ArcGIS API for Js 之 QueryTask详解

ArcGIS API for Js 之 QueryTask详解


  • 明白Query和QueryTask之间的关系
  • 实现发布图层属性信息的相关查询
  • 结合3D符号和信息模板弹出进行相关可视化展示
  • dojo/_base/array的相关机制


  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
  <meta name="description" content="[Query Task - 4.3]">
  <title>Query Task - 4.3title>

    #viewDiv {
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;

    #optionsDiv {
      background-color: dimgray;
      color: white;
      z-index: 23;
      position: absolute;
      top: 0px;
      right: 0px;
      padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px;
      border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
      max-width: 350px;

    .esri-popup .esri-popup-header .esri-title {
      font-size: 18px;
      font-weight: bolder;

    .esri-popup .esri-popup-body .esri-popup-content {
      font-size: 14px;

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script src="">script>

    ], function(
      Map, SceneView, GraphicsLayer, PointSymbol3D, ObjectSymbol3DLayer,
      QueryTask, Query, arrayUtils, dom, on
    ) {

      // URL to feature service containing points representing the 50 
      // most prominent peaks in the U.S. 
      var peaksUrl =

      // Define the popup content for each result    
      var popupTemplate = { // autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
        title: "{MTN_PEAK}, {STATE}",
        fieldInfos: [{
          fieldName: "ELEV_ft",
          label: "Elevation (feet)",
          format: {
            places: 0,
            digitSeperator: true
        }, {
          fieldName: "ELEV_m",
          label: "Elevation (meters)",
          format: {
            places: 0,
            digitSeperator: true
        }, {
          fieldName: "PROMINENCE_ft",
          label: "Prominence (feet)",
          format: {
            places: 0,
            digitSeperator: true
        }, {
          fieldName: "PROMINENCE_m",
          label: "Prominence (meters)",
          format: {
            places: 0,
            digitSeperator: true
        }, {
          fieldName: "ISOLATION_mi",
          label: "Isolation (miles)",
          format: {
            places: 0,
            digitSeperator: true
        }, {
          fieldName: "ISOLATION_km",
          label: "Isolation (km)",
          format: {
            places: 0,
            digitSeperator: true
        content: "Prominence:" +
          " {PROMINENCE_ft} ft ({PROMINENCE_m} m)" +
Prominence Rank: {RANK}"
+ "
Elevation: {ELEV_ft} ft ({ELEV_m} m)"
+ "
+ " {ISOLATION_mi} mi ({ISOLATION_km} km)" }; var mtnSymbol = new PointSymbol3D({ symbolLayers: [new ObjectSymbol3DLayer({ resource: { primitive: "cone" } })] }); // Create graphics layer and symbol to use for displaying the results of query var resultsLyr = new GraphicsLayer(); /***************************************************************** * Point QueryTask to URL of feature service *****************************************************************/ var qTask = new QueryTask({ url: peaksUrl }); /****************************************************************** * Set the query parameters to always return geometry and all fields. * Returning geometry allows us to display results on the map/view ******************************************************************/ var params = new Query({ returnGeometry: true, outFields: ["*"] }); var map = new Map({ basemap: "osm", layers: [resultsLyr] // add graphics layer to the map }); var view = new SceneView({ map: map, container: "viewDiv", center: [-100, 38], zoom: 4 }); var attributeName = dom.byId("attSelect"); var expressionSign = dom.byId("signSelect"); var value = dom.byId("valSelect"); // Executes each time the button is clicked function doQuery() { // Clear the results from a previous query resultsLyr.removeAll(); /********************************************* * * Set the where clause for the query. This can be any valid SQL expression. * In this case the inputs from the three drop down menus are used to build * the query. For example, if "Elevation", "is greater than", and "10,000 ft" * are selected, then the following SQL where clause is built here: * * params.where = "ELEV_ft > 10000"; * * ELEV_ft is the field name for Elevation and is assigned to the value of the * select option in the HTML below. Other operators such as AND, OR, LIKE, etc * may also be used here. * **********************************************/ params.where = attributeName.value + expressionSign.value + value.value; // executes the query and calls getResults() once the promise is resolved // promiseRejected() is called if the promise is rejected qTask.execute(params) .then(getResults) .otherwise(promiseRejected); } // Called each time the promise is resolved function getResults(response) { console.log(response.features); // Loop through each of the results and assign a symbol and PopupTemplate // to each so they may be visualized on the map var peakResults =, function( feature) { // Sets the symbol of each resulting feature to a cone with a // fixed color and width. The height is based on the mountain's elevation feature.symbol = new PointSymbol3D({ symbolLayers: [new ObjectSymbol3DLayer({ material: { color: "green" }, resource: { primitive: "cone" }, width: 100000, height: feature.attributes.ELEV_m * 100 })] }); feature.popupTemplate = popupTemplate; //feature is an object return feature; }); resultsLyr.addMany(peakResults); // animate to the results after they are added to the map view.goTo(peakResults); // print the number of results returned to the user dom.byId("printResults").innerHTML = peakResults.length + " results found!"; } // Called each time the promise is rejected function promiseRejected(err) { console.error("Promise rejected: ", err.message); } // Call doQuery() each time the button is clicked on(dom.byId("doBtn"), "click", doQuery); }); script> head> <body> <div id="viewDiv">div> <div id="optionsDiv"> <h2>Prominent Peaks in the U.S.h2> <select id="attSelect"> <option value="ELEV_ft">Elevationoption> <option value="PROMINENCE_ft" selected>Prominenceoption> select> <select id="signSelect"> <option value=">">is greater thanoption> <option value="<">is less thanoption> <option value="=">is equal tooption> select> <select id="valSelect"> <option value="1000">1,000 ftoption> <option value="5000">5,000 ftoption> <option value="10000">10,000 ftoption> <option value="15000">15,000 ftoption> <option value="20000">20,000 ftoption> <option value="PROMINENCE_ft">Prominenceoption> select> <br> <br> <button id="doBtn">Do Querybutton> <br> <p><span id="printResults">span>p> div> body> html>


  1. 3D符号的建立。怎么说呢,Esri很套路的告诉我们所需要的符号还给我们扩展,很官方的夸赞是让编程更加的简单。详细了解还是得看API 还有和你们分享一个生成符号的示例吧。




  1. 值得一提的就是dojo/_base/array的map方法吧:




  • 自定义样式,自我形象打扮由自己决定
  • 自己再玩玩其它属性啦,什么的。
  • 简单点讲,API玩不好,就是你被玩,玩好了,就是你玩它。


