


這裡所列出的通用軟件所使用的組織作為主要手段的ITIL流程。 There are five main disciplines within ITIL which has open source ITIL software to support the discipline's processes:有5個主要學科已在ITIL的開源ITIL的軟件,以支持紀律的過程:

  • Service Delivery服務交付
  • Service Support服務支持
  • Infrastructure Management基礎設施管理
  • Application Management應用管理
  • Software Asset Management軟件資產管理

If your organization has limited budget for integrated and expensive enterprise software but realizes the need to apply and implement ITIL processes within the IT department or the company as a whole, check out the following listing of open source software to support your ITIL processes.如果你所在的組織預算有限的綜合性和昂貴的企業軟件,但實現的需要申請和實施ITIL流程的IT部門或本公司作為一個整體,看看下面的上市開放源碼軟件,以支持您的ITIL流程。

Service Management – Service Support 服務管理-服務支持

Service Desk – The single point of contact between IT Users and IT Service Management 服務台 -的單一的聯絡點之間的IT用戶和IT服務管理

Incident Management – The process to restore IT services as fast as possible to ensure little distruption 事件管理 -這一進程以恢復IT服務盡快以確保小distruption

Problem Management – The process to resolve root cause of incidents and identify known errors 問題管理 -這一進程以解決事件的根源並查明已知錯誤

OneOrZero Task Management and Help Desk System OneOrZero任務管理和幫助台系統 The OneOrZero Task Management and Help Desk System is a powerful, enterprise grade task management and help desk application. -在OneOrZero任務管理和幫助台系統是一個功能強大的,企業級的任務管理和服務台應用。 It is fast, customizable and runs on virtually any platform and is released under the General Public Licence (GPL) Open Source license, allowing you to customize freely.這是快速,可定制和運行在幾乎所有平台,並發布的通用公共許可證( GPL )的開源許可證,允許您自定義自由。

Eventum Eventum – is a user-friendly and flexible issue tracking system that can be used by a support department to track incoming technical support requests, or by a software development team to quickly organize tasks and bugs. -是一個用戶友好的和靈活的問題跟踪系統,可以使用一個支持部追踪技術支援的要求,或由一個軟件開發團隊,迅速組織任務和錯誤。

OSTicket OSTicket – osTicket is a widely-used open source support ticket system. - osTicket是一種廣泛使用的開放原始碼支援票證制度。 Plain and simple it is a lightweight feature packed support ticket tool written mainly using PHP scripting language.簡單明了這是一個輕巧便攜功能支援票證工具書面主要使用PHP腳本語言。

Trellis Desk 格台 – Trellis Desk is a powerful, robust help desk solution for your business. -網格台是一個功能強大的,強大的服務台解決方案為您的企業。 Improve your company's service by allowing your customers to quickly and easily submit support tickets to your team.提高貴公司的服務,讓您的客戶快速,方便地提交票支持您的團隊。 Trellis Desk sports a range of advanced features to revitalize the way your business handles customer support.格台體育一系列先進的功能,以振興您的業務處理方式的客戶支持。 Even better, it's completely free; you don't have to pay any license fees to use Trellis Desk.甚至更好,而且完全免費,您不必支付任何許可費用使用網格台。

OTRS ITSM OTRS的ITSM - OTRS::ITSM 1.0 is the first ITIL compliant IT service management solution on open-source basis, built on the solid fundament of over 55,000 known OTRS installations and the related active community. - OTRS : : ITSM的1.0是第一個符合ITIL的IT服務管理解決方案,開放源代碼的基礎上,建立在堅實的基礎超過55,000已知OTRS設施和相關的積極的社會。 It is an ITIL compliant Open Source IT Service Management (ITSM) Solution.這是一個兼容的開源ITIL的IT服務管理( ITSM )解決方案。 Requires the OTRS (Open Ticket Request System) framework.需要OTRS (開放票證請求系統)的框架。 Besides all OTRS features, this solution includes Incident, Problem and Configuration Management, Integrated Configuration Management Database; Process Spanning Communication Management: within the IT Service Organization, towards Customers/Users/Management and Suppliers/Providers; powerfull statistical features for Trend Analysis, key figured Reporting, ITSM-Planning / Controlling; flexible configuration, customizing and expandability with regards to your individual requirements.除了所有OTRS的功能,這一解決方案包括事件,問題和配置管理,綜合配置管理數據庫;向前延伸通信管理:在IT服務組織,對客戶/用戶/管理和供應商/供應商;強大的統計功能,趨勢分析,關鍵計算報告, ITSM的規劃/控制;靈活的配置,定制和可擴展性對於您的個人要求。

