如 果一个文件大小超过400m,小于500m,则分成5个.gz文件来压缩,如果这个是用Java平常的项目和apache的压缩工具api来弄,是一件非 常easy的事情,但是,需求一波三折,最终的最终要求是Spark计算完,结果落地的时候,把数据压缩好保存到hdfs中。恩,领导的想法总是对的,我 一向这样认为。需求定下来,剩下的事情就是实现了。
其实spark是支持结果压缩落地的,具体api是void org.apache.spark.api.java.AbstractJavaRDDLike.saveAsTextFile(String path,Class extends CompressionCodec> codec)
跟saveAsTextFile(String path)相比只是多了一个参数,这个参数就是指定压缩算法的。这里有个问题,就是压缩算法类必须是CompressionCodec接口的实现类Class extendsCompressionCodec>,那么就要看看CompressionCodec是什么以及有哪些实现类了。其实这里有个坑,如果不查看源代码的话,说不定你会一直在哪里问为什么,而且一直死循环。下面说说这个坑,说完了再说具体实现。先上图:
可 以看到这个接口在Hadoop和spark-core都有。但是具体用的是那个呢?毫无疑问,当然是用spark自带的了,但是如果真的这样想也不怪你, 因为自身带有的肯定是最好的,就好像帮亲不帮理一样。首先看看spark自身带的是什么形式的,直接上代码:想详细了解这个类的,可以从头看一遍,不想看 的可以直接略过代码,直接看我啰嗦几句,其实就是定义了一个叫CompressionCodec,然后在里面定义了一些实现类, 如:LZFCompressionCodec(conf: SparkConf) extends CompressionCodec,class LZ4CompressionCodec(conf: SparkConf) extends CompressionCodec,然后你会想:既然已经有了实现类了,那么我直接在maxCallRdd.saveAsTextFile(path, SnappyCompressionCodec.class)就完事收工了,嘻嘻,如果真的是这样,那我还写这篇东东干嘛,你会看到下面的情况:
看 到没,如果你使用spark-core自带的CompressionCodec的实现类是错误的,错误的,错误的。重要的事情说三遍,然后肯定会想打死 spark的开发人员,什么玩意啊,自己写的方法,居然不兼容自己的实现类。这个就是坑了,不知道是我说明还没到家还是怎么样,反正我觉得吧,你自己框架 的方法参数居然不是自己的实现类。找打是吧,也有一个可能是因为我是用java写的api,所以用的不是spark的实现类,因为我查了网上的很多文章都 是用spark的CompressionCodec 实现了,而且用的很欢,一点问题也没有。好,说完了坑了,说说怎么填吧,轻轻跳过下面的代码。
包名是package org.apache.spark.io
trait CompressionCodec {
def compressedOutputStream(s: OutputStream): OutputStream
def compressedInputStream(s: InputStream): InputStream
private[spark] object CompressionCodec {
private val configKey = "spark.io.compression.codec"
private[spark] def supportsConcatenationOfSerializedStreams(codec: CompressionCodec): Boolean = {
(codec.isInstanceOf[SnappyCompressionCodec] || codec.isInstanceOf[LZFCompressionCodec]
|| codec.isInstanceOf[LZ4CompressionCodec])
private val shortCompressionCodecNames = Map(
"lz4" -> classOf[LZ4CompressionCodec].getName,
"lzf" -> classOf[LZFCompressionCodec].getName,
"snappy" -> classOf[SnappyCompressionCodec].getName)
def getCodecName(conf: SparkConf): String = {
def createCodec(conf: SparkConf): CompressionCodec = {
createCodec(conf, getCodecName(conf))
def createCodec(conf: SparkConf, codecName: String): CompressionCodec = {
val codecClass = shortCompressionCodecNames.getOrElse(codecName.toLowerCase, codecName)
val codec = try {
val ctor = Utils.classForName(codecClass).getConstructor(classOf[SparkConf])
} catch {
case e: ClassNotFoundException => None
case e: IllegalArgumentException => None
codec.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Codec [$codecName] is not available. " +
s"Consider setting $configKey=$FALLBACK_COMPRESSION_CODEC"))
* Return the short version of the given codec name.
