | |                                                                              | |   To select products and their components, select           [ Install... ]   | |   Install.                                                                   | |                                                                              | |   To create a DB2 Instance, or the Administration            [ Create... ]   | |   Server, select Create.                                                     | |                                                                              | |   [  Close  ]                                                   [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                           (图八)选择“Close”,DB2安装完成。因db2 V7.1是最新版本,因此不需安装补丁盘 1.2 创建实例        # cd /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/install # ./db2setup     进入创建DB2实例画面: +------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |                                                                              | |   Select Install to select products and their components to install, or      | |   select Create to create the DB2 services.                                  | |                                                                              | |   To select products and their components, select           [ Install... ]   | |   Install.                                                                   | |                                                                              | |   To create a DB2 Instance, or the Administration           [ Create...  ]   | |   Server, select Create.                                                     | |                                                                              | |   [  Close  ]                                               [  Help   ]      | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                               移动光标到“Create”,回车后进入以下画面: +---------------------------- Create DB2 Services -----------------------------+ |                                                                              | |   Select the items you want to create, and select OK when finished.          | |                                                                              | |   A DB2 Instance is an environment where you store data and run              | |   applications. An instance can contain multiple databases.                  | |                                                                              | |   [*] Create a DB2 Instance.                              : Customize... :   | |   [ ] Do not create a DB2 Instance.                                          | |                                                                              | |   An Administration Server provides services to support client tools that    | |   automate the configuration of connections to DB2 databases.                | |                                                                              | |   [ ] Create the Administration Server.                   : Customize... :   | |   [*] Do not create the Administration Server.                               | |                                                                              | |   [   OK   ]                     [ Cancel ]                     [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                                     选择“Create a DB2 Instance”,并将光标移到“Customize”处,回车后进入以下画面: +---------------------------- Create DB2 Services -----------------------------+ |   Select the items you want to create, and select OK when finished.          | |+--- DB2 Instance -----------------------------------------------------------+| ||                                                                            || ||   Authentication:                                                          || ||       Enter User ID, Group ID, Home Directory and Password that will be    || ||       used for the DB2 Instance.                                           || ||       User Name            [db2inst1]                                      || ||       User ID              [600     ]                [ ] Use default UID   || ||       Group Name           [db2iadm1]                                      || ||       Group ID             [601     ]                [ ] Use default GID   || ||       Home Directory       [/home/db2inst1  ]                              || ||       Password             [******          ]                              || ||       Verify Password      [******          ]                              || ||                                                                            || ||   Select Properties to view or change more options.    [ Properties... ]   || ||   Select Default to restore all default settings.            [ Default ]   || ||                                                                            || ||   [   OK   ]                    [ Cancel ]                    [  Help  ]   || |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| |   [   OK   ]                     [ Cancel ]                     [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                                       在“User Name”、“Group Name”、“Home Directory”取默认值,不必修改;在“User ID”、“Group ID”处不要选择“Use default UID”,应输入规划的ID号。选择“OK”回车后进入以下画面: +---------------------------- Create DB2 Services -----------------------------+ |                                                                              | |   Select the items you want to create, and select OK when finished.          | | +--- DB2 Instance Properties ----------------------------------------------+ | |+|                                                                          |+| |||   Authentication Type:                                                   ||| |||       Select one of the following types of authentication for            ||| |||       the DB2 Instance.                                                  ||| |||       (*) Server                                                         ||| |||       ( ) Client                                                         ||| |||       ( ) DCS                                                            ||| |||       ( ) DCE                                                            ||| |||       ( ) Server Encrypt                                                 ||| |||       ( ) DCS Encrypt                                                    ||| |||       ( ) DCE Server Encrypt                                             ||| |||                                                                          ||| |||   Communication Protocols:                                               ||| |||       Select protocols and then select Properties to modify              ||| |||       the protocol values.                                               ||| |||       [*] TCP/IP   Detected                          [ Properties... ]   ||| |||       : : IPX/SPX                                    : Properties... :   ||| |||                                                                          ||| |||   [ ] Auto start DB2 Instance at system boot.                            ||| |||   [*] Create a sample database for DB2 Instance.                         ||| |+|                                                                          |+| | |   [   OK   ]                   [ Cancel ]                   [  Help  ]   | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |   [   OK   ]                     [ Cancel ]                     [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 选择TCP/IP会显示以下画面: +---------------------------- Create DB2 Services -----------------------------+ |                                                                              | |   Select the items you want to create, and select OK when finished.          | | +--- DB2 Instance Properties ----------------------------------------------+ | |+|                                                                          |+| |||   Authentication Type:                                                   ||| |||       Select one of the following types of authentication for            ||| |||       the DB2 Instance.                                                  ||| |||  +--- TCP/IP ---------------------------------------------------------+  ||| |||  |                                                                    |  ||| |||  |   Enter the Service Name and Port Number that will                 |  ||| |||  |   be used for TCP/IP connection.                                   |  ||| |||  |                                                                    |  ||| |||  |   Service Name             [db2cdb2inst1  ]                        |  ||| |||  |   Port Number              [50000]                                 |  ||| |||  |   Port Number (FCM)        :     :                                 |  ||| |||  |                                                                    |  ||| |||  |   Select Default to restore all default settings.    [ Default ]   |  ||| |||  |                                                                    |  ||| |||  |   [   OK   ]                [ Cancel ]                [  Help  ]   |  ||| |||  +--------------------------------------------------------------------+  ||| |||   [ ] Auto start DB2 Instance at system boot.                            ||| |||   [*] Create a sample database for DB2 Instance.                         ||| |+|                                                                          |+| | |   [   OK   ]                   [ Cancel ]                   [  Help  ]   | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |   [   OK   ]                     [ Cancel ]                     [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 取默认值即可,不需修改。        选择“Create a sample database for DB2 Instance”,建立样本数据库;不要选择“Auto start DB2 Instance at system boot”,即系统启动时,不自动启DB2实例,DB2实例的启动是由双机软件HACMP控制的。选择“OK”后进入以下画面: +---------------------------- Create DB2 Services -----------------------------+ |   Select the items you want to create, and select OK when finished.          | |                                                                              | |+--- Fenced User ------------------------------------------------------------+| ||                                                                            || ||   Fenced user defined functions (UDFs) and stored procedures will          || ||   execute under this user and group.                                       || ||                                                                            || ||   Authentication:                                                          || ||       Enter User ID, Group ID, Home Directory and Password that will be    || ||       used for the Fenced User.                                            || ||       User Name            [db2fenc1]                                      || ||       User ID              [600     ]                [ ] Use default UID   || ||       Group Name           [db2fadm1]                                      || ||       Group ID             [601     ]                [ ] Use default GID   || ||       Home Directory       [/home/db2fenc1  ]                              || ||       Password             [******          ]                              || ||       Verify Password      [******          ]                              || ||                                                                            || ||   Select Default to restore all default settings.            [ Default ]   || ||                                                                            || ||   [   OK   ]                    [ Cancel ]                    [  Help  ]   || |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| |   [   OK   ]                     [ Cancel ]                     [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                                       在“User Name”、“Group Name”、“Home Directory”取默认值,不必修改;在“User ID”、“Group ID”处不要选择“Use default UID”,应输入规划的ID号。选择“OK”回车后进入以下画面: +---------------------------- Create DB2 Services -----------------------------+ |   Select the items you want to create, and select OK when finished.          | |                                                                              | |   A DB2 Instance is an environment where you store data and run              | |   applications.  An instance can contain multiple databases.                 | |  +--- Warning ------------------------------------------------------------+  | |  |   DBI1755W The Administration Server is not created.                   |  | |  |                                                                        |  | |  |   Explanation:  You have not created a Administration Server.          |  | |  |   Without the Administration Server, you cannot provide services to    |  | |  |   support client tools that automate the configuration of              |  | |  |   connections to DB2 databases, and cannot administer DB2 from your    |  | |  |   server system or a remote client using the Control Center.           |  | |  |                                                                        |  | |  |   User Response:                                                       |  | |  |   o   Press OK to continue, or                                         |  | |  |   o   Press Cancel to go back.                                         |  | |  |   [   OK   ]                                              [ Cancel ]   |  | |  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+  | |   [   OK   ]                     [ Cancel ]                     [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+                                      选择“OK”后,进入以下画面: +------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |   +-- Summary Report ----------------------------------------------------+   | |   |  DB2 Services Creation                                               |   | |   |  ---------------------                                               |   | |   |  Fenced User                                                         |   | |   |    Create new group name:                                            |   | |   |      Group Name                                            db2fadm1  |   | |   |      Group ID                                                   301  |   | |   |    Create new user name:                                             |   | |   |      User Name                                             db2fenc1  |   | |   |      User ID                                                    302  |   | |   |      Home Directory                                  /home/db2fenc1  |   | |   |                                                                      |   | |   |  DB2 Instance                                                        |   | |   |      Create new group name:                                          |   | |   |        Group Name                                          db2iadm1  |   | |   |        Group ID                                                 302  |   | |   |      Create new user name:                                           |   | |   |        User Name                                           db2inst1  |   | |   |                                                         [ More... ]  |   | |   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   | |                                 [ Continue ]                                 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

