


     CPU:Atom E3845


     系统:Ubuntu 12.04 LTS


     ECT:Igh ETHERCAT master 1.5.2





root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# ethercat 
Please specify a command!

Usage: ethercat  [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]

Commands (can be abbreviated):
  alias      Write alias addresses.
  config     Show slave configurations.
  cstruct    Generate slave PDO information in C language.
  data       Output binary domain process data.
  debug      Set the master's debug level.
  domains    Show configured domains.
  download   Write an SDO entry to a slave.
  eoe        Display Ethernet over EtherCAT statictics.
  foe_read   Read a file from a slave via FoE.
  foe_write  Store a file on a slave via FoE.
  graph      Output the bus topology as a graph.
  master     Show master and Ethernet device information.
  pdos       List Sync managers, PDO assignment and mapping.
  reg_read   Output a slave's register contents.
  reg_write  Write data to a slave's registers.
  rescan     Rescan the bus.
  sdos       List SDO dictionaries.
  sii_read   Output a slave's SII contents.
  sii_write  Write SII contents to a slave.
  slaves     Display slaves on the bus.
  soe_read   Read an SoE IDN from a slave.
  soe_write  Write an SoE IDN to a slave.
  states     Request application-layer states.
  upload     Read an SDO entry from a slave.
  version    Show version information.
  xml        Generate slave information XML.

Global options:
  --master  -m   Comma separated list of masters
                         to select, ranges are allowed.
                         Examples: '1,3', '5-7,9', '-3'.
                         Default: '-' (all).
  --force   -f           Force a command.
  --quiet   -q           Output less information.
  --verbose -v           Output more information.
  --help    -h           Show this help.

Numerical values can be specified either with decimal (no
prefix), octal (prefix '0') or hexadecimal (prefix '0x') base.

Call 'ethercat  --help' for command-specific help.

Send bug reports to fp@igh-essen.com.







root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# /etc/init.d/ethercat
USAGE: /etc/init.d/ethercat {start|stop|restart|status}
root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# /etc/init.d/ethercat stop
Shutting down EtherCAT master 1.5.2  done
root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# /etc/init.d/ethercat start
Starting EtherCAT master 1.5.2  done
root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# /etc/init.d/ethercat stop
Shutting down EtherCAT master 1.5.2  done


