面向对象编程经典例题 --- 收银系统设计



Basic sales tax is applicable at a rate of 10% on all goods, except books, food, and medical products that are exempt. Import duty is an additional sales tax applicable on all imported goods at a rate of 5%, with no exemptions.


When I purchase items I receive a receipt which lists the name of all the items and their price (including tax), finishing with the total cost of the items, and the total amounts of sales taxes paid. The rounding rules for sales tax are that for a tax rate of n%, a shelf price of p contains (np/100 rounded up to the nearest 0.05) amount of sales tax.


Write an application that prints out the receipt details for these shopping baskets...




Input 1:

1 book at 12.49

1 music CD at 14.99

1 chocolate bar at 0.85


Input 2:

1 imported box of chocolates at 10.00

1 imported bottle of perfume at 47.50


Input 3:

1 imported bottle of perfume at 27.99

1 bottle of perfume at 18.99

1 packet of headache pills at 9.75

1 box of imported chocolates at 11.25




Output 1:

1 book : 12.49

1 music CD: 16.49

1 chocolate bar: 0.85

Sales Taxes: 1.50

Total: 29.83


Output 2:

1 imported box of chocolates: 10.50

1 imported bottle of perfume: 54.65

Sales Taxes: 7.65

Total: 65.15


Output 3:

1 imported bottle of perfume: 32.19

1 bottle of perfume: 20.89

1 packet of headache pills: 9.75

1 imported box of chocolates: 11.85

Sales Taxes: 6.70

Total: 74.68



1. 免消费税;

2. 消费税;

3. 进口税。








 面向对象编程经典例题 --- 收银系统设计_第1张图片




package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * This interface provides unified access to different taxation kinds.
public interface Tax {
	 * Calculates the tax value for the given price.
	 * @param price the price
	 * @return the tax value
	BigDecimal getTax(BigDecimal price);

package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.impl;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;

import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.Tax;

 * A fixed rate implementation of the {@link Tax} interface. It rounds taxes up
 * to the nearest 0.05.
public class FixedRateTax implements Tax {
	private static final BigDecimal TICK_SIZE = new BigDecimal("0.05");
	private final BigDecimal rate;
	 * Creates a tax with the specified rate.
	 * @param rate the tax rate
	public FixedRateTax(BigDecimal rate) {
		this.rate = rate;

	public BigDecimal getTax(BigDecimal price) {
		return roundOff(price.multiply(rate));
	private static BigDecimal roundOff(BigDecimal value) {
		return value.divide(TICK_SIZE).setScale(0, RoundingMode.UP).multiply(TICK_SIZE);


package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.impl;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.Tax;

 * An implementation of the {@link Tax} interface that works as a superposition
 * of multiple taxes.
public class CompositeTax implements Tax {
	private final List taxes = new LinkedList();
	 * Adds another tax to this composite.
	 * @param tax the tax to add
	public void addTax(Tax tax) {

	public BigDecimal getTax(BigDecimal price) {
		BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
		for (Tax tax : taxes) {
			result = result.add(tax.getTax(price));
		return result;








 面向对象编程经典例题 --- 收银系统设计_第2张图片



package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * Enumeration of product categories. Every category encapsulates its sales tax
 * rate.
public enum ProductCategory {
	 * Books category. No sales tax.
	BOOK ("0"),

	 * Food category. No sales tax.
	FOOD ("0"),
	 * Medical products category. No sales tax.
	MEDICINE ("0"),

	 * Music products category.
	 * Perfume products category.
	 * All other goods.
	private final BigDecimal salesTax;

	 * Default constructor for product categories those have basic sales tax rate. 
	private ProductCategory() {
	 * This constructor defines sales tax rate for a product category.
	 * @param salesTax the sales tax rate
	private ProductCategory(String salesTax) {
		this.salesTax = new BigDecimal(salesTax);

