《Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification》
作者是纽约大学(New York University)的 Yoon Kim
github是 https://github.com/yoonkim/CNN_sentence (代码也有)
报告了一系列CNN的实验(experiment),这些卷积神经网络在预先训练的单词向量的基础上进行训练,以进行句子级 的分类任务。
Convolutional neural networks (CNN) utilize layers with convolving filters that are applied to local features (LeCun et al., 1998).
Originally invented for computer vision, CNN models have subsequently been shown to be effective for NLP and have achieved excellent results in semantic parsing (Yih et al., 2014), search query retrieval (Shen et al., 2014), sentence modeling (Kalchbrenner et al., 2014), and other traditional NLP tasks (Collobert et al., 2011).
语义分析(Yih et al.,2014),搜索查询检索(Shen et al.,2014),句子建模(Kalchbrenner et al.,2014)和其他传统的NLP任务(Collobert et al.,2011)
下图 Figure 1 所示的模型架构是Collobert等人(2011年)的CNN架构的一个细微变体。
xi∈Rk x i ∈ R k 为句子中第 i i 个单词对应的 k k 维词向量
长度为n的句子表示为:(padded where necessary 必要时填充)
卷积核包含一个滤波器(filter) w∈Rhk w ∈ R h k :应用于 h h 个词单词的窗口产生一个新的特征,例如:
一个特征 ci c i is generated from a window of words xi:i+h−1 x i : i + h − 1 by:
The model uses multiple filters (with varying window sizes) to obtain multiple features.
模型采用不同的滤波器 filter (不同的时间窗口)
These features form the penultimate layer and are passed to a fully connected softmax layer whose output is the probability distribution over labels.
【就像计算机视觉那样,其中彩色图像具有红色,绿色和蓝色通道 channels】
在其中一个模型变体中,我们试验了两个词向量的“通道” ( two ‘channels’ of word vectors) —— 一个在整个训练过程中保持静态,另一个通过反向传播进行 fine-tune(第3.2节)。【那我直接跳过去】
在多通道架构中,如图1所示,每个滤波器都应用于两个通道,结果被添加到方程(2)中计算ci。 该模型在其他方面等同于单通道架构
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Embedding, Conv2D, MaxPool2D
from keras.layers import Reshape, Flatten, Dropout, Concatenate
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras.models import Model
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from data_helpers import load_data
load_data 载入并预处理文本文件
print('Loading data')
x, y, vocabulary, vocabulary_inv = load_data()
# x.shape -> (10662, 56)
# y.shape -> (10662, 2)
# len(vocabulary) -> 18765
# len(vocabulary_inv) -> 18765