命令: ####查看软件包 yum list all ##列出yum源仓库里面的所有可用的安装包 yum list installed ##列出所有已经安装的安装包 yum list available ##列出没有安装的安装包 ####安装软件 yum install softwarename ##安装指定的软件 yum reinstall softarename ##重新安装指定的软件 yum localinstall 第三方software ##安装第三方文件并且会解决软件的依赖关系 yum remove softwarename ##卸装指定的软件 ####查找软件的信息 yum info software ##查看软的信息 yum search keywords ##根据关键字查找到相关安装包软件的信息 yum whatprovides filename ##查找包含指定文件的相关安装包 ####对于软件组 yum groups list ##列出软件组 yum groups install ##安装一个软件组 yum group remove ##卸载一个软件组 yum groups info ##查看一个软件组的信息
yum repolist
mkdir /mount ##创建的空的文件夹用于挂载iso镜像文件 mount /iso/ iso的文件的名 /mount ##为了让iso镜像文件能够被像文件一样被便利地读取利用,将iso文件挂载在一个空的文件里面
mkdir /etc/backup ##创建/etc 下的一个空文件夹用于备份原来的yum源读取文件
mv /etc/yum.repos.d/* /etc/backup/ ##备份yum仓库指定文件
touch /etc/yum.repos.d/myyum.repo
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/myyum.repo<##编写自己的yum仓库指向文件(以repo结尾)当读取yum源的时候系统查找repo结尾文件,读取文件内容,在相应的地方寻找信息。
>gpgcheck=0 ## 0表示不检查rpm数字证书,1为检查rpm数字证书
yum clean all ##清空本地/var/cache/yum容器清单列表旧数据。 yum repolist ##列出所有的可用的yum仓库,执行这个命令,会重读yum源设置志向文件,刷新本地容器清单列表。
yum install httpd
systemctl start httpd ##开启http服务 systemctl enable httpd ##设置开机启动http服务 systemctl stop firewalld ##关闭火墙服务方便下面的htpp服务的使用
umount /mount ##将挂载在/mount下的文件解挂载将要挂载在http服务相关目录下
mkdir /var/www/html/myshare ##在http服务的目录下面创建一个挂载点(http服务可以默认的服务目录) mount /iso/iso文件名 /var/www/html/myshare
touch /etc/yum.repo.d/myshare.repo
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/myshare.repo << end
yum clean all
yum repolist 出现了错误
由于本文里面我们本地yum源制作和http-yum分享源制作使用了同一个iso文件所以我们解挂载了本地源挂载iso,执行yum repolist 命令yum源找不到我们在仓库指向文件里面指定的原本挂载在/mount的内容。现在我们可以修改第一个文件的查找点,让它找/var/www/html/myshare
yum repolist
cat >> /etc/fstab << end
挂载文件 挂载点 文件类型 挂载参数 备份 检测
/iso/***.iso /var/www/html/myshare iso9660 ro 0 0
执行createrepo /software
###make a local yum source to install httpd service#####
#before start,copy the **.iso to a file i choose '/iso' #
mkdir /mount #make a file use to mount the **.iso
mount /iso/rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso /mount #mount the **.iso to the mount file
mkdir /etc/backup ##make a file to bak the *.repo file
mv /etc/yum.repos.d/* /etc/backup/ #move the *.repo file to the backfile
yum clean all ##to refesh
######add the yum.repo file to add the yum source##
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/yum.repo << end
yum clean all ## to refresh
yum repolist ##to see whether the yum-repo-setting is working
### above, the local yum-source is ok! now use the local yum-source we create to down httpd server. setting the httpd server to share the local-iso-source with http###
######install http server###
yum install httpd -y ##install the httpd server
systemctl start httpd ##start the httpd server
systemctl enable httpd ##set start httpd server every time start the sys
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
###setting http server let the httpd server can find our iso source
umount /mount #unmount the **iso file inorder to let it mount under the http sserver
yum clean all
yum repolist
mkdir /var/www/html/myshare ##make a file in http server-file to let it find the iso-source
mount /iso/rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso /var/www/html/myshare ##mount the iso-source to the http server
systemctl restart httpd
###now because we unmount the /mount that we set local-source to mount the http server so we can not use localyum###
###to modify the local-yum-source to let it share the source with http server###
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/yum.repo << end
yum clean all
yum repolist
#####set automount when start the system######
cat >> /etc/fstab << end
>/iso/rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso /var/www/html/myshare iso9660 ro 0 0