	 * Returns sales tax rate of this product category.
	 * @return sales tax rate value
	public BigDecimal getSalesTax() {
		return salesTax;


package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * Catalog item abstraction. Contains base properties of an item in the catalog.
 * Immutable.
public class CatalogItem {
	private final long id;
	private final String title;
	private final BigDecimal price;
	private final ProductCategory category;
	private final boolean imported;
	 * Constructor initializing all fields.
	 * @param id the item id
	 * @param title the item title
	 * @param price the item price
	 * @param category the product category
	 * @param imported the the flag defining if the item is imported or not
	public CatalogItem(long id, String title, BigDecimal price, ProductCategory category, boolean imported) {
		this.id = id;
		this.title = title;
		this.price = price;
		this.category = category;
		this.imported = imported;

	public long getId() {
		return id;

	public String getTitle() {
		return title;

	public BigDecimal getPrice() {
		return price;

	public boolean isImported() {
		return imported;

	public ProductCategory getCategory() {
		return category;

package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * Order item abstraction. Contains a {@link CatalogItem} and an applied tax
 * value. Immutable.
public class OrderItem {
	private final CatalogItem catalogItem;
	private final BigDecimal tax;
	private final int quantity;
	private final BigDecimal total;
	private final BigDecimal totalTax;
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param catalogItem the catalog item
	 * @param tax the value of applied tax
	 * @param quantity the number of catalog items (positive number)
	public OrderItem(CatalogItem catalogItem, BigDecimal tax, int quantity) {
		if (quantity <= 0) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantity shall be positive");
		this.catalogItem = catalogItem;
		this.tax = tax;
		this.quantity = quantity;
		this.totalTax = tax.multiply(new BigDecimal(quantity));		
		this.total = catalogItem.getPrice().multiply(new BigDecimal(quantity)).add(totalTax);


	public CatalogItem getCatalogItem() {
		return catalogItem;

	public BigDecimal getTax() {
		return tax;

	public int getQuantity() {
		return quantity;
	public BigDecimal getTotal() {
		return total;

	public BigDecimal getTotalTax() {
		return totalTax;

	public String toString() {
		return quantity + " " + catalogItem.getTitle() + " : " + total;

package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

 * A abstraction of an order. Contains ordered items. Immutable.
public class Order {
	private final long id;
	private final List orderItems = new LinkedList();
	private final BigDecimal salesTaxes;
	private final BigDecimal total;
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param id the order's id
     * @param orderItems the list oder's items
	public Order(long id, List orderItems) {
		this.id = id;
		// calculate taxes and total
		BigDecimal salesTaxes = BigDecimal.ZERO;
		BigDecimal total = BigDecimal.ZERO;
		for (OrderItem orderItem : orderItems) {
			salesTaxes = salesTaxes.add(orderItem.getTotalTax());
			total = total.add(orderItem.getTotal());
		this.salesTaxes = salesTaxes;
		this.total = total;

	public long getId() {
		return id;

	public List getOrderItems() {
		return Collections.unmodifiableList(orderItems);

	public String toString() {
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Order ").append(id).append(":\n");
		for (OrderItem orderItem : orderItems) {
		sb.append("Sales taxes: ").append(salesTaxes).append('\n');
		sb.append("Total: ").append(total).append('\n');
		return sb.toString();


接下来便是实际操作,在实际操作中我们涉及到两个问题,谁来对商品类别进行管理,谁来对购物清单进行管理,为此,我们建立了两个接口,一个叫做 CatalogManager ,另一个叫做 OrderManager ,在 CatalogManager 之中有两个接口函数,一个叫 addItem 另一个叫 removeItem ,很显然这两个函数接口的作用就是将添加或者删除不同的商品种类。






 面向对象编程经典例题 --- 收银系统设计_第3张图片


package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * This service provides methods for catalog modification.
public interface CatalogManager {
	 * Adds a new item.
	 * @param title the item's title
	 * @param price the item's price
	 * @param category the product category
	 * @param imported the flag defining if the item is imported or not
	 * @return the added item's id
	long addItem(String title, BigDecimal price, ProductCategory category, boolean imported);
	 * Removes the specified item.
	 * @param id the item's id
	 * @throws NoSuchItemException if there is no catalog item with the given id
	void removeItem(long id);


