AWR报告分析之三:cursor: pin S 的原理与案例分析

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在以下数据库的AWR报告中,可以看到超高的Cursor: Pin S等待,这是一个由于频繁执行SQL共享解析时产生的竞争。当一个会话尝试以共享模式(S - Share)来获得一个游标时,需要修改相应的Mutex结构的引用计数(reference count),或者增加该计数,或者减少。修改引用技术的原子操作很快(其实和Latch的获取释放类似),但是在频繁解析的情况下,仍然产生了竞争和等待,由此就产生了 cursor : pin S 的等待。


Mutex机制在Oracle 10g引入,用于替代Library cache pin操作,其性能更高,其原理为在每个Child Cursor上分配一个地址空间记录Mutex,当该Cursor被共享执行时,通过将该位进行加一处理来实现。虽然是指游标共享,但是更新Mutex结构的操作需要排他,当某一个SQL被频繁共享执行时,可能就会出现Pin S的等待。

每个Library Cache对象都有一个reference count (引用计数),用来表明有多少其他对象目前正保留一个对它的引用(reference).  对象A 想要引用对象B, A 就把B 的 reference count 加 1。 当A 结束了对B 的引用, A 就把 B 的reference count 减 1.   当没有任何对象再引用 B 时, B 的 reference count就减为0, B 就被清除(deallocated), 内存就被释放。清除B的时候, 被B所用的对象的 reference count 也可能减小, 也可能使它们被清除。

    select /*SQL 1*/ a from t_a where id=?

    select /*SQL 2*/ a from t_a where id=?


A session waits for "cursor: pin S" when it wants a specific mutex in S (share) mode on a specific cursor and there is no concurrent X holder but it could not acquire that mutex immediately. This may seem a little strange as one might question why there should be any form of wait to get a mutex which has no session holding it in an incompatible mode. The reason for the wait is that in order to acquire the mutex in S mode (or release it) the session has to increment (or decrement) the mutex reference count and this requires an exclusive atomic update to the mutex structure itself. If there are concurrent sessions trying to make such an update to the mutex then only one session can actually increment (or decrement) the reference count at a time. A wait on "cursor: pin S" thus occurs if a session cannot make that atomic change immediately due to other concurrent requests. Mutexes are local to the current instance in RAC environments.

以下是这个用户的AWR报告,Top 5事件:

AWR报告分析之三:cursor: pin S 的原理与案例分析_第1张图片

可以看到在SQL解析部分,前3条SQL的执行频率非常高(采样为60分钟间隔),这些频繁的SQL执行是产生Pin S的源头:

AWR报告分析之三:cursor: pin S 的原理与案例分析_第2张图片


select * from sw_PRODUCTS where ID=:ID

select * from sw_SERIES where ID=:ID

select f_sale_price from product_sale_price where f_product_id=:product_id and F_PRICE_BM='ECBJ'

典型的简单SQL反复执行,通过前面探讨的SQL改写方案将可以解决这里面临的Cursor: Pin S问题。



MOS:1310764.1 .

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