IDEA:There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the

IDEA There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the Refresh button!

初次使用使用IDEA搭建web application,习惯性的右键jsp页面在选择浏览器浏览,以为会想VS一样自动启动,结果提示

IDEA:There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the_第1张图片



IDEA:There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the_第2张图片

 选择Edit Configurations,会弹出配置页

IDEA:There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the_第3张图片

 左侧在Default中,有很多服务配置可以选,这里选择Tomcat Server.Local

IDEA:There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the_第4张图片


IDEA:There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the_第5张图片






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IDEA:There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the_第6张图片IDEA:There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the_第7张图片