        选择“Continue” 进入以下画面: +------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |   +-- Summary Report ----------------------------------------------------+   | |   |  DB2 Services Creation                                               |   | |   |  ---------------------                                               |   | |   |  Fenced User                                                         |   | |   |    Create new group name:                                            |   | |   |      Gro+--- Warning -------------------------------------+db2fadm1  |   | |   |      Gro|                                                 |     301  |   | |   |    Creat|   (X) This is your last chance to stop.         |          |   | |   |      Use|                                                 |db2fenc1  |   | |   |      Use|       Select OK to start, or Cancel to abort.   |     302  |   | |   |      Hom|                                                 |db2fenc1  |   | |   |         |   [   OK   ]                       [ Cancel ]   |          |   | |   |  DB2 Ins+-------------------------------------------------+          |   | |   |      Create new group name:                                          |   | |   |        Group Name                                          db2iadm1  |   | |   |        Group ID                                                 302  |   | |   |      Create new user name:                                           |   | |   |        User Name                                           db2inst1  |   | |   |                                                         [ More... ]  |   | |   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   | |                                 [ Continue ]                                 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

        选择“OK”后,开始安装,安装成功后提示以下画面: +------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |   +-- Summary Report ----------------------------------------------------+   | |   |  DB2 Services Creation                                               |   | |   |  ---------------------                                               |   | |   |                                                                      |   | |   |  Fenced User                                                         |   | |   |    Create new group name:                                            |   | |   |      Group Name                                            db2fadm1  |   | |   |      Group ID      +--- Notice -----------------+               301  |   | |   |    Create new user |                            |                    |   | |   |      User Name     |   Completed successfully.  |          db2fenc1  |   | |   |      User ID       |                            |               302  |   | |   |      Home Directory|         [   OK   ]         |    /home/db2fenc1  |   | |   |                    +----------------------------+                    |   | |   |  DB2 Instance                                                        |   | |   |      Create new group name:                                          |   | |   |        Group Name                                          db2iadm1  |   | |   |        Group ID                                                 302  |   | |   |      Create new user name:                                           |   | |   |        User Name                                           db2inst1  |   | |   |                                                         [ More... ]  |   | |   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   | |                                 [ Continue ]                                 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

