


MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI GetCapture(void); //Retrives the handle to the window (if any) that has captured the mouse.return The handle to the window that has captured the mouse, 0 for no window captures the mouse.

Only one window at a time can capture the mouse; this window receives mouse input whether or not the cursor is within its borders.

MG_EXPORT HWND GUIAPI SetCapture(HWND hWnd);//Sets the mouse capture to the specified window. param hWnd The handle to the window.return The old capture window. Once a window has captured the mouse, all mouse input is directed to that window, regardless of whether the cursor is within the borders of that window. Only one window at a time can capture the mouse.

MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ReleaseCapture(void); //Releases the mouse capture from a window and restores normal mouse  input processing


  printf("hjhe--1 getCapture=%x\n",GetCapture());


hjhe--1 getCapture=8c04cc0




* \param hWnd The handle to the window.
 * \param x The pointer to the x coordinate.
 * \param y The pointer to the y coordinate.


MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ClientToScreen (HWND hWnd, int* x, int* y);//converts the client coordinates of the specified point (*x,*y) in the specified window hWnd to screen coordinates.


 * \param hWnd The handle to the window.
 * \param x The pointer to the x coordinate.
 * \param y The pointer to the y coordinate.
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ScreenToClient (HWND hWnd, int* x, int* y);//converts the screen coordinates of the specified point   (*x,*y) to client coordinates of the specified window   hWnd

注意:Screen coordinates是包括标题栏、边框等在内的所有部分;而client coordinates仅是除去标题栏、边框的客户绘制区域;所以当我们在创建窗体的时候将窗口的style设置为none(即 CreateInfo.dwStyle = WS_VISIBLE | WS_NONE ),那么窗口将没有 标题栏和边框,所以这两个坐标是一致的;但是如果设置了标题栏和边框(即:CreateInfo.dwStyle = WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER |WS_CAPTION;),那么这两个坐标就是不一致的,他们之间的差值是:标题栏的高度和边框的宽度

注意:当处理过程接收到MSG_LBUTTONUPMSG_MOUSEMOVEMSG_LBUTTONDOWNMSG_RBUTTONDOWN等消息时,通过int x = LOWORD (lParam); int y = HIWORD (lParam);解析到的坐标为client coordinates坐标值。


注意:通过GetWindowRect获取到的是client 区域的大小,而不是Screen区域大小;可以通过ClientToScreen函数将其转换为Screen区域大小。


RECT rcx;

GetWindowRect(hMainWnd, &rcx);
    printf("hjhe--hMainWnd rcx.left=%d,,rcx.right=%d,rcx.bottom=%d\n",rcx.left,,rcx.right,rcx.bottom);
GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rcx);
  printf("hjhe--hWnd rcx.left=%d,,rcx.right=%d,rcx.bottom=%d\n",rcx.left,,rcx.right,rcx.bottom);
ClientToScreen(hMainWnd, &rcx.left, &;
ClientToScreen(hMainWnd, &rcx.right, &rcx.bottom);


hjhe--hMainWnd rcx.left=0,,rcx.right=240,rcx.bottom=320
hjhe--hWnd rcx.left=0,,rcx.right=240,rcx.bottom=320



int x = LOWORD (lParam);
int y = HIWORD (lParam);

  printf("hjhe--2 x=%d,y=%d\n",x,y);

ClientToScreen (hWnd, &x, &y);
   printf("hjhe--1 x=%d,y=%d\n",x,y);
ScreenToClient(hWnd, &x, &y);


hjhe--2 x=176,y=58

hjhe--1 x=178,y=81




 * \param hWnd The handle to the window.
 * \param x The pointer to the x coordinate.
 * \param y The pointer to the y coordinate.
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI WindowToScreen (HWND hWnd, int* x, int* y);//converts the window coordinates of the specified point (*x,*y) in the specified window \a hWnd to the screen coordinates

 * \param hWnd The handle to the window.
 * \param x The pointer to the x coordinate.
 * \param y The pointer to the y coordinate.
MG_EXPORT void GUIAPI ScreenToWindow (HWND hWnd, int* x, int* y);//converts the screen coordinates of the specified point  (*x,*y) to the window coordinates of the specfied window \a hWnd
