The Mysterious Laboratory (7)

All of those seemed fascinating to me, since walking with dinosaurs has always been one of my dreams. Wondering about the gigantic pre-historical reptiles on my sides, the speed of my pounding heart accelerated. I looked at Dr. Mystery, and nodded at him, “I agreed,” I said. “So how should I use this machine and is it safe for me to have some interactions with dinosaurs?” “Don’t worry, it will be very safe for you. And the trip will be very easy, you just hop on that machine, and I will control the panel over there and there you go!” I chuckled to myself, "Why was I so lucky to have this first chance?"

I took a deep breath, walked into the white cube and sat on the chair. With Dr.Mystery's instructions, I put on the helmet, it was pretty light instead of extremely heavy as I expected. I wondered how a small helmet like this could take me to the Jurassic epoch? The grey head was busy working on a floating panel which had a plenty of strange buttons, the sound of clicking could be heard in the entire lab. "Perhaps they are used to control the machine.” I thought. But it seemed to be the sound of sharpening knives to those dinosaurs.

He made an “Ok” sign to me with his right hand, and waved good-bye. But I was too excited to reply. The machine which I was sitting in started spinning with an accelerating speed, in the first seconds, I even couldn’t discover the time flowing, all I could see was past images flashed in front of my eyes. I could see mom and dad, my classmates, my teachers and of course my friends including the girl I loved-Alice Malcom. I tried my best to grasp her beautiful figure but the speed of light was much faster, she disappeared in the river of time like a shrimp jumped into the Pacific Ocean.

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