No Matching Security Types

No Matching Security Types


You will receive this error when:

  1. You try to connect to a VNC® Server that has encryption set to 'always on' from a VNC Viewer that does not support encryption
  2. You are connecting from a VNC Viewer that has encryption set to 'always on' to a VNC Server that does not support encryption.


It is not possible to connect without encryption when using VNC software, so it is most likely that:

- You are using VNC Free Edition Viewer
- You are using a 3rd party VNC Viewer
- You are connecting to a VNC Free Edition Server
- You are connecting to a 3rd party VNC Server

You can check which version of VNC Viewer you are running by:

Windows: Selecting the 'About' box in the main VNC Viewer window.
Mac OS X: Selecting the 'About' box in the main VNC Viewer window.
Unix: The VNC Viewer will be displayed version when you run an instance of vncserver from a terminal.

You can download VNC here. VNC Server with both Enterprise and Personal licenses support encryption.