指令帮助:ethercat sdos

root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# ethercat sdos
SDO 0x1000, "Device type"
  0x1000:00, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Device type"
SDO 0x1001, "Error register"
  0x1001:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "Error register"
SDO 0x1008, "Device name"
  0x1008:00, r-r-r-, string, 96 bit, "Device name"
SDO 0x1009, "Hardware version"
  0x1009:00, r-r-r-, string, 24 bit, "Hardware version"
SDO 0x100a, "Software version"
  0x100a:00, r-r-r-, string, 24 bit, "Software version"
SDO 0x1010, "Store parameters"
  0x1010:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1010:01, rwrwrw, uint32, 32 bit, "SubIndex 001"
SDO 0x1011, "Restore default parameters"
  0x1011:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1011:01, rwrwrw, uint32, 32 bit, "SubIndex 001"
SDO 0x1018, "Identity"
  0x1018:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1018:01, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Vendor ID"
  0x1018:02, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Product code"
  0x1018:03, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Revision"
  0x1018:04, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Serial number"
SDO 0x10f0, "Backup parameter handling"
  0x10f0:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x10f0:01, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Checksum"
SDO 0x10f1, "Error Settings"
  0x10f1:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x10f1:01, rwrwrw, uint32, 32 bit, "Local Error Reaction"
  0x10f1:02, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Sync Error Counter Limit"
SDO 0x10f3, "Diagnosis History"
  0x10f3:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x10f3:01, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "Maximum Messages"
  0x10f3:02, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "Newest Message"
  0x10f3:03, rwrwrw, uint8, 8 bit, "Newest Acknowledged Message"
  0x10f3:04, r-r-r-, bool, 1 bit, "New Message Available"
  0x10f3:05, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Flags"
  0x10f3:06, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:07, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:08, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:09, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:0a, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:0b, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:0c, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:0d, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:0e, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:0f, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:10, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:11, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:12, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:13, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:14, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:15, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:16, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:17, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:18, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
  0x10f3:19, r-r-r-, octet_string, 0 bit, "Diagnosis Message"
SDO 0x1610, "Write output 16bit process data mapping"
  0x1610:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1610:01, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "SubIndex 001"
SDO 0x1a10, "Read input 16bit process data mapping"
  0x1a10:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1a10:01, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "SubIndex 001"
SDO 0x1c00, "Sync manager type"
  0x1c00:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1c00:01, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 001"
  0x1c00:02, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 002"
  0x1c00:03, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 003"
  0x1c00:04, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 004"
SDO 0x1c12, "SyncManager 2 assignment"
  0x1c12:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1c12:01, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "SubIndex 001"
SDO 0x1c13, "SyncManager 3 assignment"
  0x1c13:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1c13:01, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "SubIndex 001"
SDO 0x1c32, "SM output parameter"
  0x1c32:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1c32:01, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "Synchronization Type"
  0x1c32:02, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Cycle Time"
  0x1c32:03, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 003"
  0x1c32:04, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "Synchronization Types supported"
  0x1c32:05, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Minimum Cycle Time"
  0x1c32:06, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Calc and Copy Time"
  0x1c32:07, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 007"
  0x1c32:08, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Get Cycle Time"
  0x1c32:09, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Delay Time"
  0x1c32:0a, rwrwrw, uint32, 32 bit, "Sync0 Cycle Time"
  0x1c32:0b, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "SM-Event Missed"
  0x1c32:0c, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "Cycle Time Too Small"
  0x1c32:0d, ------, type 0000, 16 bit, "Shift Time Too Short"
  0x1c32:0e, ------, type 0000, 16 bit, "SubIndex 014"
  0x1c32:0f, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 015"
  0x1c32:10, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 016"
  0x1c32:11, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 017"
  0x1c32:12, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 018"
  0x1c32:13, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 019"
  0x1c32:14, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 020"
  0x1c32:15, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 021"
  0x1c32:16, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 022"
  0x1c32:17, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 023"
  0x1c32:18, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 024"
  0x1c32:19, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 025"
  0x1c32:1a, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 026"
  0x1c32:1b, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 027"
  0x1c32:1c, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 028"
  0x1c32:1d, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 029"
  0x1c32:1e, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 030"
  0x1c32:1f, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 031"
  0x1c32:20, r-r-r-, bool, 1 bit, "Sync Error"
SDO 0x1c33, "SM input parameter"
  0x1c33:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x1c33:01, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "Synchronization Type"
  0x1c33:02, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Cycle Time"
  0x1c33:03, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 003"
  0x1c33:04, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "Synchronization Types supported"
  0x1c33:05, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Minimum Cycle Time"
  0x1c33:06, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Calc and Copy Time"
  0x1c33:07, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 007"
  0x1c33:08, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Get Cycle Time"
  0x1c33:09, r-r-r-, uint32, 32 bit, "Delay Time"
  0x1c33:0a, rwrwrw, uint32, 32 bit, "Sync0 Cycle Time"
  0x1c33:0b, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "SM-Event Missed"
  0x1c33:0c, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "Cycle Time Too Small"
  0x1c33:0d, ------, type 0000, 16 bit, "Shift Time Too Short"
  0x1c33:0e, ------, type 0000, 16 bit, "SubIndex 014"
  0x1c33:0f, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 015"
  0x1c33:10, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 016"
  0x1c33:11, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 017"
  0x1c33:12, ------, type 0000, 32 bit, "SubIndex 018"
  0x1c33:13, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 019"
  0x1c33:14, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 020"
  0x1c33:15, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 021"
  0x1c33:16, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 022"
  0x1c33:17, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 023"
  0x1c33:18, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 024"
  0x1c33:19, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 025"
  0x1c33:1a, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 026"
  0x1c33:1b, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 027"
  0x1c33:1c, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 028"
  0x1c33:1d, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 029"
  0x1c33:1e, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 030"
  0x1c33:1f, ------, type 0000, 0 bit, "SubIndex 031"
  0x1c33:20, r-r-r-, bool, 1 bit, "Sync Error"
SDO 0x3000, "Filter Constant"
  0x3000:00, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Filter Constant"
SDO 0x3102, "Polarity input 16bit"
  0x3102:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x3102:01, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Polarity input 1st word"
SDO 0x3302, "Polarity output 16bit"
  0x3302:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x3302:01, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Polarity output 1st word"
SDO 0x3306, "Error mode ouptut 16bit"
  0x3306:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x3306:01, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Error mode output 1st word"
SDO 0x3307, "Error value output 16bit"
  0x3307:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x3307:01, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Error value output 1st word"
SDO 0x6100, "Read input 16bit"
  0x6100:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x6100:01, r-r-r-, uint16, 16 bit, "Read input 1st word"
SDO 0x7100, "Write output 16bit"
  0x7100:00, r-r-r-, uint8, 8 bit, "SubIndex 000"
  0x7100:01, rwrwrw, uint16, 16 bit, "Write output 1st word"


指令帮助:ethercat slaves

root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# ethercat slaves
0  0:0  PREOP  +  0x0000098b:0x10011010


指令帮助:ethercat master

root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# ethercat master
  Phase: Idle
  Active: no
  Slaves: 1
  Ethernet devices:
    Main: 00:15:fd:00:03:f1 (attached)
      Link: UP
      Tx frames:   1437901
      Tx bytes:    86305388
      Rx frames:   1437900
      Rx bytes:    86305328
      Tx errors:   0
      Tx frame rate [1/s]:    250    250    250
      Tx rate [KByte/s]:     14.6   14.6   14.7
      Rx frame rate [1/s]:    250    250    250
      Rx rate [KByte/s]:     14.6   14.6   14.7
      Tx frames:   1437901
      Tx bytes:    86305388
      Rx frames:   1437900
      Rx bytes:    86305328
      Lost frames: 0
      Tx frame rate [1/s]:    250    250    250
      Tx rate [KByte/s]:     14.6   14.6   14.7
      Rx frame rate [1/s]:    250    250    250
      Rx rate [KByte/s]:     14.6   14.6   14.6
      Loss rate [1/s]:          0     -0      0
      Frame loss [%]:         0.0   -0.0    0.0
  Distributed clocks:
    Reference clock: Slave 0
    Application time: 0
                      2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000000

6、读取/写入SDO canopen数据

指令帮助:ethercat upload 主索引 子索引

                  ethercat download 主索引 子索引 数值

root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# ethercat upload 0x7100 0x01
0x0000 0
root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# ethercat download 0x7100 0x01 0xff
root@sinocnc-BayTrail-X64:/home/sinocnc# ethercat upload 0x7100 0x01
0x00ff 255



