


今天在查看自己的hadoop web ui的时候,发现了如下的界面:



下面这句话引自《Hadoop权威指南》的chapter 6 中的Setting Up the Development EnvironmentManaging Configuration

The user identity that Hadoop uses for permissions in HDFS is determined by running the whoami command on the client system. Similarly, the group names are derived from the output of running groups.
If, however, your Hadoop user identity is different from the name of your user account on your client machine, you can explicitly set your Hadoop username by setting the HADOOP_USER_NAME environment variable. You can also override user group mappings by means of the hadoop.user.group.static.mapping.overrides configuration property. For example, dr.who=;preston=directors,inventors means that the dr.who user is in no groups, but preston is in the directors and inventors groups.
You can set the user identity that the Hadoop web interfaces run as by setting the hadoop.http.staticuser.user property. By default, it is dr.who, which is not a superuser, so system files are not accessible through the web interface.

By default, it is dr.who,which is not a superuser, so system files are not accessible through the web interface.
默认情况下,它是dr.who,这不是一个超级用户,所以通过web 界面,系统文件是不可以被访问的。
