ArcGIS Server 创建站点:The server was unable to access the URL 'https://xxx:6443/arcgis/services'.

今天在ArcGIS Server10.7中创建站点时,遇到了如下的错误:

The server was unable to access the URL 'https://Machinaname:6443/arcgis/services'. Please check your firewall and security settings. For more information, see the ArcGIS Server help topic Ports used by ArcGIS Server. You can access this topic in the table of contents by navigating to Administering ArcGIS Server > Securing your ArcGIS Server site > Configuring a secure environment for ArcGIS Server.

ArcGIS Server 创建站点:The server was unable to access the URL 'https://xxx:6443/arcgis/services'._第1张图片



1)按住Shift并右键单击Internet Explorer图标,然后选择“以其他帐户运行”。输入运行ArcGIS Server的帐户。

2)进入Internet选项>高级 然后勾选 TLS 1.1和TLS 1.2(这些位于列表底部附近)

3)重新启动ArcGIS Server服务并尝试再次创建站点。


