kubernetes/apimachinery:Scheme, typing, encoding, decoding, and conversion packages for Kubernetes and Kubernetes-like API objects.This library is a shared dependency for servers and clients to work with Kubernetes API infrastructure without direct type dependencies. Its first consumers are k8s.io/kubernetes, k8s.io/client-go, and k8s.io/apiserver.
kubernetes/client-go:Go client for Kubernetes.Depend kubernetes/apimachinery;
kubernetes/cluster-registry:A lightweight tool for maintaining a list of clusters and associated metadata.
kubernetes/apiserver:Library for writing a Kubernetes-style API server.This library contains code to create Kubernetes aggregation server complete with delegated authentication and authorization, kubectl compatible discovery information, optional admission chain, and versioned types. It’s first consumers are k8s.io/kubernetes, k8s.io/kube-aggregator, and github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog.
kubernetes/apiextensions-apiserver:API server for API extensions like CustomResourceDefinitions;This API server provides the implementation for CustomResourceDefinitions which is included as delegate server inside of kube-apiserver.
kubernetes/api:The canonical location of the Kubernetes API definition.Apiserver’s client; This repo is still in the experimental stage. Shortly it will contain the schema of the API that are served by the Kubernetes apiserver.
kubernetes/kube-openapi:Kubernetes OpenAPI spec generation & serving; The goal is to support a subset of OpenAPI features to satisfy kubernetes use-cases but implement that subset with little to no assumption about the structure of the code or routes.
Kubernetes 支持 OpenAPI