Text-Guided Attention Model for Image Captioning

In our approach, we leverage a guidance captions as associated text language to steer visual attention. Our image captioning network is trained to minimize the following loss:

Text-Guided Attention Model for Image Captioning_第1张图片


2.相似的图片和描述are transformed to separate multi-dimensional feature vectors, 用来计算attention map

3.In the attention map, the regions relevant to the guidance caption are highlighted while irrelevant regions are suppressed. The decoder generates an output caption based on a weighted sum of the image feature vectors, where the weights are determined by the attention map.


Ground-truth caption是理想的guidance caption,但是测试的时候没法用,因此采用采样的方法获取guidance caption。相似的图片有共同的显著区域和描述。

计算 当前描述 和 其他所有描述的相似性 。用CIDEr做相似性函数。



通过VGG得到image features





表示第i个位置的区域特征,为每个区域特征计算权重(soft attention)

三个W分别是image feature, guidance caption feature, and their weighted sum的参数

然后计算context vector




Text-Guided Attention Model for Image Captioning_第2张图片




The word embedding and prediction layers share their weights to reduce the number of parameters.





训练时从得分最高的描述TOPN中随机选一个作为guidance caption,不选分数最高的,因为过拟合。


测试时使用k个候选guidance captions生成k个句子,然后对k个句子重新排序(与最近邻图像TOPN=60的CIDEr similarity)。k=10

beam search=2



1. VGGNet (VGG-FCN), which is fine-tuned on the MS-COCO dataset to predict image attributes,image feature maps are obtained from the last con- volutional layer. 10*10



2. we fix the parameters of two encoders, but train the text-guided attention model and the decoder from scratch


3. the dimensionalities of the word embedding space and the hidden state of LSTM are set to 512


mini-batch size of 80


dropouts with 0.5 are applied to the output layer of decoder


The learning rate starts from 0.0004 and after 10 epochs de- cays by the factor of 0.8 at every three epoch


4. 训练时如果每一步都从guidance caption中取词,测试时难以生成可靠的句子

每一步从guidance caption中随机取词
