select Username
from Customer
where Username like 'A%'
2.What is the average journey length, in seconds? (5)
select (sum (datediff(second, StartTime, EndTime))/ lenght.port)averjour from journey ,(
select sum (abs(convert (int, Journey.EndStation) –
convert(int, Journey.StartStation)))as port
from Journey
) as lenght group by lenght.port
3. List the stations on the Eastern line (excluding City),in outbound order. (5)
select Name
from Station
where Sequence !=0 and line=(
select Id
from line
where Name='Eastern')
order by Sequence ASC
4. On which day of the week (Monday, Tuesday etc.) are the most journeys made? (5)
top 1
COUNT (*) Number,bb.aa
select datename(DW, Journey.StartTime) as aa
from Journey
) as bb
group by bb.aa
order by Number DESC
5. List any stations at which no passenger has started or ended a journey. Show the station id and name. (10)
select Id,Name
from Station
where Id in(
select Id
from Station
select distinct Journey.StartStation
from Journey
select distinct Journey.EndStation
from Journey
6. List the details of each journey, along with its cost. (10)
7. List the station ids, along with the number of journeys that started or stopped at each station. (10)
select aa.Id Id,COUNT (*) Number
from Journey join (
select Id
from Station
group by Id
) as aa on Journey.StartStation = aa.Id
or Journey.EndStation = aa.Id
group by aa.Id
8. List the journeys that ended at the last station on the line.(the station with the highest sequence number for a line) (15)
select *
from Journey
where Journey.endStation = (select MAX(Id)
from Station
where line in(
select Id
from line
where Name='Northern'))
OR Journey.endStation = (select MAX(Id)
from Station
where line in(
select Id
from line
where Name='Western'))
OR Journey.endStation = (select MAX(Id)
from Station
where line in(
select Id
from line
where Name='Eastern'))
208Rows Returned
9. For each journey, show how many stations it passed through.(Count the end station but not the start station.) (15)
select Id,abs((EndStation-StartStation))number
from Journey
10. List the usernames of customers who have travelled on all lines. (20)
select Username
from Customer
where Id in(
select Customer
from Journey
where StartStation<=(select max(Id)
from Station
where line in(
select Id
from line
where Name='Northern')
)and EndStation>=(select min(Id)
from Station
where line in(
select Id
from line
where Name='Eastern'))