        选择“OK”后,进入以下画面: +------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |   +-- Status Report -----------------------------------------------------+   | |   |  The log file can be found in /tmp/db2setup.log.                     |   | |   |                                                                      |   | |   |  DB2 Services Creation                                               |   | |   |  ---------------------                                               |   | |   |  Fenced User                                                         |   | |   |  Create new group name                                      SUCCESS  |   | |   |  Create new user name                                       SUCCESS  |   | |   |  Set password for new user                                  SUCCESS  |   | |   |                                                                      |   | |   |  DB2 Instance                                                        |   | |   |  Create new group name                                      SUCCESS  |   | |   |  Create new user name                                       SUCCESS  |   | |   |  Set password for new user                                  SUCCESS  |   | |   |  DB2 Instance Creation                                      SUCCESS  |   | |   |  Create new entry in /etc/services                          SUCCESS  |   | |   |  Update DBM configuration file for TCP/IP                   SUCCESS  |   | |   |                                                         [ More... ]  |   | |   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   | |   [ View Log ]                                                  [   OK   ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

        选择“OK”后,进入以下画面: +------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |   Select Install to select products and their components to install, or      | |   select Create to create the DB2 services.                                  | |                                                                              | |  +--- Warning ------------------------------------------------------------+  | |  |                                                                        |  | |  |   DBI1755W The Administration Server is not created.                   |  | |  |                                                                        |  | |  |   Explanation:  You have not created a Administration Server.          |  | |  |   Without the Administration Server, you cannot provide services to    |  | |  |   support client tools that automate the configuration of              |  | |  |   connections to DB2 databases, and cannot administer DB2 from your    |  | |  |   server system or a remote client using the Control Center.           |  | |  |                                                                        |  | |  |   User Response:                                                       |  | |  |   o   Press OK to continue, or                                         |  | |  |   o   Press Cancel to go back.                                         |  | |  |                                                                        |  | |  |   [   OK   ]                                              [ Cancel ]   |  | |  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+  | |   [  Close  ]                                                   [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

        选择“OK”后,进入以下画面: +------------------------------- DB2 Installer --------------------------------+ |                                                                              | |   Select Install to select products and their components to install, or      | |   select Create to create the DB2 services.                                  | |                                                                              | |   To select products and their components, select           [ Install... ]   | |   Install.                                                                   | |                                                                              | |   To create a DB2 Instance, or the Administration            [ Create... ]   | |   Server, selec+--- Notice ---------------------------------+                | |                |                                            |                | |                |   (?) Do you want to exit DB2 Installer?   |                | |                |       Select OK to proceed.                |                | |                |                                            |                | |                |   [   OK   ]                  [ Cancel ]   |                | |                +--------------------------------------------+                | |   [  Close  ]                                                   [  Help  ]   | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

        选择“OK”退出安装菜单。

1.3 编辑实例所有者主目录下.dtprofile文件将/home/db2inst1/.dtprofile文件中DTSOURCEPROFILE=TRUE一行中前面的注释号“#”去掉,使其生效即可。 1.4 验证安装        检查有关DB2实例的用户是否安装正确 DB2实例安装完成后,会在/home目录下建立两个用户db2inst1和db2fenc1(若安装了“管理服务器”,还应有用户db2as),样本数据库sample也建在/home/db2inst1下。应检查用户及用户组是否与规划的一致。        检查/etc/services文件,在文件尾应有以下两条记录: db2cdb2inst1    50000/tcp   # Connection port for DB2 instance db2inst1 db2idb2inst1    50001/tcp   # Interrupt  port for DB2 instance db2inst1         启动DB2实例 # su – db2inst1       注册进入db2inst1用户 $ db2start           启动DB2实例,应该提示启动成功。        测试样本数据库 $ db2 connect to sample    连接sample数据库 $ db2 connect reset        断开数据库连接        删除样本数据库在验证安装后,可删除sample数据库以释放磁盘空间。 $ db2 drop db sample         停止DB2实例 $ db2stop                   应提示关闭成功。
