
Grayscale histogram and threshold


Definition: Histogram is a pixel distribution function based on each gray level


set up the digitizing parameters

help to find an optimal threshold level (minimum of two peaks in the optimal for defining the boundary )

Binary Operation

fixed and adaptive threshold value

thresholding usually involves analyzing the histogram

an example of a threshold value is the mean intensity value

fixed threshold:

Isodata Algorithm


1. select and initial threshold \(t_{0}\)(mean intensity)

2. partition the image into two groups ( \(R_{1}\)  and \(R_{2}\)) using the \(t_{0}\)

3. calculate the mean intensity values \(u_{1}\)  and  \(u_{2}\) of the partition  \(R_{1}\)  and  \(R_{2}\)

4. select a new threshold : \(t_{1}=(u_{1}+u_{2})/2\)

5. repeat steps 2-4 until:\(t_{1}=t_{n}\)

OTSU algorithm



selecting the lowest point between two classed(peaks)

Frequency (probability)


Total variance = standard deviation * standard deviation


其中\( \omega_0 \omega_1\)分别为背景和前景像素数的概率,\( \mu_0 \mu_1\)分别为背景和前景像素灰度均值

the criterion function involves between-classed variance to the total variance is defined as:

all possible thresholds are evaluated in this way, and the one that maximizes is \(\eta\) chosen as the optimal threshold

Entropy Method(熵)

a threshold level t separates the whole information into two classes ,and the entropy associated with them is:

maximum value of \(H=H_{b}+H_{w}\)

Triangle algorithms

maximized distance \(d\) indicate the optimal threshold


Adaptive Thresholding

local (or regional threshold) 分割为 子图像二值化,寻找相邻子图灰度值的相关性,对整个图像进行调整

