Docker Compose介绍
Docker Compose是Docker编排服务的最后一块,前面提到的Machine可以让用户在其它平台快速安装Docker,Swarm可以让Docker容器在集群中高效运转,而Compose可以让用户在集群中部署分布式应用
安装Docker Compose的三种方法:
sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo pip install docker-compose
pip uninstall docker-compose
$ sudo curl -L --fail -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
-f, --file FILE:指定使用的Compose文件,默认为docker-compose.yml,可以多次指定 -p, --project-name NAME:指定项目名称,默认将使用所在目录名称作为项目名 --x-networking:使用docker的可拔插网络后端特性,需要1.9及以上版本 --x-network-driver DRIVER:指定网络后端的驱动,默认为bridge,需要1.9及以上版本 --verbose:输出更多调试信息 -v, --version打印版本并退出
Usage: build [options] [--build-arg key=val...] [SERVICE...] Options: --compress Compress the build context using gzip. --force-rm Always remove intermediate containers. 删除构建过程中的临时容器 --no-cache Do not use cache when building the image. 构建镜像过程中不使用缓存 --pull Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image. 始终尝试通过拉取操作来获取更新版本的镜像 -m, --memory MEM Sets memory limit for the build container. --build-arg key=val Set build-time variables for services.
构建项目中的服务容器,服务容器一旦构建后,将会带上一个标记名,例如对于web项目中的一个db容器,可能是web_db。可以随时在项目目录下运行docker-compose build来重新构建服务
Usage: config [options] Options: --resolve-image-digests Pin image tags to digests. -q, --quiet Only validate the configuration, don't print anything. --services Print the service names, one per line. --volumes Print the volume names, one per line.
-q, --quiet:只验证不输出,当配置正确时,不输出任何信息,当配置错误时,输出错误信息
[root@OPS01-LINTEST02 composetest]# docker-compose config services: redis: image: redis:alpine web: build: context: /opt/composetest ports: - 5000:5000/tcp volumes: - /opt/composetest:/code:rw version: '3.0' [root@OPS01-LINTEST02 composetest]# docker-compose config -q [root@OPS01-LINTEST02 composetest]# docker-compose config --services web redis
Creates containers for a service. This command is deprecated. Use the `up` command with `--no-start` instead. Usage: create [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --force-recreate Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed. Incompatible with --no-recreate. --no-recreate If containers already exist, don't recreate them. Incompatible with --force-recreate. --no-build Don't build an image, even if it's missing. --build Build images before creating containers.
down:停止和删除容器、网络、卷、镜像,这些内容是通过docker-compose up命令创建的. 默认值删除 容器 网络,可以通过指定 rmi volumes参数删除镜像和卷
Usage: down [options] Options: --rmi type Remove images. Type must be one of: 'all': Remove all images used by any service. 'local': Remove only images that don't have a custom tag set by the `image` field. -v, --volumes Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers. --remove-orphans Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file -t, --timeout TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10)
[root@OPS01-LINTEST02 composetest]# docker-compose down Stopping composetest_web_1 ... done Stopping composetest_redis_1 ... done Removing composetest_web_1 ... done Removing composetest_redis_1 ... done Removing network composetest_default [root@OPS01-LINTEST02 composetest]# docker images # docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE composetest_web latest 531a43261c49 3 hours ago 92.7MB
[root@OPS01-LINTEST02 composetest]# docker-compose down --rmi all Stopping composetest_web_1 ... done Stopping composetest_redis_1 ... done Removing composetest_web_1 ... done Removing composetest_redis_1 ... done Removing network composetest_default Removing image composetest_web Removing image redis:alpine
event: 输出docker-compose 事件的日志,当执行docker-compose命令操作时,docker-compose event命令就会监控日志:
Usage: events [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --json Output events as a stream of json objects
exec:和docker exec命令功能相同,可以通过service name登陆到容器中
Usage: exec [options] [-e KEY=VAL...] SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...] Options: -d, --detach Detached mode: Run command in the background. 分离模式,后台运行命令 --privileged Give extended privileges to the process. 获取特权 -u, --user USER Run the command as this user. 指定运行的用户. -T Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `docker-compose exec` allocates a TTY. 禁用分配TTY. By default `docker-compose exec` 分配一个TTY. --index=index index of the container if there are multiple instances of a service [default: 1] 当一个服务拥有多个容器时,可通过该参数登陆到该服务下的任何服务,例如:docker-compose exec --index=1 web /bin/bash ,web服务中包含多个容器 -e, --env KEY=VAL Set environment variables (can be used multiple times, not supported in API < 1.25)
[root@OPS01-LINTEST02 composetest]# docker-compose config --services web redis [root@OPS01-LINTEST02 composetest]# docker-compose exec web sh /code # ls Dockerfile docker-compose.yml requirements.txt
kill:通过发送 SIGKILL 信号来强制停止服务容器。支持通过参数来指定发送的信号
Usage: kill [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -s SIGNAL SIGNAL to send to the container. Default signal is SIGKILL.
