Pocketflow 使用


由两个modules组成:Learner module 负责利用随机hyperparameters压缩并fine-tuning,optimizer module 负责依据随机参数对应的结果确定最佳的压缩参数。Learn module 遍历的hyperparameter来自于:

Name Description
ChannelPrunedLearner channel pruning with LASSO-based channel selection (He et al., 2017)
DisChnPrunedLearner discrimination-aware channel pruning (Zhuang et al., 2018)
WeightSparseLearner weight sparsification with dynamic pruning schedule (Zhu & Gupta, 2017)
UniformQuantLearner weight quantization with uniform reconstruction levels (Jacob et al., 2018)
UniformQuantTFLearner weight quantization with uniform reconstruction levels and TensorFlow APIs
NonUniformQuantLearner weight quantization with non-uniform reconstruction levels (Han et al., 2016)


optimizer module 的策略来自于

Gaussian Processes (GP, Mockus, 1975), Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE, Bergstra et al., 2013), and Deterministic Deep Policy Gradients (DDPG, Lillicrap et al., 2016) 以及当前hyperparameters的reward




配置文件 path.conf 说明数据集路径(.tfrecord)以及预训练模型的路径

首先安装 anaconda 和 tensorflow,注意python 版本不能高于3.6

一句话就可训练:./scripts/run_local.sh nets/resnet_at_cifar10_run.py


官方推荐  horovod docker ,因其支持多GPU分布

一句话训练:./scripts/run_docker.sh nets/resnet_at_cifar10_run.py




输出:*.tflite 文件

Step 1: 准备数据成TFRecord格式

Step 2: 根据上面的步骤训练或直接下载 .ckpt 模型 保存在 models

Step 3: 选择压缩方法 开始调优压缩后的模型 

./scripts/run_local.sh nets/resnet_at_ilsvrc12_run.py \ --learner dis-chn-pruned


Learner name Learner class Note
full-prec FullPrecLearner No model compression
channel ChannelPrunedLearner Channel pruning with LASSO-based channel selection (He et al., 2017)
dis-chn-pruned DisChnPrunedLearner Discrimination-aware channel pruning (Zhuang et al., 2018)
weight-sparse WeightSparseLearner Weight sparsification with dynamic pruning schedule (Zhu & Gupta, 2017)
uniform UniformQuantLearner Weight quantization with uniform reconstruction levels (Jacob et al., 2018)
uniform-tf UniformQuantTFLearner Weight quantization with uniform reconstruction levels and TensorFlow APIs
non-uniform NonUniformQuantLearner Weight quantization with non-uniform reconstruction levels (Han et al., 2016)


Step 3: 转化成 tflite 格式:

python tools/conversion/export_pb_tflite_models.py \ --model_dir models_dcp_eval

保存在 models_dcp_eval




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