* If it is already a short name, just return it.
def getShortName(codecName: String): String = {
if (shortCompressionCodecNames.contains(codecName)) {
} else {
.collectFirst { case (k, v) if v == codecName => k }
.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No short name for codec $codecName.") }
val ALL_COMPRESSION_CODECS = shortCompressionCodecNames.values.toSeq
* :: DeveloperApi ::
* LZ4 implementation of [[org.apache.spark.io.CompressionCodec]].
* Block size can be configured by `spark.io.compression.lz4.blockSize`.
* Note: The wire protocol for this codec is not guaranteed to be compatible across versions
* of Spark. This is intended for use as an internal compression utility within a single Spark
* application.
class LZ4CompressionCodec(conf: SparkConf) extends CompressionCodec {
override def compressedOutputStream(s: OutputStream): OutputStream = {
val blockSize = conf.getSizeAsBytes("spark.io.compression.lz4.blockSize", "32k").toInt
new LZ4BlockOutputStream(s, blockSize)
override def compressedInputStream(s: InputStream): InputStream = new LZ4BlockInputStream(s)
* :: DeveloperApi ::
* LZF implementation of [[org.apache.spark.io.CompressionCodec]].
* Note: The wire protocol for this codec is not guaranteed to be compatible across versions
* of Spark. This is intended for use as an internal compression utility within a single Spark
* application.
class LZFCompressionCodec(conf: SparkConf) extends CompressionCodec {
override def compressedOutputStream(s: OutputStream): OutputStream = {
new LZFOutputStream(s).setFinishBlockOnFlush(true)
override def compressedInputStream(s: InputStream): InputStream = new LZFInputStream(s)
* :: DeveloperApi ::
* Snappy implementation of [[org.apache.spark.io.CompressionCodec]].
* Block size can be configured by `spark.io.compression.snappy.blockSize`.
* Note: The wire protocol for this codec is not guaranteed to be compatible across versions
* of Spark. This is intended for use as an internal compression utility within a single Spark
* application.
class SnappyCompressionCodec(conf: SparkConf) extends CompressionCodec {
val version = SnappyCompressionCodec.version
override def compressedOutputStream(s: OutputStream): OutputStream = {
val blockSize = conf.getSizeAsBytes("spark.io.compression.snappy.blockSize", "32k").toInt
new SnappyOutputStreamWrapper(new SnappyOutputStream(s, blockSize))
override def compressedInputStream(s: InputStream): InputStream = new SnappyInputStream(s)
* Object guards against memory leak bug in snappy-Java library:
* (https://github.com/xerial/snappy-java/issues/131).
* Before a new version of the library, we only call the method once and cache the result.
private final object SnappyCompressionCodec {
private lazy val version: String = try {
} catch {
case e: Error => throw new IllegalArgumentException(e)
* Wrapper over [[SnappyOutputStream]] which guards against write-after-close and double-close
* issues. See SPARK-7660 for more details. This wrapping can be removed if we upgrade to a version
* of snappy-java that contains the fix for https://github.com/xerial/snappy-java/issues/107.
private final class SnappyOutputStreamWrapper(os: SnappyOutputStream) extends OutputStream {
private[this] var closed: Boolean = false
override def write(b: Int): Unit = {
if (closed) {
throw new IOException("Stream is closed")
override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
if (closed) {
throw new IOException("Stream is closed")
override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
if (closed) {
throw new IOException("Stream is closed")
os.write(b, off, len)
override def flush(): Unit = {
if (closed) {
throw new IOException("Stream is closed")
override def close(): Unit = {
if (!closed) {
closed = true
public interface CompressionCodec
public abstract CompressionOutputStream createOutputStream(OutputStream outputstream)
throws IOException;
public abstract CompressionOutputStream createOutputStream(OutputStream outputstream, Compressor compressor)
throws IOException;
public abstract Class getCompressorType();
public abstract Compressor createCompressor();
public abstract CompressionInputStream createInputStream(InputStream inputstream)
throws IOException;
public abstract CompressionInputStream createInputStream(InputStream inputstream, Decompressor decompressor)
throws IOException;
public abstract Class getDecompressorType();
public abstract Decompressor createDecompressor();
public abstract String getDefaultExtension();
FileStatus[] listStatus = fileSystem.listStatus(new Path(path));
fileSystem.rename(fileStatus.getPath(), new Path(path+"/"+fileName));