package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

 * This service is used to manage orders: create order, add item to the order,
 * checkout, etc.
public interface OrderManager {
	 * Creates a new order.
	 * @return the order id
	long createOrder();
	 * Cancels the specified order.
	 * @param orderId the order id
	void cancelOrder(long orderId);
	 * Adds the specified catalog item to the specified order.
	 * @param orderId the order id
	 * @param itemId the catalog item id
	 * @param quantity the number of items to add
	 * @throws NoSuchItemException if there is no order or catalog item found for the specified ids
	void addItem(long orderId, long itemId, int quantity);
	 * Checkouts the specified order. The order is no longer available for updates after this operation.
	 * @param orderId the order id
	 * @return the order
	 * @throws NoSuchItemException if there is no order found for the specified id
	Order checkout(long orderId);

package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

 * Defines tax rates for catalog items.
public interface TaxManager {
	 * Calculates a tax rate for the specified item's attributes.
	 * @param category the product category
	 * @param isImported the flag defining if the product was imported
	 * @return the {@link Tax} object to be applied
	Tax getTax(ProductCategory category, boolean isImported);


package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

 * This service is intended for read only catalog access.
public interface Catalog {
	 * Returns an item by its id.
	 * @param id the item's id
	 * @return the item
	 * @throws NoSuchItemException if there is no catalog item with the given id
	CatalogItem getItem(long id);


package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.impl;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.ProductCategory;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.Tax;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.TaxManager;

 * An implementation of the {@link TaxManager} interface that is able to manage
 * base sales taxes and import duties.
public class TaxManagerImpl implements TaxManager {
	private static final BigDecimal IMPORT_DUTY_RATE = new BigDecimal("0.05");

	public Tax getTax(ProductCategory category, boolean isImported) {
		CompositeTax result = new CompositeTax();
		result.addTax(new FixedRateTax(category.getSalesTax()));
		if (isImported) {
			result.addTax(new FixedRateTax(IMPORT_DUTY_RATE));
		return result;


package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.impl;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.Catalog;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.CatalogItem;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.CatalogManager;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.NoSuchItemException;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.ProductCategory;

 * Trivial in-memory implementation of the {@link Catalog} interface. It holds a
 * map {@link CatalogItem} objects using their ids as keys.
public class TrivialCatalogImpl implements Catalog, CatalogManager {
	private final Map items = new HashMap();
	private final IdGenerator idGenerator = new IdGenerator();
	public synchronized long addItem(String title, BigDecimal price, ProductCategory category, boolean imported) {
		long id = idGenerator.getId();
		CatalogItem item = new CatalogItem(id, title, price, category, imported);
		items.put(id, item);
		return id;

	public synchronized void removeItem(long id) {
		if (items.remove(id) == null) {
			throw new NoSuchItemException("There is no catalog item: " + id);

	public synchronized CatalogItem getItem(long id) {
		CatalogItem item = items.get(id);
		if (item == null) {
			throw new NoSuchItemException("There is no catalog item: " + id);
		return item;

package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.impl;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.Catalog;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.CatalogItem;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.NoSuchItemException;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.Order;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.OrderItem;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.OrderManager;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.Tax;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.TaxManager;

 * Trivial in-memory implementation of the {@link OrderManager} interface. It
 * holds a map {@link Order} objects using their ids as keys.
public class TrivialOrderManagerImpl implements OrderManager {
	private final HashMap> orders = new HashMap>();
	private final IdGenerator idGenerator = new IdGenerator();
	private Catalog catalog;
	private TaxManager taxManager;
	public void setCatalog(Catalog catalog) {
		this.catalog = catalog;
	public void setTaxManager(TaxManager taxManager) {
		this.taxManager = taxManager;

	public synchronized long createOrder() {
		long id = idGenerator.getId();
		List orderItems = new LinkedList();
		orders.put(id, orderItems);
		return id;
	public synchronized void cancelOrder(long orderId) {
		List orderItems = orders.remove(orderId);
		if (orderItems == null) {
			throw new NoSuchItemException("There is no order: " + orderId);

	public synchronized void addItem(long orderId, long itemId, int quantity) {
		List orderItems = orders.get(orderId);
		if (orderItems == null) {
			throw new NoSuchItemException("There is no order: " + orderId);
		// create order item
		CatalogItem catalogItem = catalog.getItem(itemId);
		Tax tax = taxManager.getTax(catalogItem.getCategory(), catalogItem.isImported());
		OrderItem orderItem = new OrderItem(catalogItem, tax.getTax(catalogItem.getPrice()), 

	public synchronized Order checkout(long orderId) {
		List orderItems = orders.remove(orderId);
		if (orderItems == null) {
			throw new NoSuchItemException("There is no order: " + orderId);
		return new Order(orderId, orderItems);
最后,我们需要一些工具类便于程序中的一些操作,例如产生 ID 以及抛出异常,如下所示:

