
一、官网的说明:https://select2.github.io/examples.html(Version 4.0.0


change is fired whenever an option is selected or removed.

select2:open is fired whenever the dropdown is opened. select2:opening is fired before this and can be prevented.

select2:close is fired whenever the dropdown is closed. select2:closing is fired before this and can be prevented.

select2:select is fired whenever a result is selected. select2:selecting is fired before this and can be prevented.

select2:unselect is fired whenever a result is unselected. select2:unselecting is fired before this and can be prevented.




  1. var $eventLog= $(".js-event-log");
  2. var $eventSelect= $(".js-example-events");
  4. $eventSelect.on("select2:open",function(e){ log("select2:open", e);});
  5. $eventSelect.on("select2:close",function(e){ log("select2:close", e);});
  6. $eventSelect.on("select2:select",function(e){ log("select2:select", e);});
  7. $eventSelect.on("select2:unselect",function(e){ log("select2:unselect", e);});
  9. $eventSelect.on("change",function(e){ log("change");});






Js代码   收藏代码
  1. $("#xxx").on("select2-close"function (e) {  
  3. });  


原来是select2-close,中间的不是冒号,而是 - (横杠),修改后就能使用了

  伦理片 http://www.dotdy.com/


Js代码   收藏代码
  1. $("#genders").on("select2-close"function (e) {  
  2.     $(this).valid();  
  3. });  







Fired when selection is changed.

The event object contains the following custom properties:

valThe current selection (taking into account the result of the change) - id or array of ids.addedThe added element, if any - the full element object, not just the id.removedThe removed element, if any - the full element object, not just the id.


Fired before the dropdown is shown.

The event listener can prevent the opening by calling preventDefault() on the supplied event object.


Fired after the dropdown is shown.


Fired after the dropdown is closed.


Fired when a choice is highlighted in the dropdown.

The event object contains the following custom properties:

valThe id of the highlighted choice object.choiceThe highlighted choice object.


Fired when a choice is being selected in the dropdown, but before any modification has been made to the selection. This event is used to allow the user to reject selection by calling event.preventDefault()

The event object contains the following custom properties:

valThe id of the highlighted choice object.choiceThe choice object about to be selected.


Fired when a choice is being cleared in the dropdown, but before any modification has been made to the selection. This event is used to allow the user to reject the clear by calling event.preventDefault()

For the clear button to be visible the allowClear option needs to be true.

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Fired when a choice is about to be removed in the dropdown/input, but before any removal of the choice has been made. This event is used to allow the user to reject removal by calling event.preventDefault()

The event object contains the following custom properties:

valThe id of the removing choice object.choiceThe choice object about to be removed.


Fired when a choice is removed or cleared.

The event object contains the following custom properties:

valThe id of the highlighted choice object.choiceThe highlighted choice object.


Fired when query function is done loading the data and the results list has been updated

The event object contains the following custom properties:

itemsdata that was used to populate the results.


Fired when the control is focussed.


Fired when the control is blurred.

Example Code(针对目标元素为 div 例如:

  1. $("#e1").select2(); 
  2. $("#e1").click(function () { alert("Selected value is: "+$("#e1").select2("val"));}); // 获取选中的ID值
  3. $("#e1").click(function () { $("#e2").select2("val", "CA"); }); // id="CA" 选中(好像单个还不行,以数组形式才行)
  4. $("#el").click(function() { $("#e2").select2("val", ""); });  // 不选中任何值
  5. $("#e1").click(function () { var data = $("#e2").select2("data"); }); // 获取选中对象
  6. $("#e1").click(function () { $("#e2").select2("data", {id: "CA", text: "California"}); });
  7. $("#e1").click(function () { $("#e2").select2("open"); }); // 打开下拉框
  8. $("#e1").click(function () { $("#e2").select2("close"); }); // 关闭下拉框
  9. $("#e1").select2({placeholder: "Select a state"});  // 下拉框 提示
  10. $("#e1").click(function () { alert("Selected value is: "+$("#e2").select2("val"));}); // 获取选中的ID值
  11. $("#e1").click(function () { $("#e8_2").select2("val", ["CA","MA"]); });   // id="CA",id="MA" 选中
  12. $("#e12").click(function () { alert("Selected value is: "+JSON.stringify($("#e2").select2("data")));});// 获取选中JSON对象
  13. $("#e1").click(function () { $("#e2").select2("data", [{id: "CA", text: "California"},{id:"MA", text: "Massachusetts"}]); });

// 加载数据
placeholder: "Select report type",
allowClear: true,
data: [{id: 0, text: 'story'},{id: 1, text: 'bug'},{id: 2, text: 'task'}]
// 加载数组  支持多选
createSearchChoice:function(term, data) { if ($(data).filter(function() { return this.text.localeCompare(term)===0; }).length===0) {return {id:term, text:term};} },
multiple: true,
data: [{id: 0, text: 'story'},{id: 1, text: 'bug'},{id: 2, text: 'task'}]
function log(e) {
var e=$("
  • "+e+"
  • ");
    e.animate({opacity:1}, 10000, 'linear', function() { e.animate({opacity:0}, 2000, 'linear', function() {e.remove(); }); });
    // 对元素 进行事件注册
    .on("change", function(e) { log("change "+JSON.stringify({val:e.val, added:e.added, removed:e.removed})); })  // 改变事件
    .on("select2-opening", function() { log("opening"); })  // select2 打开中事件
    .on("select2-open", function() { log("open"); })     // select2 打开事件
    .on("select2-close", function() { log("close"); })  // select2 关闭事件
    .on("select2-highlight", function(e) { log ("highlighted val="+ e.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(e.choice));})  // 高亮
    .on("select2-selecting", function(e) { log ("selecting val="+ e.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(e.choice));})  // 选中事件
    .on("select2-removing", function(e) { log ("removing val="+ e.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(e.choice));})  // 移除中事件
    .on("select2-removed", function(e) { log ("removed val="+ e.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(e.choice));})  // 移除完毕事件
    .on("select2-loaded", function(e) { log ("loaded (data property omitted for brevity)");})  // 加载中事件
    .on("select2-focus", function(e) { log ("focus");})    //  获得焦点事件
    .on("select2-blur", function(e) { log ("blur");});     //  失去焦点事件
