Logic and Inference: Rules
If a conclusion can be drawn, it remains valid even if new knowledge becomes available.
function symbol
head: A
premise: B1,B2,…,Bn
body: {B1,B2,…,Bn}
A fact is a atomic formula.
A logic program P is a finite set of facts and rules.
A goal denotes a query G asked to a logic program. It has the form
B1, . . . , Bn →
If n = 0 we have the empty goal
?ground witness,
parameterized witness
Once the premises of a rule were proved, the rule could be applied and its head could be derived as a conclusion.
has the form: r: L1,…,Ln ⇒ L
where r is the label, {L1, . . . , Ln} the body (or premises), and L the head of the rule.
Is a triple (F,R,>) consisting of a set F of facts, a finite set R of defeasible rules, and an acyclic binary relation > on R
(1) The source has more authority.
(2) Recent one is favorable.
(3) Specific one is preferred.
Terms are represented using XML tags <term>, <function>, <var>, and <const>.
For atomic formulas we use additionally the tag <atom> and the tag <predicate>.
A fact is just an atomic formula, enclosed by opening and closing <fact> tags.
A rule consist of a head and a body. A head is an atomic formula. The body is a (possibly empty) sequence of atomic formulas. We use new tags <rule>, <head>, and <body>.
Queries are represented as the bodies of rules, surrounded by <query> tags.
see the book.
RuleML is an important standardization effort in the area of rules in the context of the Semantic Web.
In XML the order of elements is important, whereas it is ignored in RDF. In RuleML, the position of which in an expression is irrelevant.
ü There are no function symbols; therefore the term structure is flat.
ü Negated atoms may occur in the head and the body of a rule.
ü Each rule has a label.
ü Apart from rules and facts, a program also contains priority statements.
• Horn logic is a subset of predicate logic that allows efficient reasoning. It forms a subset orthogonal to description logics.
• Horn logic is the basis of monotonic rules.
• Nonmonotonic rules are useful in situations where the available information is incomplete. They are rules that may be overridden by contrary evidence (other rules).
• Priorities are used to resolve some conflicts between nonmonotonic rules.
• The representation of rules in XML-like languages is straightforward.