


 1 package Main;
 4 import java.util.Scanner;
 6 import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
 7 import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.IsindexAction;
 9 /*队列操作*/
10 public class Main{
11     public Object[] quequeelem;
12     public int front;
13     public int rear;
14     public int maxsize;
15     //初始化
16     public Main(int n)
17     {
18         front = 0;
19         rear = 0;
20         maxsize = n;
21         quequeelem = new Object[n];
22     }
23     //清空队列
24     public void clear()
25     {
26         rear = front = 0;
27     }
28     //判断队列是否为空
29     public boolean isEmpty()
30     {
31         if(rear == 0)
32             return true;
33         return false;
34     }
35     //返回队列长度
36     public int length()
37     {
38         return rear-front;
39     }
40     //将数据元素x插入到队列中成为队尾元素
41     //入队
42     public void insert(Object x) throws Exception
43     {
44         if(rear == maxsize)
45         {
46             throw new Exception("the queue is full!");
47         }
48         quequeelem[rear] = x;
49         rear++;
50     }
51     //出队
52     public Object poll() throws Exception
53     {
54         if(rear == front)
55             throw new Exception("the queue is empty!");
56         Object xObject = quequeelem[front];
57         front++;
58         return xObject;
59     }
60     public void print()
61     {
62         if(!isEmpty())
63         for(int i=front;i)
64         {
65             System.out.print(quequeelem[i]+" ");
66         }
67         else {
68             System.out.println("the queue is empty!");
69         }
70         System.out.println();
71     }
72         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
73             int sum,content;
74             Scanner aScanner = new Scanner(System.in);
75             System.out.println("please input the max_number of the queue");
76             sum = aScanner.nextInt();
77             Main aMain = new Main(sum);
78             for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
79             {
80                 content = aScanner.nextInt();
81                 aMain.insert(content);
82             }
83             aMain.print();
84             aMain.poll();
85             aMain.print();
87         }
88 }






  同时此处的队满判定条件为front = (rear+1)%maxsize;


 1 package Main;
 4 import java.util.Scanner;
 6 /*队列操作*/
 7 public class Main{
 8     public Object[] quequeelem;
 9     public int front;
10     public int rear;
11     public int maxsize;
12     //初始化
13     public Main(int n)
14     {
15         front = 0;
16         rear = 0;
17         maxsize = n;
18         quequeelem = new Object[n];
19     }
20     //清空队列
21     public void clear()
22     {
23         rear = front = 0;
24     }
25     //判断队列是否为空
26     public boolean isEmpty()
27     {
28         if(rear == front)
29             return true;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
30         return false;
31     }
32     //返回队列长度
33     public int length()
34     {
35         return (rear-front+maxsize)%maxsize;
36     }
37     //将数据元素x插入到队列中成为队尾元素
38     //入队
39     public void insert(Object x) throws Exception
40     {
41         if((rear+1)%maxsize == front)
42         {
43             throw new Exception("the queue is full!");
44         }
45         quequeelem[rear] = x;
46         rear = (rear+1)%maxsize;
47     }
48     //出队
49     public Object poll() throws Exception
50     {
51         if(rear == front)
52             throw new Exception("the queue is empty!");
53         Object xObject = quequeelem[front];
54         front = (front + 1)%maxsize; 
55         return xObject;
56     }
57     public void print()
58     {
59         if(!isEmpty())
60         for(int i=front;imaxsize)
61         {
62             System.out.print(quequeelem[i]+" ");
63         }
64         else {
65             System.out.println("the queue is empty!");
66         }
67         System.out.println();
68     }
69         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
70             int sum,content;
71             Scanner aScanner = new Scanner(System.in);
72             System.out.println("please input the max_number of the queue");
73             sum = aScanner.nextInt();
74             Main aMain = new Main(sum);
75             for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
76             {
77                 content = aScanner.nextInt();
78                 aMain.insert(content);
79             }
80             aMain.print();
81             aMain.poll();
82             aMain.print();
84         }
85 }






  1 package Main;
  4 import java.util.Scanner;
  6 /*优先级队列操作
  7  * 链式队列结构*/
  8 public class Main{
  9     //自定义结点类
 10     class Node{
 11         public int priority;                       //结点优先级
 12         public Node next;                          //指针域
 13         public Object xObject;                     //数据域
 14         public Node(Object xObject, int priority)
 15         {
 16             this.priority = priority;
 17             this.xObject = xObject;
 18         }
 19     }
 20     public Node front;
 21     public Node rear;
 23     //清空队列
 24     public void clear()
 25     {
 26        front = rear = null;
 27     }
 28     //判断队列是否为空
 29     public boolean isEmpty()
 30     {
 31        return front==null;
 32     }
 33     //返回队列长度
 34     public int length()
 35     {
 36         Node aNode = front;
 37         int length = 0;
 38         while(aNode!=null)
 39         {
 40             aNode = aNode.next;
 41             length++;
 42         }
 43         return length;
 44     }
 45     //将数据元素x插入到队列中成为队尾元素
 46     //入队
 47     public void insert(Object x,int priority) throws Exception
 48     {
 49        Node aNode = new Node(x, priority);
 50        if(!isEmpty())
 51        {
 52            Node pNode = front;
 53            Node qNode = front;
 54            //找到插入位置
 55            while(pNode!=null&&pNode.priority<=aNode.priority)
 56            {
 57                qNode = pNode;
 58                pNode = pNode.next;
 59            }
 60            if(pNode==null)                  //插入位置在队尾
 61            {
 62                rear.next = aNode;
 63                rear = aNode;
 64            }else if (pNode == front) {      //插入位置在队首
 65                aNode.next = front;
 66                front = aNode;
 67             }else {                        //插入位置在队中
 68                 qNode.next = aNode;
 69                 aNode.next = pNode;
 70             }
 71        }else {                             //队列为空
 72            front = rear = aNode;
 73        }
 74     }
 75     //出队
 76     public Object poll() throws Exception
 77     {
 78         if(front==null)
 79             return null;
 80         Node aNode = front;
 81         front  =front.next;
 82         if(aNode==rear)
 83         {
 84             rear = null;
 85         }
 86         return aNode.xObject;
 88     }
 89     //打印队列内容
 90     public void print()
 91     {
 92         Node aNode = front;
 93         if(!isEmpty())
 94         {
 95             while(aNode!=null)
 96             {
 97                 System.out.println(aNode.xObject+" "+aNode.priority);
 98                 aNode = aNode.next;
 99             }
100         }else {
101             System.out.println("the queue is empty!");
102         }
104     }
105      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
106          Main aMain = new Main();
107          aMain.insert(1,20);
108          aMain.insert(2,30);
109          aMain.insert(3,10);
110          aMain.insert(4,50);
111          System.out.println("the sequence of the process services is :");
112          aMain.print();
113          aMain.poll();
114          System.out.println("After one sequence out of the team:");
115          aMain.print();
116     }
117 }

