Somewhere in the great stone maze ofWinterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag ofmourning.
Tyrion Lannister looked up from his booksand shivered, though the library was snug and warm. Something about the howlingof a wolf took a man right out of his here and now and left him in a darkforest of the mind, running naked before the pack.
When the direwolf howled again, Tyrion shutthe heavy leatherbound cover on the book he was reading, a hundred-year-olddiscourse on the changing of the seasons by a long-dead maester. He covered ayawn with the back of his hand. His reading lamp was flickering, its oil allbut gone, as dawn light leaked through the high windows. He had been at it allnight, but that was nothing new. Tyrion Lannister was not much a one forsleeping.
His legs were stiff and sore as he easeddown off the bench. He massaged some life back into them and limped heavily tothe table where the septon was snoring softly, his head pillowed on an openbook in front of him. Tyrion glanced at the title. A life of the Grand MaesterAethelmure, no wonder. “Chayle,” he said softly. The young man jerked up,blinking, confused, the crystal of his order swinging wildly on its silverchain. “I’m off to break my fast. See that you return the books to the shelves.Be gentle with the Valyrian scrolls, the parchment is very dry. Ayrmidon’sEngines of War is quite rare, and yours is the only complete copy I’ve everseen.” Chayle gaped at him, still half-asleep. Patiently, Tyrion repeated hisinstructions, then clapped the septon on the shoulder and left him to histasks.
Outside, Tyrion swallowed a lungful of thecold morning air and began his laborious descent of the steep stone steps thatcorkscrewed around the exterior of the library tower. It was slow going; thesteps were cut high and narrow, while his legs were short and twisted. Therising sun had not yet cleared the walls of Winterfell, but the men werealready hard at it in the yard below. Sandor Clegane’s rasping voice drifted upto him. “The boy is a long time dying. I wish he would be quicker about it.”
Tyrion glanced down and saw the Houndstanding with young Joffrey as squires swarmed around them. “At least he diesquietly,” the prince replied. “It’s the wolf that makes the noise. I could scarcesleep last night.”
Clegane cast a long shadow across thehard-packed earth as his squire lowered the black helm over his head. “I couldsilence the creature, if it please you,” he said through his open visor. Hisboy placed a longsword in his hand. He tested the weight of it, slicing at thecold morning air. Behind him, the yard rang to the clangor of steel on steel.
The notion seemed to delight the prince.“Send a dog to kill a dog!” he exclaimed. “Winterfell is so infested withwolves, the Starks would never miss one.”
Tyrion hopped off the last step onto theyard. “I beg to differ, nephew,” he said. “The Starks can count past six.Unlike some princes I might name.”
Joffrey had the grace at least to blush.
“A voice from nowhere,” Sandor said. Hepeered through his helm, looking this way and that. “Spirits of the air!”
The prince laughed, as he always laughedwhen his bodyguard did this mummer’s farce. Tyrion was used to it. “Down here.”
The tall man peered down at the ground, andpretended to notice him. “The little lord Tyrion,” he said. “My pardons. I didnot see you standing there.”
“I am in no mood for your insolence today.”Tyrion turned to his nephew. “Joffrey, it is past time you called on LordEddard and his lady, to offer them your comfort.”
Joffrey looked as petulant as only a boyprince can look. “What good will my comfort do them?”
“None,” Tyrion said. “Yet it is expected ofyou. Your absence has been noted.”
“The Stark boy is nothing to me,” Joffreysaid. “I cannot abide the wailing of women.”
Tyrion Lannister reached up and slapped hisnephew hard across the face. The boy’s cheek began to redden.
“One word,” Tyrion said, “and I will hit youagain.”
“I’m going to tell Mother!” Joffrey exclaimed.
Tyrion hit him again. Now both cheeksflamed.
“You tell your mother,” Tyrion told him.“But first you get yourself to Lord and Lady Stark, and you fall to your kneesin front of them, and you tell them how very sorry you are, and that you are attheir service if there is the slightest thing you can do for them or theirs inthis desperate hour, and that all your prayers go with them. Do you understand?Do you?”
The boy looked as though he was going tocry. Instead, he managed a weak nod. Then he turned and fled headlong from theyard, holding his cheek. Tyrion watched him run.
A shadow fell across his face. He turned tofind Clegane looming overhead like a cliff. His soot-dark armor seemed to blotout the sun. He had lowered the visor on his helm. It was fashioned in thelikeness of a snarling black hound, fearsome to behold, but Tyrion had alwaysthought it a great improvement over Clegane’s hideously burned face.
“The prince will remember that, littlelord,” the Hound warned him. The helm turned his laugh into a hollow rumble.
“I pray he does,” Tyrion Lannister replied.“If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him.” He glanced around the courtyard.“Do you know where I might find my brother?”
“Breaking fast with the queen.”
“Ah,” Tyrion said. He gave Sandor Clegane aperfunctory nod and walked away as briskly as his stunted legs would carry him,whistling. He pitied the first knight to try the Hound today. The man did havea temper.
A cold, cheerless meal had been laid out inthe morning room of the Guest House. Jaime sat at table with Cersei and thechildren, talking in low, hushed voices.
“Is Robert still abed?” Tyrion asked as heseated himself, uninvited, at the table.
His sister peered at him with the same expressionof faint distaste she had worn since the day he was born. “The king has notslept at all,” she told him. “He is with Lord Eddard. He has taken their sorrowdeeply to heart.”