 面向对象编程经典例题 --- 收银系统设计_第4张图片



package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.impl;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

 * Trivial unique id generator. It just holds an id value and increments it each
 * time.
class IdGenerator {

	private final AtomicLong nextId = new AtomicLong(1);
	 * Returns the next id value.
	 * @return the id
	public long getId() {
		return nextId.getAndIncrement();

package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes;

 * This exception is thrown when an item is not found in a repository.
public class NoSuchItemException extends RuntimeException {
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param message the message describing this exception
	public NoSuchItemException(String message) {


面向对象编程经典例题 --- 收银系统设计_第5张图片


package main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.CatalogManager;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.Order;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.OrderManager;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.ProductCategory;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.impl.TaxManagerImpl;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.impl.TrivialCatalogImpl;
import main.java.com.thoughtworks.demo.taxes.impl.TrivialOrderManagerImpl;

 * Demo program illustrating basic concepts of "sales taxes" problem solution.
public class TaxesDemo {
	private CatalogManager catalogManager;
	private OrderManager orderManager;
	public void setCatalogManager(CatalogManager catalogManager) {
		this.catalogManager = catalogManager;

	public void setOrderManager(OrderManager orderManager) {
		this.orderManager = orderManager;

	public void demoCase1() {
		// prepare all needed goods
		long bookId = catalogManager.addItem("book", new BigDecimal("12.49"), ProductCategory.BOOK, false);
		long cdId = catalogManager.addItem("music CD", new BigDecimal("14.99"), ProductCategory.MUSIC, false);
		long chocolateId = catalogManager.addItem("chocolate bar", new BigDecimal("0.85"), ProductCategory.FOOD, false);
		// order these goods
		long orderId = orderManager.createOrder();
		orderManager.addItem(orderId, bookId, 1);
		orderManager.addItem(orderId, cdId, 1);
		orderManager.addItem(orderId, chocolateId, 1);
		Order order = orderManager.checkout(orderId);
		// print receipt
	public void demoCase2() {
		// prepare all needed goods
		long chocolateId = catalogManager.addItem("imported box of chocolates", new BigDecimal("10.00"), ProductCategory.FOOD, true);
		long perfumeId = catalogManager.addItem("imported bottle of perfume", new BigDecimal("47.50"), ProductCategory.PERFUME, true);
		// order these goods
		long orderId = orderManager.createOrder();
		orderManager.addItem(orderId, chocolateId, 1);
		orderManager.addItem(orderId, perfumeId, 1);
		Order order = orderManager.checkout(orderId);
		// print receipt
	public void demoCase3() {
		// prepare all needed goods
		long perfumeId = catalogManager.addItem("imported bottle of perfume", new BigDecimal("27.99"), ProductCategory.PERFUME, true);
		long anotherPerfumeId = catalogManager.addItem("bottle of perfume", new BigDecimal("18.99"), ProductCategory.PERFUME, false);
		long pillsId = catalogManager.addItem("packet of headache pills", new BigDecimal("9.75"), ProductCategory.MEDICINE, false);
		long chocolateId = catalogManager.addItem("imported box of chocolates", new BigDecimal("11.25"), ProductCategory.FOOD, true);		
		// order these goods
		long orderId = orderManager.createOrder();
		orderManager.addItem(orderId, perfumeId, 1);
		orderManager.addItem(orderId, anotherPerfumeId, 1);
		orderManager.addItem(orderId, pillsId, 1);
		orderManager.addItem(orderId, chocolateId, 1);
		Order order = orderManager.checkout(orderId);
		// print receipt

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// create services and wire them
		TaxManagerImpl taxManagerImpl = new TaxManagerImpl();
		TrivialCatalogImpl catalogImpl = new TrivialCatalogImpl();
		TrivialOrderManagerImpl orderManagerImpl = new TrivialOrderManagerImpl();
		// create demo
		TaxesDemo demo = new TaxesDemo();
		// run demo cases



面向对象编程经典例题 --- 收银系统设计_第6张图片
