hive3.0.0 新建orc表以便支持 delete 问题 及sql语句调优

说明:之前查了资料得到hive3.0 及以上版本是支持ACID的,但是在实际操作中并没有实现delete功能,为了节省时间之间将原来存储格式为textfile格式的内部表修改为存储格式为orcfile的orc表,经过实操,发现实现了delete功能,且性能提升一倍左右。


# 老思路 cst_bsc_inf_dplt 全量表 按客户ID分桶
create table if not exists cst_bsc_inf_dplt(
  cst_id string,
  ip_id string,
  rmrk_1 string)
  comment 'this is the custormer_bastic_information_copy view table'
  clustered by (cst_id) into 8 buckets
  row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe' with serdeproperties ('field.delim'='|@|')
  store as textfile tblproperties ('serialization.encoding'='utf-8');

# 新思路 将cst_bsc_inf_dplt建立成ORC表 按客户ID分桶 
create table if not exists cst_bsc_inf_dplt(
  cst_id string,
  ip_id string,
  rmrk_1 string)
  comment 'this is the custormer_bastic_information_copy view table'
  clustered by (cst_id) into 8 buckets
  store as orcfile tblproperties ('serialization.encoding'='utf-8','transactional'='true');

(老思路 textfile表:匹配全量表与增量表相同的cst_id,然后进行全表覆写  千万级别全量数据5.6G + 增量数据 2.5M(1100条左右)   7分钟)

use cst_lbl;
insert overwrite table cat_bsc_inf_dplt select * from cat_bsc_inf_dplt_mid union all(select a.* from cat_bsc_inf_dplt a left join cat_bsc_inf_dplt_mid b on 1=1 and a.cst_id=b.cst_id where b.cst_id is null);

(新思路 orc表:先查出增量表中的cst_id,全量表与之相同的cst_id整条数据删除;然后将增量表全部数据整体插入到增量表中。千万级别全量数据5.6G + 增量数据 2.5M(1100条左右)  3分钟)

use cst_lbl;
delete from cat_bsc_inf_dplt where cst_id in (select cst_id from cat_bsc_inf_dplt_mid);
insert into cat_bsc_inf_dplt select * from cat_bsc_inf_dplt_mid;