# docker-compose kill -s SIGKILL web Killing composetest_web_1 ... done # docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 98ddb468d67a composetest_web "python" 7 minutes ago Exited (137) 4 seconds ago composetest_web_1
Usage: logs [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --no-color Produce monochrome output. -f, --follow Follow log output -t, --timestamps Show timestamps 显示时间戳 --tail="all" Number of lines to show from the end of the logs for each container.
# docker-compose logs Attaching to composetest_web_1, composetest_redis_1 web_1 | * Serving Flask app "app" (lazy loading) web_1 | * Environment: production web_1 | WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment. web_1 | Use a production WSGI server instead. web_1 | * Debug mode: on web_1 | * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) web_1 | * Restarting with stat web_1 | * Debugger is active! web_1 | * Debugger PIN: 151-215-059 redis_1 | 1:C 27 Jun 06:47:25.385 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo redis_1 | 1:C 27 Jun 06:47:25.387 # Redis version=4.0.10, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started redis_1 | 1:C 27 Jun 06:47:25.387 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf redis_1 | 1:M 27 Jun 06:47:25.389 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379. redis_1 | 1:M 27 Jun 06:47:25.389 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128. redis_1 | 1:M 27 Jun 06:47:25.389 # Server initialized redis_1 | 1:M 27 Jun 06:47:25.389 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect. redis_1 | 1:M 27 Jun 06:47:25.389 * Ready to accept connections
Usage: pause [SERVICE...]
# docker-compose pause Pausing composetest_redis_1 ... done Pausing composetest_web_1 ... done
docker-compose pause 暂停所有服务
Usage: port [options] SERVICE PRIVATE_PORT Options: --protocol=proto tcp or udp [default: tcp] --index=index index of the container if there are multiple instances of a service [default: 1]
docker-compose port web 5000
sage: ps [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -q Only display IDs
# docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- composetest_redis_1 redis ... Paused 6379/tcp composetest_web_1 python Paused>5000/tcp
Usage: pull [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --ignore-pull-failures Pull what it can and ignores images with pull failures. 忽略pull失败的镜像,继续pull其他镜像. --parallel Deprecated, pull multiple images in parallel (enabled by default). --no-parallel Disable parallel pulling. -q, --quiet Pull without printing progress information --include-deps Also pull services declared as dependencies
Usage: restart [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -t, --timeout TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10)
Usage: rm [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -f, --force Don't ask to confirm removal 强制删除 -s, --stop Stop the containers, if required, before removing -v Remove any anonymous volumes attached to containers 删除挂载的数据卷