“He has a large heart, our Robert,” Jaimesaid with a lazy smile. There was very little that Jaime took seriously. Tyrionknew that about his brother, and forgave it. During all the terrible long yearsof his childhood, only Jaime had ever shown him the smallest measure ofaffection or respect, and for that Tyrion was willing to forgive him mostanything.
A servant approached. “Bread,” Tyrion toldhim, “and two of those little fish, and a mug of that good dark beer to washthem down. Oh, and some bacon. Burn it until it turns black.” The man bowed andmoved off. Tyrion turned back to his siblings. Twins, male and female. Theylooked very much the part this morning. Both had chosen a deep green thatmatched their eyes. Their blond curls were all a fashionable tumble, and goldornaments shone at wrists and fingers and throats.
Tyrion wondered what it would be like tohave a twin, and decided that he would rather not know. Bad enough to facehimself in a looking glass every day. Another him was a thought too dreadful tocontemplate.
Prince Tommen spoke up. “Do you have news ofBran, Uncle?”
“I stopped by the sickroom last night,”Tyrion announced. “There was no change. The maester thought that a hopefulsign.”
“I don’t want Brandon to die,” Tommen saidtimorously. He was a sweet boy. Not like his brother, but then Jaime and Tyrionwere somewhat less than peas in a pod themselves.
“Lord Eddard had a brother named Brandon aswell,” Jaime mused. “One of the hostages murdered by Targaryen. It seems to bean unlucky name.”
“Oh, not so unlucky as all that, surely,”Tyrion said. The servant brought his plate. He ripped off a chunk of blackbread.
Cersei was studying him warily. “What do youmean?”
Tyrion gave her a crooked smile. “Why, onlythat Tommen may get his wish. The maester thinks the boy may yet live.” He tooka sip of beer.
Myrcella gave a happy gasp, and Tommensmiled nervously, but it was not the children Tyrion was watching. The glancethat passed between Jaime and Cersei lasted no more than a second, but he didnot miss it. Then his sister dropped her gaze to the table. “That is no mercy.These northern gods are cruel to let the child linger in such pain.”
弥赛 听了高兴得惊叫出声,托曼也露出腼腆的微笑,然而提利昂注意的却不是他俩的反应。詹姆和瑟曦交换眼神的时间不过一秒,但他可没错过。接着他姐姐低下头,视线垂到餐桌上。“老天真残忍。这些北方的神,竟让一个年幼的孩子苟延残喘,实在是太狠毒了。”
“What were the maester’s words?” Jaime asked.
The bacon crunched when he bit into it.Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for a moment and said, “He thinks that if the boywere going to die, he would have done so already. It has been four days with nochange.”
“Will Bran get better, Uncle?” littleMyrcella asked. She had all of her mother’s beauty, and none of her nature.
“His back is broken, little one,” Tyriontold her. “The fall shattered his legs as well. They keep him alive with honeyand water, or he would starve to death. Perhaps, if he wakes, he will be ableto eat real food, but he will never walk again.”
“If he wakes,” Cersei repeated. “Is thatlikely?”
“The gods alone know,” Tyrion told her. “Themaester only hopes.” He chewed some more bread. “I would swear that wolf of hisis keeping the boy alive. The creature is outside his window day and night,howling. Every time they chase it away, it returns. The maester said theyclosed the window once, to shut out the noise, and Bran seemed to weaken. Whenthey opened it again, his heart beat stronger.”
The queen shuddered. “There is somethingunnatural about those animals,” she said. “They are dangerous. I will not have anyof them coming south with us.”
Jaime said, “You’ll have a hard timestopping them, sister. They follow those girls everywhere.”
Tyrion started on his fish. “Are you leavingsoon, then?”
“Not near soon enough,” Cersei said. Thenshe frowned. “Are we leaving?” she echoed. “What about you? Gods, don’t tell meyou are staying here?”
Tyrion shrugged. “Benjen Stark is returningto the Night’s Watch with his brother’s bastard. I have a mind to go with themand see this Wall we have all heard so much of.”
Jaime smiled. “I hope you’re not thinking oftaking the black on us, sweet brother.”
Tyrion laughed. “What, me, celibate? Thewhores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock. No, I just want to standon top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world.”
Cersei stood abruptly. “The children don’tneed to hear this filth. Tommen, Myrcella, come.” She strode briskly from themorning room, her train and her pups trailing behind her.
Jaime Lannister regarded his brotherthoughtfully with those cool green eyes. “Stark will never consent to leaveWinterfell with his son lingering in the shadow of death.”
“He will if Robert commands it,” Tyrionsaid. “And Robert will command it. There is nothing Lord Eddard can do for theboy in any case.”
“He could end his torment,” Jaime said. “Iwould, if it were my son. It would be a mercy.”
“I advise against putting that suggestion toLord Eddard, sweet brother,” Tyrion said. “He would not take it kindly.”
“Even if the boy does live, he will be acripple. Worse than a cripple. A grotesque. Give me a good clean death.”
Tyrion replied with a shrug that accentuatedthe twist of his shoulders. “Speaking for the grotesques,” he said, “I beg todiffer. Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.”
Jaime smiled. “You are a perverse littleimp, aren’t you?”
“Oh, yes,” Tyrion admitted. “I hope the boydoes wake. I would be most interested to hear what he might have to say.”
His brother’s smile curdled like sour milk.“Tyrion, my sweet brother,” he said darkly, “there are times when you give mecause to wonder whose side you are on.”
Tyrion’s mouth was full of bread and fish.He took a swallow of strong black beer to wash it all down, and grinned upwolfishly at Jaime, “Why, Jaime, my sweet brother,” he said, “you wound me. Youknow how much I love my family.”