
animation 属性是一个简写属性,用于设置六个过渡属性:

animation-duration         animation-timing-function
animation-delay (这三个应该能猜出来吧,同上)
animation-name(绑定的 keyframe 名称)
animation-iteration-count(播放次数。 次数(n) | infinite无限)
animation-direction(是否播放反向动画。normal | alternate)

animation: name duration timing-function delay iteration-count direction;
	animation:pMove 1s infinite;
	-moz-animation:pMove 1s infinite;    /* Firefox */
	-webkit-animation:pMove 1s infinite; /* Safari and Chrome */
	-o-animation:pMove 5s infinite;      /* Opera */

@keyframes pMove{
	0%   { color: yellow; transform: scale(1);  }
	25%  { color: white; transform: scale(1.1); }
	50%  { color: yellow; transform: scale(1);  }
	75%  { color: white; transform: scale(1.1); }
	100% { color: yellow; transform: scale(1);  }
@-moz-keyframes pMove /* Firefox */{ /*同上,只是为了兼容*/}
@-webkit-keyframes pMove /* Safari and Chrome */{ /*同上,只是为了兼容*/}
@-o-keyframes pMove /* Opera */{ /*同上,只是为了兼容*/}

