一。美国时间2004年4月12日,Alt-N发布MDaemon Server 8.0 正式版,以下为官方发布说明:
----------------------------- MDaemon 8.00 - April 12, 2005 -----------------------------
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS ----------------------
o All or parts of this file may not be localized.
o Your AntiVirus update schedule file (/App/AVSchedule.dat) was renamed to /App/AVSchedule.dat.old so that a new set of default update times could be put in place. The new defaults randomize the times that updates take place but schedule only a single update per day. You can return to your old update settings by renaming /App/AVSchedule.dat.old to /App/AVSchedule.dat if you wish (restart MDaemon after renaming the file).
o This version creates Calendar, Contacts, and Task folders for each user and a Contacts folder for each domain during the installation. If these folders already exist they will be renamed to Old Calendar, Old Contacts, and Old Tasks. See the IMPROVED COLLABORATION SUPPORT section below for more details.
o MDaemon requires activation of your registration key. The goal of the activation system is to combat piracy and protect the interests of legitimate customers.
Immediately after MDaemon loads it will launch the Activation Wizard which will walk you through the simple process of activating your registration key. You can activate in a fully automated fashion or manually if you prefer. The process takes only a few seconds.
Activation verifies that the key you are using is legitimate. It also ties your registration information to your computer using the MAC address of your Network Interface Card making it impossible for others to illegally use your registration key. No personal information about you is required or transmitted. Reactivation is required only if you change out your Network card. The 'Help | Activate your registration key...' menu selection will launch the Activation Wizard should you need to do this in the future.
Multiple activations are allowed however this is for customer convenience only and should not be considered license to violate the EULA. Registered users have 30 days in which to activate. Activation is required in order for MDaemon to function.
For a more detailed description of activation see: http://www.altn.com/Activation/faq.asp
o This version of MDaemon requires WebAdmin 3.10. You can obtain WebAdmin 3.10 from http://files.altn.com/WebAdmin/Release/
o Please note the evolution of the old MDaemon GroupWare product into the new Outlook Connector for MDaemon. This name change is reflected in numerous places within the MDaemon GUI and documentation. To read more on this check out this partner newsletter: http://files.altn.com/static/images/partners/press/newsletters/NL-200501.pdf
o The default automatic spam filtering IMAP rule created for each account via the Spam Filter's 'Automatically filter spam messages into user's IMAP spam folder' was changed. The rule used to merely check for the existence of the X-Spam-Flag header within each message. This was found to be not sufficient because some external SpamAssassin enabled software places 'X-Spam-Flag: No' into messages. So, the rule was changed to check for 'X-Spam-Flag: Yes' rather than just the existence of the header itself. To change the rule for all your accounts uncheck the 'Auto- matically filter spam messages into user's IMAP spam folder' option and follow the instructions. This will remove the old rule from each of your accounts. Then recheck the same option to build the new rule for each account.
o Some of the WCML tags have been changed. Your custom WorldClient templates will need to be updated.
o If you are using the composite log check your settings. They will need adjustment because a new log for Outlook Connector activity has been added.
o Using the Content Filter's "Copy the message to specified user(s)" action with a mailing list as the target of the action can lead to the following problem: if the list is keeping a digest then the digest will NOT get a copy of the message. This limitation will be addressed in a future version.
o Older versions of ComAgent will no longer be able to sync contacts with MDaemon 8. To regain this capability your users must update to ComAgent 8.
o The WhoWhere and InfoSpace public LDAP servers no longer appear to be operating. Therefore the installer will rename your AddrLookup.ini file to AddrLookup.old before installing a new version which removes these entries. If you have added custom LDAP servers for your WorldClient users (including LDaemon for example) you can reconfigure them by editing the new AddrLookup.ini file (remember to start numbering at 1 ex: [LDAP1]).
MAJOR NEW FEATURES ------------------
Collaboration support within MDaemon/WorldClient has been completely re- written and vastly improved. From within WorldClient you can now more easily and attractively create appointments, schedule meetings, and work with address books. For the first time, recurring appointments are fully supported. Also, appointments are more elaborate with many more fields available to describe them than were possible before. Internally, contacts, calendars, and task data are stored as IMAP folders within each user's root mail directory. Users can use WorldClient or Microsoft Outlook* to access these folders and control what other users have access to these folders. All WorldClient themes (and especially Lookout) have been modified with new templates which present contact, calendar, and task folders in a more logical and attractive way.
MDaemon supports and automatically creates domain-wide contact, calendar, and task folders which all domain users will have access to via WorldClient or Microsoft Outlook*. By default, users of a domain will have full access to add, edit, and delete items in these folders. You can easily change this through the MDaemon GUI if you desire to restrict access to these folders.
The new collaboration system within MDaemon is completely IMAP/ACL based with data stored in XML and RFC/TNEF format. This allows seamless integration with the Outlook Connector for MDaemon plug-in used by Microsoft Outlook. Granting other users access to your folders can be achieved via WorldClient or Outlook*.
MDaemon no longer maintains a single address book for all domains. MDaemon keeps address books on a per-domain basis now. Any other address books will have to be created and maintained by you (if you want them).
*Requires Outlook Connector for MDaemon (see http://www.altn.com).
If you are upgrading to MDaemon 8 from a previous version, the installation process will automatically convert each users private address book (their addrbook.xml file) to the new Contacts folder in their root mail directory. Also, each users calendar information will be migrated from their old Calendar.mrk file to the new XML format within the new Calendar folder in their root mail directory. Finally, each domain's public address book will be converted and placed into the domain's Contacts public folder. None of the original files are deleted by this process. You can run /App/MD3Conv.exe to forcibly migrate the calendar and contact data for any user (or all users) as needed. Just run it once with no command line arguments for instructions.
If the migration process finds a Calendar or Contact folder that already exists for a user or domain it will rename that folder to Old Calendar and Old Contacts. Access control is preserved when folders are renamed.
MDaemon is now DomainKeys enabled (http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys). DomainKeys is a specification intended to provide email sender verifica- tion. MDaemon can both sign outgoing and verify incoming emails using DomainKeys.
MDaemon's GUI now has a DomainKeys tab, DomainKeys logging options, and a configuration screen on the Security menu where you can setup your DomainKeys properties.
MDaemon includes the ability to generate private and public keys suitable for use with the DomainKeys specification. A button within the new DomainKeys GUI will allow you to create keys. By default, keys are generated with a bit depth of 1024 bits which should be very secure. A default selector ('MDaemon') and a default public and private key are created automatically on startup (if they do not already exist). All keys are unique and are never the same from one site to another.
MDaemon supports multiple selectors and key pairs. Selectors and keys are stored under the /MDaemon/Pem root folder in the following way:
/MDaemon/Pem//rsa.public - public key for this selector /MDaemon/Pem//rsa.private - private key for this selector
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