guava 19.0
@GwtCompatible(emulated = true)
public final class Lists {
private Lists() {}
* 创建一个空元素的ArrayList
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true)
public static ArrayList newArrayList() {
return new ArrayList();
* 创建一个含有指定元素的ArrayList
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true)
public static ArrayList newArrayList(E... elements) {
checkNotNull(elements); // for GWT
// Avoid integer overflow when a large array is passed in
int capacity = computeArrayListCapacity(elements.length);
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(capacity);
Collections.addAll(list, elements);
return list;
static int computeArrayListCapacity(int arraySize) {
checkNonnegative(arraySize, "arraySize");
// TODO(kevinb): Figure out the right behavior, and document it
return Ints.saturatedCast(5L + arraySize + (arraySize / 10));
* 创建一个新ArrayList, 并将Iterable初始化到这个新集合
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true)
public static ArrayList newArrayList(Iterable extends E> elements) {
checkNotNull(elements); // for GWT
// Let ArrayList's sizing logic work, if possible
return (elements instanceof Collection)
? new ArrayList(Collections2.cast(elements))
: newArrayList(elements.iterator());
* 创建一个新的ArrayList,并将Iterator初始化到这个新集合
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true)
public static ArrayList newArrayList(Iterator extends E> elements) {
ArrayList list = newArrayList();
Iterators.addAll(list, elements);
return list;
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true)
public static ArrayList newArrayListWithCapacity(int initialArraySize) {
checkNonnegative(initialArraySize, "initialArraySize"); // for GWT.
return new ArrayList(initialArraySize);
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true)
public static ArrayList newArrayListWithExpectedSize(int estimatedSize) {
return new ArrayList(computeArrayListCapacity(estimatedSize));
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true)
public static LinkedList newLinkedList() {
return new LinkedList();
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true)
public static LinkedList newLinkedList(Iterable extends E> elements) {
LinkedList list = newLinkedList();
Iterables.addAll(list, elements);
return list;
* 创建一个空的CopyOnWriteArrayList
public static CopyOnWriteArrayList newCopyOnWriteArrayList() {
return new CopyOnWriteArrayList();
public static CopyOnWriteArrayList newCopyOnWriteArrayList(
Iterable extends E> elements) {
// We copy elements to an ArrayList first, rather than incurring the
// quadratic cost of adding them to the COWAL directly.
Collection extends E> elementsCollection =
(elements instanceof Collection)
? Collections2.cast(elements)
: newArrayList(elements);
return new CopyOnWriteArrayList(elementsCollection);
* 创建一个不可变的OnePlusArrayList,且包含指定的第一个元素
public static List asList(@Nullable E first, E[] rest) {
return new OnePlusArrayList(first, rest);
/** @see Lists#asList(Object, Object[]) */
private static class OnePlusArrayList extends AbstractList
implements Serializable, RandomAccess {
final E first;
final E[] rest;
OnePlusArrayList(@Nullable E first, E[] rest) {
this.first = first; = checkNotNull(rest);
public int size() {
return rest.length + 1;
public E get(int index) {
// check explicitly so the IOOBE will have the right message
checkElementIndex(index, size());
return (index == 0) ? first : rest[index - 1];
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public static List asList(@Nullable E first, @Nullable E second, E[] rest) {
return new TwoPlusArrayList(first, second, rest);
/** @see Lists#asList(Object, Object, Object[]) */
private static class TwoPlusArrayList extends AbstractList
implements Serializable, RandomAccess {
final E first;
final E second;
final E[] rest;
TwoPlusArrayList(@Nullable E first, @Nullable E second, E[] rest) {
this.first = first;
this.second = second; = checkNotNull(rest);
public int size() {
return rest.length + 2;
public E get(int index) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
return first;
case 1:
return second;
// check explicitly so the IOOBE will have the right message
checkElementIndex(index, size());
return rest[index - 2];
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
* 创建一个CartesianList,包含lists中元素的笛卡尔积
public static List> cartesianProduct(List extends List extends B>> lists) {
return CartesianList.create(lists);
public static List> cartesianProduct(List extends B>... lists) {
return cartesianProduct(Arrays.asList(lists));
* 创建一个List,原fromList中的每个元素应用function进行处理
public static List transform(
List fromList, Function super F, ? extends T> function) {
return (fromList instanceof RandomAccess)
? new TransformingRandomAccessList(fromList, function)
: new TransformingSequentialList(fromList, function);
* Implementation of a sequential transforming list.
* @see Lists#transform
private static class TransformingSequentialList extends AbstractSequentialList
implements Serializable {
final List fromList;
final Function super F, ? extends T> function;
TransformingSequentialList(List fromList, Function super F, ? extends T> function) {
this.fromList = checkNotNull(fromList);
this.function = checkNotNull(function);
* The default implementation inherited is based on iteration and removal of
* each element which can be overkill. That's why we forward this call
* directly to the backing list.
public void clear() {
public int size() {
return fromList.size();
public ListIterator listIterator(final int index) {
return new TransformedListIterator(fromList.listIterator(index)) {
T transform(F from) {
return function.apply(from);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
* Implementation of a transforming random access list. We try to make as many
* of these methods pass-through to the source list as possible so that the
* performance characteristics of the source list and transformed list are
* similar.
* @see Lists#transform
private static class TransformingRandomAccessList extends AbstractList
implements RandomAccess, Serializable {
final List fromList;
final Function super F, ? extends T> function;
TransformingRandomAccessList(List fromList, Function super F, ? extends T> function) {
this.fromList = checkNotNull(fromList);
this.function = checkNotNull(function);
public void clear() {
public T get(int index) {
return function.apply(fromList.get(index));
public Iterator iterator() {
return listIterator();
public ListIterator listIterator(int index) {
return new TransformedListIterator(fromList.listIterator(index)) {
T transform(F from) {
return function.apply(from);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return fromList.isEmpty();
public T remove(int index) {
return function.apply(fromList.remove(index));
public int size() {
return fromList.size();
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
* 返回连续的subList,元素个数由size控制
public static List> partition(List list, int size) {
checkArgument(size > 0);
return (list instanceof RandomAccess)
? new RandomAccessPartition(list, size)
: new Partition(list, size);