javascript调用jenkins rest api来创建job

jenkins提供了好多rest api供我们调用,这里简单介绍下用javascript调用jenkins api创建一个job,声明下只是单纯创建一个job,什么配置也没有.

首先看jenkins create job rest api用法介绍:

Create Job

To create a new job, post config.xml to this URL with query parameter name=JOBNAME. You need to send a Content-Type: application/xml header. You will get a 200 status code if the creation is successful, or 4xx/5xx code if it fails. config.xml is the format Jenkins uses to store the project in the file system, so you can see examples of them in the Jenkins home directory, or by retrieving the XML configuration of existing jobs from /job/JOBNAME/config.xml.

所以ajax post内容如下:

	url: http://localhost:8080/createItem?name=tast1,
	type: post,
	dataType: 'json',
	data: 'falsetruefalsefalsefalsefalse'

其中data就是创建一个job需要的xml文件内容,这里创建一个job名字为test1,关于这个xml文件内容怎么获取的,本人采取的方法是先手动创建一个job,   通过如下地址可打开其xml,
域名地址 /job/JOBNAME/config.xml 