run [options] [-v VOLUME...] [-p PORT...] [-e KEY=VAL...] [-l KEY=VALUE...] SERVICE [COMMAND] [ARGS...] Options: -d, --detach 后台运行容器 --name NAME 为容器指定一个名字 --entrypoint CMD CMD 覆盖默认的容器启动指令 -e KEY=VAL 设置环境变量值,可以多次使用选项来设置多个环境变量 -l, --label KEY=VAL Add or override a label (can be used multiple times) -u, --user="" 执行容器运行的用户名或UID --no-deps 不自动启动关联的服务容器 --rm 运行命令后自动删除容器,d默认下将忽略 -p, --publish=[] 映射容器端口到本地主机 --service-ports 配置服务端口并映射到本地主机 --use-aliases Use the service's network aliases in the network(s) the container connects to. -v, --volume=[] Bind mount a volume (default []) -T 不分配伪TTY,意味着依赖tty的指令将无法运行 -w, --workdir="" Working directory inside the container
# docker-compose run web df -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/docker-253:1-33829585-e7823f93d92cd1917ac0d92d18af82bb437f68af6991a1f47d007a261cc0cd48 10.0G 133.8M 9.9G 1% / tmpfs 64.0M 0 64.0M 0% /dev tmpfs 1.8G 0 1.8G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/vda1 25.0G 15.3G 9.7G 61% /code /dev/vda1 25.0G 15.3G 9.7G 61% /etc/resolv.conf /dev/vda1 25.0G 15.3G 9.7G 61% /etc/hostname /dev/vda1 25.0G 15.3G 9.7G 61% /etc/hosts shm 64.0M 0 64.0M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 64.0M 0 64.0M 0% /proc/kcore tmpfs 64.0M 0 64.0M 0% /proc/keys tmpfs 64.0M 0 64.0M 0% /proc/timer_list tmpfs 64.0M 0 64.0M 0% /proc/timer_stats tmpfs 64.0M 0 64.0M 0% /proc/sched_debug tmpfs 1.8G 0 1.8G 0% /proc/scsi tmpfs 1.8G 0 1.8G 0% /sys/firmware
Usage: scale [SERVICE=NUM...]
docker-compose scale web=2 redis=2
Usage: start [SERVICE...]
stop:停止处于运行状态的容器服务,但不删除,可以通过docker-compose start再次启动
Usage: stop [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -t, --timeout TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds (default: 10).
Usage: top [SERVICE...]
[root@OPS01-LINTEST02 composetest]# docker-compose top composetest_redis_1 UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD --------------------------------------------------------------- 100 18915 18888 0 15:39 ? 00:00:00 redis-server composetest_web_1 UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- root 18909 18880 0 15:39 ? 00:00:00 python root 19015 18909 0 15:39 ? 00:00:03 /usr/local/bin/python
Usage: unpause [SERVICE...]
Usage: up [options] [--scale SERVICE=NUM...] [SERVICE...] Options: -d, --detach 后台运行服务容器 --no-color 不使用颜色来区分不同的服务的控制台输出 --quiet-pull Pull without printing progress information --no-deps 不启动服务所链接的容器 --force-recreate 强制重新创建容器,不能与--no-recreate同时使用 --always-recreate-deps Recreate dependent containers. Incompatible with --no-recreate. --no-recreate 如果容器已经存在,则不重新创建,不能与--force-recreate同时使用 them. Incompatible with --force-recreate and -V. --no-build 不自动构建缺失的服务镜像 --no-start 创建容器后不启动 --build Build images before starting containers. --abort-on-container-exit Stops all containers if any container was stopped. Incompatible with -d. -t, --timeout TIMEOUT 停止容器时候的超时时间,默认是10s -V, --renew-anon-volumes Recreate anonymous volumes instead of retrieving data from the previous containers. --remove-orphans Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file. --exit-code-from SERVICE Return the exit code of the selected service container. Implies --abort-on-container-exit. --scale SERVICE=NUM Scale SERVICE to NUM instances. Overrides the `scale` setting in the Compose file if present.
可以说,大部分的时候都可以直接通过该命令来启动一个项目。默认情况下,docker-compose up启动的容器都在前台,控制台打印所有容器的输出信息,可以方便进行调试。
使用-d选项,将后台运行所有容器。如果容器已经存在,则docker-compose up将尝试停止容器,然后重新创建(保持使用volumes-form挂载的卷),以保证新启动的服务匹配最新的docker-compose.yml文件
如果不希望容器被停止并重新创建,使用--no-recreate,这样只会启动处于停止状态的容器,而忽略已经运行的服务。如果用户想要重新部署某个服务,可以使用--no-deps -d