Module 18 OVOW Administration Tips

1. Licenses
a. Licence Key: 必须在management server 上操作,不能通过remote console.
b. Password Utility: HPOV-Auto-Pass
c. System identification
- IP address
- Hostname/platform
- HP order number
2.Self Manager的作用
a. 发现OVOW 自身所在服务器上的OVOW agent 和server, 并在service hierarchy 里形成model
b. 更新 discovered service hierarchy
c. 自动对agent/server 下发policies
d. 将OVOW error messages 发送到windows event log.
3.Self Manager监控的进程/服务
The following services are monitored:
- OvDnsDiscoveryService
- OvEpMessageActionServer
- OvEpStatusEngine
- OvMsmAccessManager
- OVAutoDisoveryServer
- Windows Management Instrumentation
4.自动下发policies 和删除过时的policies
默认状态下是enable, 可以通过修改NT Registry 来实现。
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Hewlett-Packard / OVEnterprise / Plug-Ins / Self Management / AutoDeploy xxxxxx
5. Flexible management 的类型
a.  Agent-based: 
- Competence center
- Follow the sun
b. Server-based(MOM)
- Message forwarding (message escalation)
- Backup server
6. 手动安装agent
For UNIX Agents
Run ‘opcactivate’   and assign management server/certification server 
For Windows Agents
Open the following folder and run the command: mgmt_sv.
/Installed Packages/{79…c2a}/bin/OpC/install

Enter the fully qualified name of the management server for this node in the space provided.
7. Firewall
a. EPC using HTTP-based communication and Messages, Tools, Actions, Instrumentation, and Policy distribution use RPCs based on TCP/IP. Ports can be restricted.
8. Messages
默认状态下,OVOW 将每隔30天删除acknowledged messages
            StartTimeDBMaint: Specifies when to start the database scan for old acknowledge messages. The default is daily at 3:00 am.
            DBMaintTimeSpec: Specifies the age of acknowledged messages to be deleted. The default is older than 30 days.
To save these deleted messages, download the messages to text files by using the registry settings:
9. OvChgPass
 在下面这些用户组中修改 HP-OVE-USER的密码:
A。 所有 HP OPENVIEW NT services
B.   DCOM server, such as ovpmad.exe
C.   所有使用该帐号的 HP OPENVIEW TOOLS.
D.   所有使用该帐号的scheduled command policies.  注意: 只更新最新版本的policy, 并且会生成新的策略版本。
