

用法 1: A注解有属性a,b ,用上@AliasFor 这个注解,设置a或者b的其中一个值的时候,另一个属性值也会相等

//@ContextConfiguration(value = "aa.xml", locations = "aa.xml") // 会报错
@ContextConfiguration(value = "aa.xml") // 不会报错
public class AnnotationUtilsTest {

     * 用法 1 A注解有属性a,b ,用上@AliasFor 这个注解,设置a或者b的其中一个值的时候,另一个属性值也会相等
     * @spring典型 注解 例子 @RequestMapping
     * @Title testAliasFor1
     * @author 于国帅
     * @date 2019年3月5日 下午2:22:12 void
    public void testAliasFor1() {
        ContextConfiguration contextConfiguration = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(getClass(), ContextConfiguration.class);
        System.err.println(StringUtils.join(contextConfiguration.value())); //aa.xml
        System.err.println(StringUtils.join(contextConfiguration.locations())); //aa.xml




	static  A synthesizeAnnotation(A annotation, @Nullable Object annotatedElement) {
	    //判断是否是 SynthesizedAnnotation的实例 或者是java和spring工具类自定义的注解
		if (annotation instanceof SynthesizedAnnotation || hasPlainJavaAnnotationsOnly(annotatedElement)) {
			return annotation;
		//返回此注释的注释类型。 即注解.class
		Class annotationType = annotation.annotationType();
		//不是通过@AliasFor 注释修饰的 
		if (!isSynthesizable(annotationType)) {
			return annotation;
		//通过@AliasFor 修饰的  返回一个 动态代理的对象
		DefaultAnnotationAttributeExtractor attributeExtractor =
				new DefaultAnnotationAttributeExtractor(annotation, annotatedElement);
		InvocationHandler handler = new SynthesizedAnnotationInvocationHandler(attributeExtractor);

		// Can always expose Spring's SynthesizedAnnotation marker since we explicitly check for a
		// synthesizable annotation before (which needs to declare @AliasFor from the same package)
		Class[] exposedInterfaces = new Class[] {annotationType, SynthesizedAnnotation.class};
		return (A) Proxy.newProxyInstance(annotation.getClass().getClassLoader(), exposedInterfaces, handler);




从 AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(getClass(), ContextConfiguration.class);开始

	public static  A findAnnotation(Class clazz, Class annotationType) {
		return findAnnotation(clazz, annotationType, true); //默认查询出来的Annotation放到缓存里面去

findAnnotation(clazz, annotationType, true);

	private static  A findAnnotation(
			Class clazz, @Nullable Class annotationType, boolean synthesize) {
	    //Class 不能够为null
		Assert.notNull(clazz, "Class must not be null");
		if (annotationType == null) {
			return null;
		//调用内部类  AnnotationCacheKey  放到缓存里面去
		AnnotationCacheKey cacheKey = new AnnotationCacheKey(clazz, annotationType);
		//通过内部类生成cacheKey 先从缓存里面获取,第一次肯定没有
		A result = (A) findAnnotationCache.get(cacheKey);
		if (result == null) {
		    //缓存里面没有 那么从类上获取注解
			result = findAnnotation(clazz, annotationType, new HashSet<>());
			//如果查找到了,并且synthesize(缓存标志位) 为true  那么放到缓存里面去
			if (result != null && synthesize) {
				result = synthesizeAnnotation(result, clazz);
				findAnnotationCache.put(cacheKey, result);
		return result;

findAnnotation(Class clazz, Class annotationType, Set visited)

	private static  A findAnnotation(Class clazz, Class annotationType, Set visited) {
		try {
		    //如果这样的注释 直接存在 ,则返回指定类型的元素注释,否则返回null。 
			A annotation = clazz.getDeclaredAnnotation(annotationType);
			if (annotation != null) {
				return annotation;
			for (Annotation declaredAnn : getDeclaredAnnotations(clazz)) {
				Class declaredType = declaredAnn.annotationType();
				//不是java.lang 包下的注解  就添加到这个set里面去
				if (!isInJavaLangAnnotationPackage(declaredType) && visited.add(declaredAnn)) {
					annotation = findAnnotation(declaredType, annotationType, visited);
					if (annotation != null) {
						return annotation;
		catch (Throwable ex) {
		    // 如果ex是AnnotationConfigurationException的实例   包装成AnnotationConfigurationException  重新抛出,其他的则打印日志
			handleIntrospectionFailure(clazz, ex);
			return null;
		//类/字段/方法/构造函数从getDeclaredAnnotations都找不到的时候 从接口中查找
		for (Class ifc : clazz.getInterfaces()) {
			A annotation = findAnnotation(ifc, annotationType, visited);
			if (annotation != null) {
				return annotation;
		//接口差找不到的时候  从 父类上继续走这个步骤 ,直到找到或者 为顶级父类
		Class superclass = clazz.getSuperclass();
		if (superclass == null || superclass == Object.class) {
			return null;
		return findAnnotation(superclass, annotationType, visited);

getDeclaredAnnotations(AnnotatedElement element)

	static Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations(AnnotatedElement element) {
		if (element instanceof Class || element instanceof Member) {
			// Class/Field/Method/Constructor returns a defensively cloned array from getDeclaredAnnotations.
			// Since we use our result for internal iteration purposes only, it's safe to use a shared copy.
			return declaredAnnotationsCache.computeIfAbsent(element, AnnotatedElement::getDeclaredAnnotations);
		// 如果这样的注释 直接存在 ,则返回指定类型的元素注释,否则返回null。 
		return element.getDeclaredAnnotations();
