CMS(Concurrent Mark Sweep)收集器是一种以获取最短回收停顿时间为目标的多线程并发收集器,基于“标记-清除”算法实现。CMS垃圾回收器将垃圾回收分成多个阶段,某些阶段可以和业务线程并发执行,这些并发阶段主要来做一些准备工作,这些准备工作能缩小最终的暂停阶段(Init-Mark和Remark)的时间,而且在暂停业务线程的两个阶段也由于多线程并行暂停时间控制也较好,是目前对用户响应时间敏感的且堆大小适中(太大、太小都不好)的应用广泛采用的年老代垃圾回收器。默认配合ParNew回收器作为新生代垃圾回收器。
public abstract class Reference {
private T referent; // 引用所指向的真实对象
volatile ReferenceQueue super T> queue; //引用处理列表
/* When active: next element in a discovered reference list maintained by GC (or this if last)
* pending: next element in the pending list (or null if last)
* otherwise: NULL
transient private Reference discovered; /* used by VM ,指向pending链表下一个节点*/
* References to this list, while the Reference-handler thread removes
* them. This list is protected by the above lock object. The
* list uses the discovered field to link its elements.
private static Reference
private static class Entry extends WeakReference implements Map.Entry {
V value;
final int hash;
Entry next;
* Creates new entry.
Entry(Object key, V value,
ReferenceQueue queue,
int hash, Entry next) {
super(key, queue);
this.value = value;
this.hash = hash; = next;
* Expunges stale entries from the table.
private void expungeStaleEntries() {
for (Object x; (x = queue.poll()) != null; ) {
synchronized (queue) {
Entry e = (Entry) x;
int i = indexFor(e.hash, table.length);
Entry prev = table[i];
Entry p = prev;
while (p != null) {
Entry next =;
if (p == e) {
if (prev == e)
table[i] = next;
else = next;
// Must not null out;
// stale entries may be in use by a HashIterator
e.value = null; // Help GC
prev = p;
p = next;
true, // Process younger gens, if any,
// as strong roots.
false, // no scope; this is parallel code
// "evacuate followers".
bool ReferenceProcessor::discover_reference(oop obj, ReferenceType rt) {
// We only discover references whose referents are not (yet)
// known to be strongly reachable.
if (is_alive_non_header() != NULL) {
if (is_alive_non_header()->do_object_b(java_lang_ref_Reference::referent(obj))) {
return false; // referent is reachable
if (_discovery_is_mt) {
add_to_discovered_list_mt(*list, obj, discovered_addr);
} else {
// We do a raw store here: the field will be visited later when processing
// the discovered references.
oop current_head = list->head();
// The last ref must have its discovered field pointing to itself.
oop next_discovered = (current_head != NULL) ? current_head : obj;
assert(discovered == NULL, "control point invariant");
oop_store_raw(discovered_addr, next_discovered);
if (TraceReferenceGC) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Discovered reference (" INTPTR_FORMAT ": %s)",
(void *)obj, obj->klass()->internal_name());
DiscoveredList refs_lists[],
ReferencePolicy* policy,
bool clear_referent,
BoolObjectClosure* is_alive,
OopClosure* keep_alive,
VoidClosure* complete_gc,
AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor* task_executor)
// Phase 1 (soft refs only):
// . Traverse the list and remove any SoftReferences whose
// referents are not alive, but that should be kept alive for
// policy reasons. Keep alive the transitive closure of all
// such referents.
if (policy != NULL) {
if (mt_processing) {
RefProcPhase1Task phase1(*this, refs_lists, policy, true /*marks_oops_alive*/);
} else {
for (uint i = 0; i < _max_num_q; i++) {
process_phase1(refs_lists[i], policy,
is_alive, keep_alive, complete_gc);
} else { // policy == NULL
assert(refs_lists != _discoveredSoftRefs,
"Policy must be specified for soft references.");
// Phase 2:
// . Traverse the list and remove any refs whose referents are alive.
if (mt_processing) {
RefProcPhase2Task phase2(*this, refs_lists, !discovery_is_atomic() /*marks_oops_alive*/);
} else {
for (uint i = 0; i < _max_num_q; i++) {
process_phase2(refs_lists[i], is_alive, keep_alive, complete_gc);
// Phase 3:
// . Traverse the list and process referents as appropriate.
if (mt_processing) {
RefProcPhase3Task phase3(*this, refs_lists, clear_referent, true /*marks_oops_alive*/);
} else {
for (uint i = 0; i < _max_num_q; i++) {
process_phase3(refs_lists[i], clear_referent,
is_alive, keep_alive, complete_gc);
void ReferenceProcessor::enqueue_discovered_reflist(DiscoveredList& refs_list,
HeapWord* pending_list_addr) {
if (pending_list_uses_discovered_field()) { // New behavior
// Walk down the list, self-looping the next field
// so that the References are not considered active.
while (obj != next_d) {
obj = next_d;
assert(obj->is_instanceRef(), "should be reference object");
next_d = java_lang_ref_Reference::discovered(obj);
if (TraceReferenceGC && PrintGCDetails) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" obj " INTPTR_FORMAT "/next_d " INTPTR_FORMAT,
(void *)obj, (void *)next_d);
assert(java_lang_ref_Reference::next(obj) == NULL,
"Reference not active; should not be discovered");
// Self-loop next, so as to make Ref not active.
java_lang_ref_Reference::set_next_raw(obj, obj);
if (next_d != obj) {
oopDesc::bs()->write_ref_field(java_lang_ref_Reference::discovered_addr(obj), next_d);
} else {
// This is the last object.
// Swap refs_list into pending_list_addr and
// set obj's discovered to what we read from pending_list_addr.
oop old = oopDesc::atomic_exchange_oop(refs_list.head(), pending_list_addr);
// Need post-barrier on pending_list_addr. See enqueue_discovered_ref_helper() above.
java_lang_ref_Reference::set_discovered_raw(obj, old); // old may be NULL
oopDesc::bs()->write_ref_field(java_lang_ref_Reference::discovered_addr(obj), old);
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