latex beamer技巧

\section{Related work(LSH)} %开始一页ppt \begin{frame}{Related work}{} \partitle{Locality-Sensitive Hashing, LSH} \\ \vspace{1ex} \qquad LSH reduces the dimensionality of \alert{high-dimensional data}. LSH hashes input items so that similar items map to the same “buckets” with high probability. \footnote{Locality-Sensitive Hashing, LSH. Wikipedia} \vspace{2ex} %插入图片 \begin{figure}[H] \includegraphics[width=6cm,height=3cm]{2} \hspace{3ex} \includegraphics[width=4cm,height=3cm]{3} \end{figure} \end{frame}


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%主题:AnnArbor Antibes Bergen Berkeley Berlin Boadilla boxes CambridgeUS Copenhagen Darmstadt default Dresden Frankfurt Goettingen Hannover Ilmenau JuanLesPinsLuebeck Madrid Malmoe Marburg Montpellier PaloAlto Pittsburgh Rochester Singapore Szeged Warsaw
%颜色:albatross beaver beetle crane default dolphin dove fly lily orchid rose seagull seahorse sidebartab structure whale wolverine

    \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.333333\paperwidth,ht=2.5ex,dp=1.125ex,center]{author in head/foot} Shan Yiran %
    \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.333333\paperwidth,ht=2.5ex,dp=1.125ex,center]{subsection in head/foot} Group\_meeting %
    \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.333333\paperwidth,ht=2.5ex,dp=1.125ex,center]{time in head/foot}
        \usebeamerfont{date in head/foot}\insertshortdate{}\hspace*{2em}
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    \title{Graph Neural Networks}
    \subtitle {A review of Methods and Applications}
    \author{Shan Yiran}
    \institute {BNRIST Bioinformatics Division\\ Department of Automation \\Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China
    \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}



\frametitle{Frame title}
\begin{block}{Observation 1}
    Simmons Hall is composed of metal and concrete.
\begin{exampleblock}{Observation 2}
    Simmons Dormitory is composed of brick.
    Simmons Hall $\not=$ Simmons Dormitory.


\frametitle{Frame title}
\begin{block}{Observation 1}
    Simmons Hall is composed of metal and concrete.
\begin{exampleblock}{Observation 2}
    Simmons Dormitory is composed of brick.
    Simmons Hall $\not=$ Simmons Dormitory.


\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[]

\AtBeginSection[] {

\section{The fundamental computing problem}

\begin{frame}{The fundamental computing problem}{}

\partitle{The query of High dimension data} \\ \vspace{1ex}

\qquad  \alert{Large-scale} and \alert{high dimension data} attracts more and more attention.


The specific application:

    \item Duplicate checking
    \item Identifying similar images in a database
    \item Identifying similar documentson the web
    \item Image retrieval 
    \item Music retrieval
    \item Fingerprint matching 



\section{Related work(LSH)}

\begin{frame}{Related work}{}

\partitle{Locality-Sensitive Hashing, LSH} \\ \vspace{1ex}

\qquad  LSH reduces the dimensionality of \alert{high-dimensional data}. LSH hashes input items so that similar items map to the same “buckets” with high probability. \footnote{Locality-Sensitive Hashing, LSH. Wikipedia}



\section{The fly algorithm }

\begin{frame}{The fly algorithm}{based on the fly olfactory circuit}

\partitle{The fly algorithm principle} \\ \vspace{1ex}

\qquad  The fly circuit assigns
\alert{similar neural activity patterns} to similar odors, so that behaviors learned from one odor can
be applied when a similar odor is experienced.



\section{Differences between Fly \& LSH}

\begin{frame}{Differences between Fly \& LSH}{}

\partitle{The fly algorithm principle} \\ \vspace{1ex}

    \item Sparse, binary random projections VS Dense,
    Gaussian random projections
    \item Expands the dimensionality VS Reduces
    the dimensionality
    \item The higher-dimensionality representation
    VS A dense representation.




\partitle{Overall comparison between the fly algorithm and LSH.} \\ \vspace{1ex}

\partitle{Conclussion: AI already has olfactory systems...}


        \bf \Huge  Thanks!
    \end{center} }

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latex beamer技巧_第1张图片





\frametitle{Frame title}
\begin{block}{Observation 1}
    Simmons Hall is composed of metal and concrete.
\begin{exampleblock}{Observation 2}
    Simmons Dormitory is composed of brick.
    Simmons Hall $\not=$ Simmons Dormitory.
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latex beamer技巧_第2张图片



    \item haha
    \textbf{PGF}: dd
    \textbf{TikZ}: dd
    \item dd: dd(dd、2-dd-dd)
    \item dd:dd
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 latex beamer技巧_第3张图片



\begin{frame}[t]{Main Title}{Subtitle}
        blah, blah, blah...
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latex beamer技巧_第4张图片


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