今天介绍的WLS(最小二乘滤波器)即使其中一种,论文全称《Edge-Preserving Decompositions for Multi-Scale Tone and Detail Manipulation》,作者Z. Farbman等,发表在ACM SIGGRAPH 2007。
% Compute affinities between adjacent pixels based on gradients of L dy = diff(L, 1, 1); dy = -lambda./(abs(dy).^alpha + smallNum); dy = padarray(dy, [1 0], 'post'); dy = dy(:); dx = diff(L, 1, 2); dx = -lambda./(abs(dx).^alpha + smallNum); dx = padarray(dx, [0 1], 'post'); dx = dx(:);这一步基本上就是按照公式(4)(5)编写的,只是lambda前面多了一个负号,dx和dy一会儿将被填充到非主对角线位置,这些元素都是为负的。
接下来就是构造拉普拉斯矩阵了,这里的拉普拉斯是一个对称,只有少数几个对角线有元素,其余为零的稀疏矩阵。% Construct a five-point spatially inhomogeneous Laplacian matrix B(:,1) = dx; B(:,2) = dy; d = [-r,-1]; A = spdiags(B,d,k,k); e = dx; w = padarray(dx, r, 'pre'); w = w(1:end-r); s = dy; n = padarray(dy, 1, 'pre'); n = n(1:end-1); D = 1-(e+w+s+n); A = A + A' + spdiags(D, 0, k, k);这里A+A′构造的是拉普拉斯的非主对角线元素,D是主对角线元素。n,s,w,e是上(北)下(南)左(西)右(东)四个方位。
完整的代码如下:function OUT = wlsFilter(IN, lambda, alpha, L) %WLSFILTER Edge-preserving smoothing based on the weighted least squares(WLS) % optimization framework, as described in Farbman, Fattal, Lischinski, and % Szeliski, "Edge-Preserving Decompositions for Multi-Scale Tone and Detail % Manipulation", ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), August 2008. % % Given an input image IN, we seek a new image OUT, which, on the one hand, % is as close as possible to IN, and, at the same time, is as smooth as % possible everywhere, except across significant gradients in L. % % % Input arguments: % ---------------- % IN Input image (2-D, double, N-by-M matrix). % % lambda Balances between the data term and the smoothness % term. Increasing lambda will produce smoother images. % Default value is 1.0 % % alpha Gives a degree of control over the affinities by non- % lineary scaling the gradients. Increasing alpha will % result in sharper preserved edges. Default value: 1.2 % % L Source image for the affinity matrix. Same dimensions % as the input image IN. Default: log(IN) % % % Example % ------- % RGB = imread('peppers.png'); % I = double(rgb2gray(RGB)); % I = I./max(I(:)); % res = wlsFilter(I, 0.5); % figure, imshow(I), figure, imshow(res) % res = wlsFilter(I, 2, 2); % figure, imshow(res) if(~exist('L', 'var')), L = log(IN+eps); end if(~exist('alpha', 'var')), alpha = 1.2; end if(~exist('lambda', 'var')), lambda = 1; end smallNum = 0.0001; [r,c] = size(IN); k = r*c; % Compute affinities between adjacent pixels based on gradients of L dy = diff(L, 1, 1); dy = -lambda./(abs(dy).^alpha + smallNum); dy = padarray(dy, [1 0], 'post'); dy = dy(:); %公式(5) dx = diff(L, 1, 2); dx = -lambda./(abs(dx).^alpha + smallNum); dx = padarray(dx, [0 1], 'post'); dx = dx(:); %公式(4) % Construct a five-point spatially inhomogeneous Laplacian matrix B(:,1) = dx; B(:,2) = dy; d = [-r,-1]; A = spdiags(B,d,k,k); %构造主对角线 e = dx; w = padarray(dx, r, 'pre'); w = w(1:end-r); s = dy; n = padarray(dy, 1, 'pre'); n = n(1:end-1); D = 1-(e+w+s+n); %再加上单位矩阵,这里元素都为负数,先取反 A = A + A' + spdiags(D, 0, k, k); %A+A'为非主对角线元素 % Solve OUT = A\IN(:); %公式(3) OUT = reshape(OUT, r, c);%转换为矩阵算法介绍完毕,关于其应用可以参考论文的主页,见末尾。
第一项是数据项,度量 x 与输入向量 y 的差异,第二项是平滑项,度量每一个变量 xi 与其所在局部窗口中的邻近像素 xj,j∈Ni 的差异,相对于 Zij 。一般情况下这个局部窗口我们取当前像素点的四邻域或者八邻域。 ui 和 wij 都是一些权重信息,与所研究的问题相关,都是非负的。当 ui 和 wij 是常数时候,这个问题就是空间同性拉普拉斯,否则就是空间异性拉普拉斯问题了。
FARBMAN, Z., FATTAL, R., LISCHINSKI, D., AND SZELISKI, R. 2008. Edge-preserving decompositions for multi-scale tone and detail manipulation. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 27, 3 (August).
Krishnan D, Fattal R, Szeliski R. 2013. Efficient preconditioning of laplacian matrices for computer graphics[J]. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 32,4转载请保留以下信息
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风吹夏天 | 2015年9月21日 | [email protected] |